๐ Norway grants for companies โ open calls
June 29, 2021
Innovation Norway, as Fund Operator, launched on 11 May 2021 the second call under the “SMEs Growth Romania” Program. The program funds initiatives to increase competitiveness and profitability of Romanian enterprises, with an emphasis on innovation in the field of services and technological processes.
Call budget = aprox. 12,85 mil. euro, of which:
- 7,35 mil. euro for individual projects, with grants between 200.000 euro and max. 2.000.000 euro;
- 5,5 million euro for small grants โ between 50.000 euro and max. 200.000 euro;
Maximum amount of grant:
- The grant for both types of projects, can vary from 25% up to 70% of the total eligible project value;
Eligible applicants and partners:
- SMEs and large companies โ for individual projects
- SMEs and NGOs established as legal entities โ for small grants
- Partnerships are not mandatory, but projects with partners from donor states (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and /or Romania are strongly encouraged.
The investment should target one of the areas:
- Green Industry Innovation: Developing, implementing and investing in innovative green technologies/ Green products and services /greener production processes.
- Blue Growth: Sustainable development of the marine and maritime sectors;
- ICT: Development of ICT products, processes, solutions/ by using ICT solutions
Eligible expenditure:
- Salaries of the staff involved;
- Transportation, accommodation, daily allowance;
- Equipment – full cost or depreciation during project implementation;
- Consumables and raw materials;
- Contracts made in order to implement the project;
- Real estate and land – max. 10% of the eligible project value and with the approval of the Authority;
- Indirect / administrative costs;
Deadlines for projects submission:
- 15 September for individual projects
- 22 September for small grants
For a more detailed description about individual projects, click here.
For a more detailed description about small grants, click here.