January 31st, 2020 – NEW deadline for employees training form large companies
December 3, 2019
The deadline for POCU 3.8 call has been postponed!
Large companies can submit projects for management and HR employees’ trainings until January 31st, 2020.
Target group:
- Minimum 50 employees of a company, that are in management positions/roles (general manager, executive manager, executive director, deputy director, department manager, project manager, line manager, etc.) and employees from human resources department.
What activities can be financed?
- Any type of training, internal or recognized on enterprise’s level (such as: soft skils, comunication, management, leadership, Mini – MBA, lean, agility, etc.) or ANC authorized courses – (is mandatory only one training in each of these courses: “Entrepreneurial skills” an a human resources course according to the COR code nomenclature ISCO 08 compatible;
- Business coaching activities and /or activities such as “workshops”, “seminars”, “conferences”, “information events”, courses accredited by Project Management Institute (eg: “PMP” – Project Management Proffesional; “CAPM” – Certified Associates in Project Management).
Who can apply?
- Employers, large companies in all Romania’s regions except Bucharest-Ilfov, that operates in one of following sectors:
- Automotive and components industry /Information and communication technology /Health and pharmaceutical products /Energy and environmental management /Wood and furniture /Creative industries /Tourism and ecotourism /Textiles and leather /Food and beverage processing /Bioeconomics, biopharmaceuticals and biotechnologies /Distribution /Constructions.
Maximum eligible value for one project is 500.000 euro, out of which grant is 50%. Projects’ budget can include the salary cost of employees during training hours.
One company can access up to 1 million euros for employees training on this financing line.
Projects’ implementation period is maximum 12 months.
For more information click here: POCU 3.8