Launch of “Romania Start-up Plus”!
September 1, 2016
The final form of the POCU 2014-2020 Applicant Guidelines – Specific Conditions: “Romania Start-up Plus” (SO 3.7) have been launched. The projects can be submitted between the publishing date of the Ministry approval order and 30th of October 2016.
Projects aim at supporting the establishment of enterprises with non-agricultural profile in urban areas.
Maximum project value: 5.000.000 euro.
Implementation period: maximum 36 months
Eligible applicants/partners:
- Public and private training providers;
- Chambers of commerce and industry;
- NGOs;
- Trade unions;
- Members of Sectoral Committees and legal Sectoral Committees;
- Authorities of local public administration;
- Professional Associations;
- Universities;
- Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment and subordinated/ coordinated: institutions / agencies / organizations;
Target group:
- Individuals who intend to establish a business (eg. unemployed / inactive / people who have a job and intend to set up a business in order to create new jobs).
- Entrepreneurship training programs, authorized by ANC;
- Internships;
- A micro-grant of maximum 40.000 euro/business plan, in 2 instalments (1st instalment – 30.000 euro, 2nd instalment – the difference);
- A monitoring program of the business functioning and development;
More information about the Applicant Guideline and annexes are presented here.