Financing opportunities for SMEs
August 6, 2020
We present below the most important financing lines which will be launched in the next period, addressed to SMEs (companies with up to 250 employees and a turnover of 50 million euro).
1. Financing line for large investments (POR 2.2)
- The projects’ value is between 1.500.000 and 6.000.000 euro, of which 60% to 70% non-refundable grant;
- Only SMEs (up to 250 employees and up to 50 million euro turnover, minimum 1 year old and recorded operating profit (> 0 lei) in the fiscal year prior to the submission of the financing application) can apply;
- Total budget: 150 million euro – with the possibility of up to 550 million euro additional allocation;
- Call status: the draft guide is published in consultation and call for proposals will be opened shortly;
- For more information, click here.
2. Financing lines announced following the draft Emergency Ordinance to support SMEs, in the COVID-19 crisis context (POC 2014 – 2020)
- The projects’ value is between 50.000 and 200.000 euro, with a 70% non-refundable grant for the investments realized in Bucharest-Ilfov and a 85% non-refundable grant for investments realized in the rest of the country;
- Eligible beneficiaries: companies or cooperative societies that fall into the category of Small and Medium Enterprises;
- Total budget: 550 million euro, of which 15% of the value of the budget allocated for the Bucharest-Ilfov region and 85% of the value of the budget allocated for the other regions;
- Call status: the draft guide is published in consultation and call for proposals will be opened shortly;
- For more information, click here.
3. Financing line for ICT investments, dedicated to SMEs (POC 2.2.1)
- The projects’ value is between 1.000.000 and 5.000.000 euro, to which are added the de minimis expenses (maximum 200.000 euro). The percentage of non-refundable financing is between 35% and 80%, depending on the type of applicant and the budgeted activities;
- Projects that can receive funding must include the development of innovative products / services / applications that support the applicant’s internal activity, as well as products / services / applications developed for other entities, in order to streamline and optimize the activity, using specific ICT means;
- Eligible beneficiaries: SMEs (micro-enterprises, small enterprises, medium enterprises) operating in Romania, focused on ICT; SMEs (micro-enterprises, small enterprises, medium enterprises) operating in Romania, within clusters focused on ICT; Consortia consisting of the entities defined above (either);
- Call status: the draft guide is published in consultation, and call for proposals will be opened shortly;
- For more information, click here.