Important changes in the new guideline for financing SMEs within POR 2.2!
November 4, 2016
A new consultative version of the Applicant’s Guide for Regional Operational Program – financing call for SMEs has been published for public debate until 12.11.2016.
Compared with the last version of the document there are significant changes:
- Companies with a minimum of 1 year of activity (registered no later than 5.01.2015) can apply for financing; The previous condition of at least 3 years of activity has been eliminated;
- The condition regarding operating profit and having a continuous activity for the current and previous fiscal year has been kept;
- The condition for registration of income from the activity proposed for the project for at least 3 year has been eliminated; so companies can apply for funding a new activity
- Companies with a minimum of 3 employees can now submit projects, compared with at least 5 employees as previously required;
- The list of eligible activity fields (CAEN codes) has been extended with new codes, such as 6202, 6209 for IT&C services, 3250 – production of medical devices and many more;
A short reminder of other important aspects of this call:
The value of the grant obtained: minimum 200.000 euro and maximum 1.000.000 euro.
Eligible expenses:
- Expenses related to construction, extension, modernization of the production/ services areas;
- Acquisition of equipment, machines, intangible assets including e-commerce tools.
For more information click here.