Additional Amounts to Improve SME Competitiveness
July 3, 2018
The modification of the Regional Operational Program (ROP) and supplementation of the financial allocations for Axis 2 – Improving the Competitiveness of SMEs was approved. Thus, the amount allocated to Axis 2 was increased by 394.1 million Euro.
By supplementing the financial allocations, the conditions for contracting of projects that would not have been included in the initial financial allocation and for the LAUNCH of new calls for projects intended to finance the investments made by micro-enterprises and SMEs, financed from ROP 2014-2020 were created.
Eligible investments:
For POR 2.2 (projects for SMEs):
a. Construction, extension of the production/ services areas;
b. Acquisition of tangible (equipment, tools etc), intangible assets (patents, licenses etc), including e-commerce tools;
c. Implementation of certification of products, services, or different specific processes, quality environmental or health management systems;
d. Participation to international fairs and exhibitions, trade missions etc.
For POR 2.1 (projects for micro-enterprises) are eligible only the first 2 investments: a) and b).
Financing amount:
- For investments financed through POR 2.2 (for SMEs): – min. 200.000 euro and max. 1.000.000 euro;
- For investments financed through POR 2.1 (for microenterprises) – min. 25.000 euro and max. 200.000 euro;
Non-reimbursable financing rate:
For investments financed through POR 2.2 (for SMEs):
- For investments mentioned at points a) and b) – up to 70% from the eligible expenses value;
- For investments mentioned at points c) and d) – up to 90% from the eligible expenses value;
For investments financed through POR 2.1 (for micro-enterprises): up to 90% from the eligible expenses value;