CALL LAUNCH – Support for the establishment of social enterprises
August 24, 2018
The Ministry of European Funds launched the call for projects “Support for the establishment of social enterprises”.
Project submission period: 27.08 – 27.11.2018
Eligible applicants/partners:
- Social economy entities;
- Accredited public and private training providers;
- Authorized public and private employment services providers;
- Social services providers;
- Trade unions and employers;
- Professional Associations; NGOs;
- Chambers of commerce and industry
Eligible activities:
1.Scheme for the establishment of social economy entities
The Beneficiary / Project partnership must provide the target group with:
- Specific entrepreneurship training (ANC training: Entrepreneur in social economy or Social enterprise manager) and other relevant training courses;
- Counseling in the field of entrepreneurship / social entrepreneurship in the implementation of the business plan;
- Monitoring the operation and development of the enterprise;
- A micro-grant of up to 100.000 euro / business plan;
2.Actions aimed at developing the social economy domain
- Creating and strengthening partnerships with relevant actors to increase engagement in providing services to vulnerable groups;
- Creating support networks, partnerships to disseminate good practices, information, know-how transfer, etc.
- Developing tools for a better knowledge of the sector and improving the visibility of the social economy;
Maximum project value: 3 mill. euro, of which min. 70% for granting subsidies (de minimis aid) for setting up social enterprises;
Non reimbursable financing:
- 100% for minimis aid costs.
- for other expenses:
- 100% for NGOs;
- 95% for private beneficiaries;
- 98% / 85% of public institutions;
Target group:
- People wishing to set up social enterprises;
Implementation level: exclusively in less developed regions (Center, South-East, South Muntenia, North-East, North-West, West, South-West Oltenia)
For more information click here.