Come meet the Dutch – Orange Night 30 April!

April 25th, 2013

Dear partners and friends, On 30 April NRCC together with the Dutch Association, will organize a typical Orange Night, with an exquisite dinner and a great party at Biavati,Bucharest, Str. Sergei Rahmaninov No. 2B. We invite all who are interested in meeting, doing business or simply enjoying a wonderful evening with the Dutch community in Romania. There are 2 kinds of tickets that you can purchase: “Party only” tickets for 160 Lei and Dinner and party tickets for 350 Lei The tickets can be bought at:

  • Hotel Rembrandt (next door to Café Van Gogh) Str. Smardan no. 11; Tel: 021 313 93 15
  • MaastrichtSchoolof Management Str. Putul lui Zamfir no. 36, et. 3; Tel: 021 310 12 48
  • Dutch cheese stalls at all METRO Cash & Carry shops (Bucharest)
  • AmericanSchoolandBritishSchoolin Baneasa Ask Cristina Voicu at 0726 925 953

We thank everyone who has confirmed attendance at the Orange Night and remind those who have not yet, and are interested to attend this special event that today is the last day for buying Dinner tickets human sphere. For corporate sales and invoices, please contact us at Full details about the event, including the programme, can be found on the link below:

VAPRO & HART Consulting – conference on “Organizational culture: HSEQ”.

January 24th, 2013

VAPRO Romania is the partner of HART Consulting in the conference on “Organizational culture: health and safety”

Health and safety are fundamental to the reputation and profitability of a company and they begin with the employees. Publications and current reports at national and international level show that 70-80% of work accidents are attributed to the human factor. In 2011, in Romania was reported a total of 3,681 people who suffered less or more serious accidents, including fatalities. In 2012, that number decreased to 2,600 in the first 9 months and the industries in which the most tragedies occurred continue to be construction, transportations and mining and quarrying.

In this regard, concern for health and safety is not only justified but absolutely necessary.

Beginning with 2007, VAPRO Romania won over 10 million Euro in European funds for approximately 50 client companies, used for implementing projects to improve health and safety at work and maintaining a safe working environment for their employees. At international level, VAPRO also offers specialized services in the field of HSEQ, from consulting, plans, risk assessments to training for employees.

We invite you on Tuesday, February 12, from 9:00 to 13:00, at Howard Johnson Hotel in Bucharest, to join us and our partners at the Organizational culture: health and safety” conference.

All VAPRO customers and partners receive a 15% discount on the registration fee.

For more details about the conditions of participation please visit the following link:

VAPRO partener HART Consulting la conferinta „Cultura organizationala: sanatate si securitate in munca”

January 24th, 2013

VAPRO Romania este partenerul HART Consulting in cadrul conferintei cu tema „Cultura organizationala: sanatate si securitate in munca”

Siguranta si securitatea in munca sunt fundamentale pentru reputatia si profitabilitatea unei companii, iar siguranta si securitatea incep de la angajati. Publicatiile si rapoartele actuale, la nivel national si international, arata ca 70-80% din accidentele de munca sunt atribuite factorului uman. In 2011, in Romania, a fost raportat un numar de 3.681 de persoane care au suferit accidente de munca, mai superficiale sau mai grave, incluzandu-le si pe cele mortale. In 2012, numarul acestora a scazut la 2.600 in primele 9 luni, iar industriile in care tragediile s-au produs cel mai adesea au ramas constructiile, transporturile, industria extractiva.

In acest context, preocuparea pentru siguranta si securitatea in munca este nu numai justificata, ci absolut necesara.

Incepand din 2007 VAPRO Romania a obtinut peste 10 mil de Euro fonduri europene nerambursabile pentru aproximativ 50 de companii client, in scopul implementarii unor proiecte de imbunatatire a sanatatii si securitatii la locul de munca si mentinerea unui mediu de lucru sigur pentru angajati. De asemenea, la nivel international, VAPRO ofera servicii specializate in sfera SSM, pornind de la consultanta, planuri, analize de risc si pana la trainingul angajatilor.

Va invitam asadar, marti, 12 Februarie, intre orele 9.00 – 13.00, la Hotel Howard Johnson, Bucuresti sa participati alaturi de noi si partenerii nostri la conferinta „Cultura organizationala: sanatate si securitate in munca”.

Toti clientii si partenerii VAPRO beneficiaza de 15% reducere din taxa de inscriere.

Pentru mai multe detalii legate de conditiile de participare va rugam accesati urmatorul link:

Looking for funding? VAPRO participates in the Wall Street conference, “Entrepreneur, looking for financing”

September 27th, 2012

On Wednesday, September 26th, VAPRO Romania has participated in the conference “Entrepreneur, looking for financing”, event organized by Wall Street. The event was aimed at SME`s and has gathered top specialists from several financing areas, such as: financial and juridical advisory companies, investment funds, banks, capital markets and also entrepreneurs. Along with Alpha Bank Romania, Ernst&Young, Enterprise Investors or BVB, Irina Zugravu, Managing Partner VAPRO Romania has presented some of the existing non reimbursable funding opportunities, for the next period.

For further details regarding the event and also to watch the video transmission, please click here.

Cauti finantare pentru compania ta? VAPRO la conferinta Wall Street “Antreprenor, caut finantare”

September 27th, 2012

VAPRO Romania a participat miercuri, 26 Septembrie, la conferinta “Antreprenor, caut finantare”, organizata de Wall Street. Evenimentul a fost adresat in secial IMM-urilor si  a adunat specialisti de top din zona diferitelor surse de finantare, precum: companii de consultanta financiara si juridica, fonduri de investitii, banci, piata de capital dar si antreprenori.  Alaturi de Alpha Bank Romania, Ernst&Young, Enterprise Investors sau BVB, Irina Zugravu, Managing Partner VAPRO Romania a prezentat cateva dintre oportunitatile de finantare nerambursabila existente in perioada imediat urmatoare.

Pentru mai multe detalii despre eveniment precum si transmisiunea video a acestuia, click aici.

Regional conference “Increasing the absorption of structural funds”

July 10th, 2012

VAPRO Romania has participated on Friday, July 6th, in the regional conference “Increasing the absorption of structural funds”, organized by MAEur, and also in the fair of opportunities organized within the same event, in Constanta.

The Minister of European Affairs, Mr Leonard Orban, fired a warning regarding irregularities identified in the management of operational programs in Romania, the biggest concern being for The Human Resources Development Operational Programme. This program is under evaluation by the European Commission and, due to serious irregularities identified, the risk of suspending it still remains.

Also, the absorption stage, in all operational programs in Romania, is very low, the rate hovering at around 10% of the approximately 19 billion allocated to Romania for the period 2007-2013. For more details on the event agenda and the presentations you can access the following link:

VAPRO Romania was present at the fair of opportunities organized simultaneously with the conference, providing topical information to potential beneficiaries of funds still available for Romania, from the operational programs but also other national and international funding sources.

We are available for information on financing lines available or planned for this year, the results of our clients are as a confirmation that together we can both access the European funds and also contribute to increasing the rate of absorption, through the successful implementation of your projects.

Conferinta regionala “Cresterea absorbtiei fondurilor structurale”

July 10th, 2012

VAPRO Romania a participat vineri, 6 iulie, la conferinta regionala “Cresterea absorbtiei fondurilor structurale”, organizata de MAEur, si la targul de oportunitati organizat in cadrul aceluiasi eveniment, la Constanta.

Ministrul Afacerilor Europene, domnul Leonard Orban, a tras un semnal de alarma in ceea ce priveste neregulile identificate in cadrul gestionarii programelor operationale din Romania, cea mai mare preocupare fiind pentru Programul Operational Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane. Acesta se afla in plin proces de evaluare din partea Comisiei Europene si, datorita gravelor nereguli identificate, se mentine riscul de suspendare in perioada urmatoare.

De asemenea, stadiul absorbtiei, la nivelul tuturor programelor operationale din Romania este unul foarte scazut, procentul situandu-se in jurul cifrei de 10% din cele aproximativ 19 miliarde de Euro alocate Romaniei pentru perioada de programare 2007-2013. Pentru mai multe detalii privind agenda evenimentului precum si prezentarile din cadrul sau, puteti accesa urmatorul link :

VAPRO Romania a fost prezenta in cadrul targului de oportunitati organizat cu ocazia conferintei, furnizand potentialilor beneficiari informatii de actualitate privind fondurile inca disponibile pentru Romania, din programme operationale dar si alte surse de finantare nationale si internationale.

Va stam la dispozitie pentru informatii privind liniile de finantare disponibile sau planificate pentru anul in curs, rezultatele clientilor nostri fiind o confirmare a faptului ca impreuna putem atat sa accesam fonduri europene cat si sa contribuim la cresterea ratei de absorbtie, prin implementarea cu succes a proiectelor dvs.

Conference April 5th – Absorbtion of EU in Romania. Obstacles and Solutions

March 28th, 2012

With great pleasure we invite you to the next confference that we are organising this year, on April 5th, related to European Funds, entitled: “Absorbtion of European Funds in Romania. Obstacles and Solutions”.

Along with our partner, BLISSROMANIA, we have managed to gather top professionals that will present and discuss the obstacles and controvercies encountered in the area of EU funds absorption. Out of these, we mention: Mr. Catalin BARNA – Senios Manager Accounting Advisory Services, PwC Romania, MR. Marius RADU- Head of EU Funds Financing, Financing & Advisory UniCredit Tiriac Bank, Prof.univ.dr. Horia NEAMŢU –President of Council and Permanent Office of the Financial Auditors Chamber in Romania, DL. Victor ALISTAR, Executive Director Transparency International, Dl. Theo SEIP – CEO VAPRO Group Netherlands.

For more information you can follow this link.

Our clients and partners will benefit of a 20% discount on the participation fee. Please insert the code ght892 in the participation form for receiving the discount.
We are looking forward to meet you at this event where you will find very useful and up to date information, that will help you both in developing as well as in implementing an EU subsidised project.

Conferinta 5 Aprilie – Absorbtia Fondurilor Europene in Romania. Obstacole si Solutii

March 28th, 2012

Ne face o deosebita placere sa va invitam la urmatoarea conferinta pe care o vom organiza anul acesta, in data de 5 Aprilie, pe tema Fondurilor Europene cu titlul: “Absorbtia Fondurilor Europene in Romania. Obstacole si Solutii” Impreuna cu partenerul nostru, BLISSROMANIA, am reusit sa atragem profesionisti de elita care sa prezinte si sa discute despre obstacolele si controversele existente in domeniul absorbtiei fondurilor europene. Dintre acestia ii mentionam pe: Dl. Catalin BARNA – Senior Manager Accounting Advisory Services, PwC Romania, Dl. Marius RADU – Head of EU Funds Financing, Financing & Advisory UniCredit Tiriac Bank, Prof.univ.dr. Horia NEAMŢU – Preşedintele Consiliului şi al Biroului Permanent Camera Auditorilor Financiari din Romania, Dl. Victor ALISTAR Director Executiv Transparency International, Dl.Theo SEIP – CEO Vapro Group Olanda. Pentru mai multe informatii puteti accesa acest link. Clientii si colaboratorii nostri vor beneficia de o reducere de 20% la taxa de paticipare. Va rugam

introduceti codul ght892 in formularul de paricipare pentru obtinerea discount-ului.

Va asteptam la acest eveniment unde veti putea beneficia de informatii utile si actuale, atat in perioada de dezvoltare, cat si in cea de implementare a unui proiect finantat din fonduri europene.

VAPRO seminar – “The Implementation of European projects “!

June 24th, 2011

Together with its partners, PwC and Transilvania Bank, VAPRO Romania will organize, the seminar “The Implementation of European projects – reimbursement of expenses” on  June, 29 (Bucharest) and June, 30 (Cluj)

During this seminar we will provide examples and answers to questions such as:

How do we efficiently manage projects financed through European funds, in order to reimburse the expenses and what is the added value that a consultant with specific experience, involved in all project phases (development – submision – implementation – reimbursement) can bring to beneficiaries.

How do we plan our financial resources and guarantees, when can we contact the bank; how do we co-finance the project?

Why is it important to involve an external auditor since the early stages of the implementation process?

VAPRO seminar – “The Implementation of European projects “!