POR – Launch of financing for business incubators
December 7, 2017
AM POR launched a new type of financing under the Regional Operational Program: 2.1B “Business Incubators”. The submission of the projects will be opened for 3 months, in the period: 05.02.2018 – 07.05.2018.
Total call allocation: 117,65 mil. euro.
Eligible applicants:
- Founders of business incubators (local public authority, territorial administrative unit, research & development centers/institutes, Chambers of Commerce, companies,
associations / foundations, employers / unions) or - Partnerships between business incubators founders.
Value of no reimbursable grant: min. 200.000 euro – max. 7 mil. euro.
Financing percentage:
- For regional aid component: up to 70% (depends on the dimension of the applicant and location of investment);
- For minimis aid component: up to 90% and within the minimis ceiling.
The minimis component can not exceed 50% of the total eligible costs.
Types of eligible investments:
Investments financed through the regional state aid:
- Creation of sectoral business incubators by building the related spaces and equipping them with tangible and intangible assets. It is also eligible to rehabilitate / reconvert an existing unused building and equip it with the purpose of creating a business incubator;
- Equipping business incubators with tangible assets, intangible assets;
Investments financed through the minimis aid:
- Development of services provided within the business incubators.
For more details from the Applicant Guideline you can find here.