European funds for training for employees from LARGE companies
July 12, 2017
The Ministry of European Funds will launch in the next period a financing line through which can be settled investments with training for managers and HR department in LARGE companies.
The call is dedicated to the improvement of the management activity of human resources through: training, coaching, seminars, workshops, conferences, lectures, long-term strategic planning etc
How long does the project implementation last?
- maximum 12 months, estimative January – December 2018
Which is the maximum grant for a project?
- 300.000 euro, from which the non-reimbursable financing is between 50 and 95%, depending on the activities.
Who can apply for funding?
Employers (large enterprises) which operates in:
- one of the economically competitive sectors identified according to the SNC: tourism/ ecotourism, textiles/ leather, wood/ furniture, auto and components, IT and communications, beverage/ food processing, energy/ environment, health/ pharmaceutical, bioeconomics/ biopharmaceuticals/ biotechnologies or
- intends to adapt its activity to these economic sectors / intelligence areas.
Which are the employees that can be included into the project (target group)?
- Employees who have management/leadership role;
- Employees from human resources departments;
Minimum target group: 150 persons;
The draft Guideline can be downloaded here.