Students’ internship projects grants
May 10, 2019
It is expected for the next period that calls “Internships for high school students” and “Internships for students” will be opened.
Eligible activities are:
- For projects targeting high school student internships:
- Developing partnerships between educational units – internship partners;
- Organizing and conducting internships/traineeship, practical training, etc.;
- Organizing professional competitions, fairs for exercise firms, etc.;
- Providing counseling and professional guidance services for high school students;
- Creating an information system between private sector – network of educational units;
- Creating innovative solutions to facilitate practice, innovative counseling tools, guidance, competence assessment;
- Conducting Internships in EU Member States.
- For projects targeting student internships:
- Creating university – employer partnerships;
- Students internships at employers (companies);
- Establishing networks between university and labor market;
- Students internships in other EU Member States;
- Innovative activities.
Eligible target group:
- For projects targeting high school student internships: High school students, minimum 50 persons.
- For projects targeting student internships: Students, including master degrees minimum 200 persons.
Budget and non-reimbursable funding:
- For projects targeting high school student internships: Project’s maximum value is 500.000 euro, of which the percentage of non-reimbursable financing is between 95-100% depending on applicant type. Maximum project value cannot exceed the result of following formula: 1.500 euro x number of target group participants.
- For projects targeting student internships: The eligible value of a project is up to 1.000.000 euro of which the percentage of non-reimbursable financing is between 95-100% depending on applicant type.
Who can apply:
For projects targeting high school student internships eligible applicants and partners are:
- Employers (as practice partners);
- Chambers of commerce and industry;
- NGOs;
- Trade union organizations and employers’ organizations;
- Public and private providers of professional guidance and counseling;
- Ministry of Education and relevant structures/ agencies/ subordinated/ coordinated by it;
- Professional Associations.
For projects targeting student internships eligible applicants and partners are:
- Employers (companies);
- Professional Associations;
- Accredited public and private higher education institutions;
- Chambers of commerce and industry;
- Institutions and organizations that are members of Regional Pacts and Local Partnerships for Employment and Social Inclusion.
More informations here:
High school students – POCU 6.14
Students – POCU 6.13