Lanched or expected to be launched calls in the next period
July 25, 2018
These are the following call for projects of interest for private companies, opened and / or expected to be launched in the coming period:
POCU 3.8 – “Professional Romania – Competitive Enterprises” – open call (30 July – 31 October 2018)
- Finance: training, coaching, seminars, workshops, conferences, lectures, etc. for managers and HR staff from large companies
- Maximum eligible amount of the project: 500.000 euro, of which: 50% non-refundable but not more than 250.000 euro
- Eligible applicants: Large companies with activity in priority areas.
- More details here.
POCU 3.12 – “Innovation through training” – under public consultation
- Financing: training / recognition of previously acquired competencies for direct productive employees, development of workplace plans / programs etc.
- Maximum eligible project value: 500.000 euro, of which: between 50% and 95% non-reimbursable, depending on certain activities
- Eligible applicants: Large companies with activity in priority areas.
- More details here.
POCU 3.12 – “Improving the level of knowledge / competencies / skills for employees” – under public consultation
- Financing: training / recognition of competencies previously acquired for employees of companies with activity in priority sectors, awareness campaigns, workplace learning programs etc.
- Maximum eligible value of the project: 1.000.000 euro, of which: between 85%-100% non-reimbursable, depending on the type of applicant.
- Eligible applicants: employers, business associations, chambers of commerce and industry, in partnership with professional training providers / unions.
- More details here.
POCU 6.2 – “Developing anteprescolar education services” – under public consultation
- Financing: setting up / functioning of nurseries / nursing groups, awareness campaigns, information and counseling / education of parents, financial support, development of teaching staff, development of new learning materials, good practices etc. for pre-preschool and their parents / guardians, and the teaching staff.
- Maximum eligible project value: approx. 700 thousand euro (B-Ilfov) and 539 thousand euro (the other regions), of which: between 85%-100% non-reimbursable, depending on the type of applicant.
- Eligible applicants: educational institutions (ISCED 0), NGOs, guidance, counseling, school mediation providers, LPA, trade unions, etc.
- More details here.
State aid scheme GD no. 807/2014 – under public consultation
- Financing: costs excluding VAT related to the construction / acquisition of tangible assets (constructions, technical installations, machines / equipment etc.) and intangible assets (patents, licenses etc.) and expenses related to the renting of buildings
- Project value: minimum 13.5 mill. lei, of which: between 10%-50% non-reimbursable, depending on the project implementation region
- Eligible applicants: enterprises (large and SMEs) with activity or start-ups
- More details here.
POC 221 – “Supporting the growth of added value generated by the ICT sector and innovation in the field through the development of clusters” – in public consultation
- Financing: developing innovative products/services/applications through investment in: tangible and intangible assets, industrial research/experimental development, process and organizational innovation etc.
- Project value: between 500.000 euro-2,5 mill. euro, of which: between 20%-100% non-reimbursable depending on activities, company size and implementation area
- Eligible applicants: Enterprises (micro/small/medium) with activity in ICT area or ICT clusters; consortia of ICT companies.
- More details here.