Between 95-100% non-reimbursable funding for employee training
April 16, 2019
Awating a future launch for “Increasing Employee Qualification through Continuous Training Programs according to Market Needs” financing line. The requirements are:
The call is dedicated to increasing the competences of the employees by activities such as:
- implementation of training programs;
- Professional and tutoring actions for the target group;
- Actions for evaluation, recognition and validation of learning outcomes acquired in non-formal and informal contexts;
- Organizing awareness campaigns / actions to promote the importance of training and participation in CVT programs;
- Other innovative actions to increase CVT participation and provide tailor-made educational support, including through transnational cooperation activities and transfer of best practices.
Who can apply?
- Members of Sectoral Committees and Sector Committees with Legal Personality;
- Trade unions;
- Employers Union;
- Professional Associations;
- Public or private validation / certification centers of previous learning;
- Authorized public and private traning providers;
- Providers of career counseling and career guidance services;
- Chambers of commerce, industry and agriculture;
- NGOs.
Partnerships between the entities mentioned above are encouraged.
What is the call allocation?
- 60,000,000 euro
What is the maximum value of the project?
- 1 million euro, of which non-reimbursable financing percentage is between 95-100% depending on applicant type.
How long does it take to implement a project?
- maximum 18 months.
Which employees can be involved in the project (target group)?
- Minimum 500 Employees (including PFAs and individual businesses), with minimum 30% low-skilled, people over 40, people from disadvantaged rural areas.
- Projects can be implemented in any region of Romania except for Bucharest-Ilfov.
For more information click here.