A new financing line for development of innovative IT products dedicated to SMEs
July 28, 2020
The call for POC, Action 2.1.1. – Supporting the growth of the added value generated by the ICT sector, and of the innovation in the field through the development of clusters is expected to relaunch in the next period after an updated Applicant’s Guide, which has been submitted to public consultation, latest July 30th.
A project is eligible for financial support if it leads to development of innovative products/services/applications that support the applicant’s internal activity, as well as products/services /applications made for other entities, in order to streamline and optimize the activity, using specific ICT means (thus demonstrating integration in various sectors of activity).
Eligible applicants:
- SMEs (micro-enterprises, small enterprises, medium enterprises) operating in Romania, focused on ICT;
- SMEs (micro-enterprises, small enterprises, medium-sized enterprises) operating in Romania, within clusters focused on ICT;
- Consortia consisting of entities defined above (either).
The non-refundable financing granted is between: 1 and 5 million euros, to which are added the expenses related to the minimis aid that cannot exceed the value of 200.000 euros. The non-refundable financing is between 35% and 80%, depending on the type of applicant, and the budgeted activities.
Project duration: maximum 12 months, with an increase of the implementation period of maximum 6 months, based on a thorough justification of the beneficiaries, or in cases of major force.
For more information, click here.