The call for social enterprises “SOLIDAR” has been launched!
September 23, 2016
The call dedicated to social economy “SOLIDAR. Support for consolidation of social economy” (SO 4.16) within POCU 2014-2020 has been launched!
Project proposals can be submitted, through MySMIS, until November 14th, 2016, at 16:00.
Eligible activities:
- Counseling/mentoring/training and development of abilities for persons involved in the social enterprises;
- Development of production capacities;
- Promotion of social enterprise visibility;
- Jobs accessibility;
- Know-how transfer with other communities and with relevant actors;
- Development of social programs/partnerships and good practices dissemination;
Target group:
- persons from social enterprises: staff, members/associates/shareholders (according to the organization and functioning papers), volunteers (with contract).
Project value: minimum 40.000 euro – maximum 100.000 euro as minimis aid.
Non-reimbursable financing: up to 100%.
Eligible applicants:
- social economy structures organized as: I-st degree cooperative, cooperative credit institution, association/foundation, credit union, federation or union, any other category of legal person with minimum 1 year of activity and certified or under progress accreditation process as a social enterprise.
For more information click here