Already launched and expected project calls
April 23, 2018
We present you a centralization of already launched project calls and expected calls to be launched in the following period.
POR 2.2 – Danube Delta – deadline 23.08.2018
- The call finances investments made by SME-s (constructions, extension of the production/ services areas) in the Danube Delta region (administrative-territorial units within the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Tulcea County andnorthern Constanta County).
- Non reimbursable financing amount: minimum 000 euroand maximum 1.000.000 euro.
- More details here
POIM 6.2 – deadline 31.12.2018
- The call finances acquisition of the monitoring system of energy consumption at the level of industrial consumers (companies active in extractive industryand manufacturing industry sectors) with a consumption of more than 1,000 toe/year (projects implemented in the Bucharest – Ilfov development region are not eligible).
- Non reimbursable financing amount: up to 200.000 euro.
- More information you can consult POIM 6.2 here
POCU 3.8 – expected to be launched in the following period
- The call finances training programs targeting the training of managers (any level – from top managers to line managers, team managers etc) and staff fromHR department – minimum 50 persons/ project.
- Eligible applicants: Large enterprises(to train their own staff) which operates in sectors: tourism/ ecotourism, textiles / leather, wood / furniture, auto and components, IT and communications, food / beverage processing, energy / environment, health / pharmaceutics, bio economy / bio pharmaceutics / bio technology, creative industries (employees working in Buc – Ilfov are not eligible).
- Maximum eligible value is 140.000 euro/project, of which the non-reimbursable financing percentage is 50%.
- For more information click here: POCU 3.8
POCU 3.12 – expected to be launched in the following period
- The call finances training programs focusing on the training of directly productive/ operational employees– minimum 50 persons/ project.
- Eligible applicants: Large enterprises(to train their own staff) which operates in sectors: tourism/ ecotourism, textiles / leather, wood / furniture, auto and components, IT and communications, food / beverage processing, energy / environment, health / pharmaceutics, bio economy / bio pharmaceutics / bio technology, creative industries (employees working in Buc – Ilfov are not eligible).
- Maximum eligible value is 500.000 euro /project, out of which the non-reimbursable financing percentage is between 50%and 95%, according to certain activities.
- For more information click here: POCU 3.12
“RO Innovation” – Launches within SEE and Norway grants – expected to be launched in April/ May
- Supports sustainable business development, innovative technologies, processes and services (addressed mainly for SME-s, for large enterprises and NGO-s).
- The amount of non-reimbursable financing is up to 70%, but no more than 2.000.000 euro,depending on project type, the type of organization.
- More information you can consult here