Up to 200.000 euro for Micro-enterprises!
September 19, 2016
Micro-enterprises can still apply for up to 200.000 euro grants for investments in constructions / expansions / modernization / endowment within Regional Operational Programme (POR)!
Eligible beneficiaries: Micro-enterprises from urban areas (companies under 9 employees and up to 2 million euro turnover / total assets), with at least 1 year of activity.
Eligible investments:
- Construction, extension, modernization of the production / services areas;
- Acquisition of tangible and intangible assets, including e-commerce tools.
Minimum eligible value of the project: 25.000 euro;
Grant: maximum 200.000 euro;
Grant financing percentage: maximum 90% from the eligible costs of the project.
Investments in the Bucharest–Ilfov and Danube Delta development regions are still NOT eligible.
For more information please contact us!