EEA and Norway Grants – first call for projects!
February 9, 2018
The first call for projects within the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation (2014-2021) has been launched.
Within the call “Common Challenges – Shared Solutions” are eligible cross-border cooperation projects and transnational cooperation projects ideas focusing on measures like:
- knowledge-sharing,
- exchange of good practice
- capacity building, within all priority areas:
- Innovation, Research, Education and Competitiveness;
- Social Inclusion, Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction;
- Environment, Energy, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy;
- Culture, Civil Society, Good Governance, and Fundamental Rights and Freedoms;
- Justice and Home Affairs;
Total allocation:
- 31,89 mil euro, out of which, for the current call: 15 mil euro.
- Minimum > 1 mil. euro.
With a non-reimbursable financing of:
- up to 90% for NGOs, Universities and Research organisations:;
- up to 85% for other entities (e.g.: companies);
- up to 100% for any expertise partners from the Donor States.
Who can apply?
- Companies and cooperatives;
- Civil society organisations, social enterprises, non-profit organisations and foundations;
- Public and private education and research organisations;
- Social partners;
- Municipalities, regions and state level entities;
*Project shall be submitted by a consortium composed of entities from at least three countries, including at least two Beneficiary States.
Eligible expenditures:
- Cost of staff;
- Travel expenses;
- Costs of consumables and supplies;
- Cost of equipment;
- Services costs;
- Indirect costs (15% flat rate);
- Non-recoverable value added tax etc.
Deadline for concept notes submission: 01.07.2018.
For more information click here.