40.000 euro grants for people from Diaspora!
September 12, 2016
The draft form of the POCU 2014-2020 Applicant Guideline “Diaspora Start-up” (SO 3.7) has been published. The Beneficiary can support Romanian citizens living abroad to open a business in Romania through micro-grants of up to 40.000 euro.
Maximum project value: 5.000.000 euro.
Implementation period: maximum 36 months
Eligible applicants/partners:
- Public and private training providers;
- Chambers of commerce and industry;
- NGOs;
- Trade unions;
- Members of Sectoral Committees and legal Sectoral Committees;
- Authorities of local public administration;
- Professional Associations;
- Universities;
- Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment and subordinated/ coordinated: institutions / agencies / organizations;
Target group:
- Romanian citizens (minimum age: 18 years old) that can prove their residence or domicile abroad for at least 1 year in last 3 years and who intend to establish a business in Romania.
They also must prove entrepreneurial experience or specialization courses or professional experience in the field.
- Entrepreneurship training programs, authorized by ANC;
- Internships;
- A micro-grant of maximum 40.000 euro/business plan, in 2 instalments (1st instalment – 30.000 euro, 2nd instalment – the difference) and 10.000 euro subsidy for relocating their entrepreneurial activity;
- A monitoring program of the business functioning and development;