A new launch of the state aid scheme for investments made by large companies and SMEs
May 25, 2018
In the next period, the Ministry of Public Finance is intending to update the GD 807/2014 state aid scheme and to open a new session of project proposals.
According to the Government’s statements, “the state aid scheme will have a total budget of 1 billion euro over a 5-year period and hopes that by the end of June the legislative framework will be adopted so that companies can submit their projects.[…] Among the innovative elements of the new scheme will be: differentiation of the scheme into two categories: investments under and over 10 million euro. The areas of interest will be: production, innovation and research.”
We remind you of the most important details of this financing opportunity
(according to the latest launch of the scheme from 2016):
Eligible applicants are companies (large and SMEs), including start-ups (the subscribed capital is of minimum 100.000 lei), from all economic sectors, except companies activating in areas such as: aquaculture, primary production, processing and marketing of agricultural products, steel, coal sector, shipbuilding, production of synthetic fibers, transportation and energetic sectors and all sectors listed in Annex 1 to GD 807/2014.
Eligible expenditure:
- Costs excluding VAT, related to the realization, respectively the acquisition of tangible and intangible assets, and the expenses related to the renting of the constructions related to the initial investment
- Tangible assets: construction, technical installations, machinery and equipment;
- Intangible assets: depreciable assets associated with the initial investment, such as patents, licenses, know-how, etc.
Project value: minimum 44 mill. lei (approx. 10 mill. euro). In the update version, two types of projects will be launched:
- For investments up to 10 million euro
- For investments of over 10 million euro
The grant awarded is differentiated according to the implementation region:
- up to 15% in the Bucharest Region;
- up to 35% in the West and Ilfov Regions;
- up to 50% in the rest of the regions (North West, North East, Center, South West, South, South East)