European grant up to 5 million euro for investments in SMEs

January 25th, 2019

The call for SMEs with funding up to 5.000.000 euro is expected to be launched in the next period after the Specific Guideline (PI 2.2. – POR 2014-2020) has been submitted for public consultation.
Eligiblebeneficiaries – societies or cooperative societies:

  • urban areas SMEs (including microenterprises) and
  • rural areas medium enterprises.

It is required for a beneficiary to have at least 1 year of activity (established no later than 03.01.2018).
Eligible regions: North-East, South-East, South Muntenia, South-West Oltenia, West, North-West, Centre (Projects implemented in Bucharest – Ilfov and ITI area cannot be submitted).

Eligible investments:

  • creating  a new production/ service construction and endowment space, in order to start the project activity;
  • expanding capacity of an existing unit by increasing at least one product/ service production volume without fundamentally changing production process;
  • diversification of a unit through products/ services that were not previously manufactured/ rendered in the unit. Diversification of production implies that new products/ services are added to the range of assortments already produced/ rendered.

The proposed project must include an initial investment in tangible assets financed by regional state aid (construction/ extension/ endowment with tangible assets).

Implementation period – 12 months.
Realization period for project activities after signing the financing contract may be extended up to a maximum of twice the period initially foreseen under conditions stipulated in the financing agreement but not later than 31.12.2023.

The grant value is: minimum 1.000.000 euro and maximum 5.000.000 euro.
Non-reimbursable financing rate:

  • Medium enterprises: 60% ( from North-East, South-East, South Muntenia, South-West Oltenia, North-West, Centru regions) and 45% (from West region), of the eligible expenses value;
  • Small and micro enterprises: 70% ( from North-East, South-East, South Muntenia, South-West Oltenia, North-West, Centru regions) and 55% (from West region), of the eligible expenses value.

Find more details here.

Financing for improvements of Internet access infrastructure

January 23rd, 2019

The call for Action 2.1.1. – Improvement of broadband infrastructure and Internet access is expected to relaunch in the next period after an updated Applicant’s Guide has been submitted to public consultation.
A project is eligible for financial support if it leads to:

  • Building infrastructure for broadband Internet in white NGA areas with a wide spread of communication nodes and the data transmission component (backbone and blackhaul) as close as possible to the end user and with appropriate levels of symmetry and interactivity, to ensure better transmission of information in both directions.

Eligible applicants:

  • Small businesses
  • Medium Enterprises
  • Large Enterprises

who, at the date of filing the application for funding, have been notified to ANCOM as electronic communications providers for at least 3 years and who have not interrupted electronic communications networks or services provision in the past 3 years nor had suspended this right.

Eligible expenditures:

  • Expenses for creating local loops at a fixed location (eg: purchase of equipment, software, local loop building, etc.);
  • Expenses for creating the distribution network and creating local loops (eg: infrastructure works, equipment, software);
  • Other types of expenses (eg: technical assistance, special works, measuring equipment, etc.).

Total eligible value of a project – is calculated as the product of number of households in a county to have access to broadband as a result of project implementation and the average eligible value for a household that can be up to 540 euro (equivalent to ROL).

Financing percentage:

  • Small businesses – 90% of eligible value, but not more than 4.6 million euro;
  • Medium Enterprises – 70% of eligible value, but not more than 3.6 million euro;
  • Large Enterprises – 50% of eligible value but not more than 2.5 million euro.

Project duration: maximum 36 months, not later than 31st December 2023.

For more information, click here.

Launch of Call for 2.2.1. Action postponed to January 31st 2019

January 16th, 2019

The Ministry of European Funds – MACOP announces the launch of Action 2.2.1 “Supporting ICT sector’s  added value growth and innovation through clusters development”.

Submission period begins on January 31st, 2019 at 09:00 and ends on March 29th, 2019 at 17:00.

A project is eligible for financial support if it leads to:

  • ICT products / services development applicable in the rest of Romanian economy; vertical integration of ICT solutions;
  • Achieving innovative strategic projects that impact on the entire national or international ICT industry development.

Eligible applicants:

  • SMEs (micro/small/medium-sized enterprises) operating in Romania, focused on ICT or ICT-focused cluster members;
  • Partnerships between SMEs operating in Romania and ICT-focused cluster members.

The support will target the development of innovative ICT products/ services/ applications through:

a) Investments in tangible and intangible assets within an initial investment;

b) Investments in industrial research and experimental development;

c) Investments in projects for innovation of SMEs;

d) Investments in projects regarding process and organizational innovation;

e) Minimis aid: market research expenditure, information and publicity, consultancy, notice, authorizations, training, audit, management, subscriptions, etc.

The grant is: between 500.000 euro and 3.500.000 euro.
Financing percentage:

  • For activities from points a) to d): between 20% and 80% of total eligible costs, differentiated according to project activities, size of the company and region where it is being implemented.
  • For minimis aid – point e): 100%, maximum 200.000 euro and no more than 20% of the project’s total eligible costs.

Project duration: maximum 36 months.

For more information, click here.

Training of employees from large companies – projects submission extended until February 15th

January 11th, 2019

AMPOCU extended, until 15 February, the deadline for submitting projects within the call “Innovation through training”, in which LARGE companies can reimburse their investment in training programs for employees. The call is dedicated to human resource development through ANC authorized training programs (initiation/ qualification/ requalification/ specialization/ refresher courses).

What is the project’s maximum implementation period?

  • 18 months.

What is the project’s maximum value?

  • 500.000 euro, of which non-reimbursable financing percentage is 50% (with increase to 60% if training is addressed to disabled or disadvantaged employees), maximum 250,000 euro.

Who can apply?

  • Large enterprises with activity in priority sectors. The CAEN code for the eligible activity must be authorized. See the list of eligible CAEN codes here.
  • The project can be implemented in any region of the country, except for Bucharest-Ilfov. Large enterprises with headquarters in Bucharest-Ilfov region are eligible only if their projects are implemented in less developed regions (within a place of business/ subsidiary/ branch/ agency located in one of the eligible regions).

Which employees can be involved in the project (target group)?

  • Employees (all categories) seeking for development of their knowledge, competencies and aptitude levels.
  • Minimum target group: 75 employees.

For more information click here.

1.000.000 de euro pentru trainingul angajatilor

January 9th, 2019

S-a incheiat perioada de consultare publica pentru ghidul „Cresterea nivelului de calificare al angajatilor prin programe de formare continua (FPC) corelate cu nevoile pietei muncii” si apelul de proiecte este asteptat sa se lanseze in perioada urmatoare.

Apelul este dedicat cresterii competentelor angajatilor prin activitati precum:

  • Realizarea de programe de formare/traininguri (orice tip curs – calificare/perfectionare/ specializare);
  • Actiuni de consiliere profesionala si tutorat pentru grupul tinta vizat;
  • Actiuni de evaluare, recunoastere si validare a rezultatelor invatarii dobandite in contexte non-formale si informale;
  • Organizarea de campanii de informare si constientizare pentru promovarea importantei formarii profesionale si participarii la programele de FPC;
  • Alte actiuni inovative pentru cresterea participarii la FPC si oferirea unui sprijin educational individualizat, inclusiv prin activitati de cooperare transnationala si transfer de bune practici.

Cine poate aplica?

  • Membri ai Comitetelor Sectoriale si Comitete Sectoriale cu personalitate juridica;
  • Organizatii sindicale;
  • Patronate;
  • Asociatii profesionale;
  • Centre publice sau private de validare/certificare a invatarii anterioare;
  • Furnizori de formare autorizati, publici si privati,
  • Furnizori de servicii de consiliere si orientare profesionala/ pentru cariera;
  • Camere de comert, industrie si agricultura;
  • ONG-uri

Sunt incurajate parteneriatele intre entitatile mai sus mentionate.

Care este alocarea apelului?

  • 60.000.000 euro

Care este valoarea maxima a proiectului?

  • 1 milion euro, din care procentul de finantare nerambursabila este intre 95-100%, in functie de tipul aplicantului.

Cat dureaza implementarea proiectului?

  • maximum 18 luni.

Care sunt angajatii care pot fi inclusi in proiect (grup tinta)?

  • Minim 500 de angajati (inclusiv PFA si intreprinderi individuale), din care 30% din categoriile: persoane cu nivel scazut de calificare, persoane cu varsta de peste 40 de ani, persoane din mediul rural defavorizat.

Implementarea proiectelor se poate face in orice regiune mai putin Bucuresti Ilfov.

Pentru mai multe informatii click aici.

Echipa VAPRO Romania îți urează Sărbători fericite!

December 20th, 2018

Launch of Action Call 2.2.1. postponed to 14th January 2019

December 13th, 2018

The Ministry of European Funds – MACOP announces the launch of Action 2.2.1 “Supporting ICT sector’s  added value growth and innovation through clusters development”.

Submission period begins on January 14th, 2019 at 09:00 and ends on March 11th, 2019 at 17:00.

A project is eligible for financial support if it leads to:

  • ICT products / services development applicable in the rest of Romanian economy; vertical integration of ICT solutions;
  • Achieving innovative strategic projects that impact on the entire national or international ICT industry development.

Eligible applicants:

  • SMEs (micro/small/medium-sized enterprises) operating in Romania, focused on ICT or ICT-focused cluster members;
  • Partnerships between SMEs operating in Romania and ICT-focused cluster members.

The support will target the development of innovative ICT products/ services/ applications through:

a. Investments in tangible and intangible assets within an initial investment;

b. Investments in industrial research and experimental development;

c. Investments in projects for innovation of SMEs;

d. Investments in projects regarding process and organizational innovation;

e. Minimis aid: market research expenditure, information and publicity, consultancy, notice, authorizations, training, audit, management, subscriptions, etc.

The grant is: between 500.000 euro and 3.500.000 euro.
Financing percentage:

  • For activities from points a. to d.: between 20% and 80% of total eligible costs, differentiated according to project activities, size of the company and region where it is being implemented.
  • For minimis aid – point e.: 100%, maximum 200.000 euro and no more than 20% of the project’s total eligible costs.

Project duration: maximum 36 months.

We will return with updated information as soon as the AMPOC’s proposed modifications announced on December 11th, 2018 will be included in the final form of the Applicant’s Guide to POC 2.2.1.

European funds worth up to 5 million euro for investments in SMEs

December 10th, 2018

AM POR released for public consultation until 23rd November 2018, the Guideline (IP 2.2, POR 2014-2020) regarding the call for SMEs for a financing up to 5.000.000 euro.
Eligible beneficiaries – societies or cooperative societies:

  • urban areas SMEs (including microenterprises) and
  • rural areas medium enterprises.

It is required for a beneficiary to have at least 1 year of activity (established no later than 03.01.2018).
Eligible regions: North-East, South-East, South Muntenia, South-West Oltenia, West, North-West, Centre (Projects implemented in Bucharest – Ilfov and ITI area cannot be submitted).
Eligible investments:

  • creating  a new production/ service construction and endowment space, in order to start the project activity;
  • expanding capacity of an existing unit by increasing at least one product/ service production volume without fundamentally changing production process;
  • diversification of a unit through products/ services that were not previously manufactured/ rendered in the unit. Diversification of production implies that new products/ services are added to the range of assortments already produced/ rendered.

The proposed project must include an initial investment in tangible assets financed by regional state aid (construction/ extension/ endowment with tangible assets).
Implementation period – 12 months.
Realization period for project activities after signing the financing contract may be extended up to a maximum of twice the period initially foreseen under conditions stipulated in the financing agreement but not later than 31.12.2023.
The grant value is: minimum 1.000.000 euro and maximum 5.000.000 euro.
Non-reimbursable financing rate:

  • Medium enterprises: 60% ( from North-East, South-East, South Muntenia, South-West Oltenia, North-West, Centru regions) and 45% (from West region), of the eligible expenses value;
  • Small and micro enterprises: 70% ( from North-East, South-East, South Muntenia, South-West Oltenia, North-West, Centru regions) and 55% (from West region), of the eligible expenses value.

Find more details here.

EU funds for internships: is your company looking for apprentices?

December 5th, 2018

Ministry of European Funds launched the Guide “Internships for high-school students” for public consultation until 15.10.2018.
The call is dedicated to increase participation rate of high-school students from secondary and tertiary non-university education (qualification levels 3, 4 and 5) to workplace learning programs,  through measures such as:

  • Developing partnerships / conventions between organizers (educational units) and internship partners;
  • Organizing and conducting workplace learning programs (internship / traineeship, practical training, technology lab, etc.);
  • Organizing professional competitions, competitions on jobs, competitions and fairs for exercise firms;
  • Providing counseling and professional guidance services for high-school students;
  • Creating a coordinated information system between the private sector and the network of educational units;
  • Creating innovative solutions to facilitate practice, innovative counseling tools, guidance, competence assessment;
  • Conducting Internships in EU Member States.

Who can apply?
Types of eligible applicants and partners in this call:

  • Ministry of Education and relevant structures / agencies / subordinated / coordinated by it;
  • Employers (as practice partners);
  • Professional Associations;
  • Chambers of commerce and industry;
  • NGOs;
  • Public and private providers of professional guidance and counseling;
  • Trade union organizations and employers’ organizations.

For project proposals aiming activities of learning at work, eligible applicants and partners are:

  • County School Inspectorates (as structures under MEN);
  • Professional Associations;
  • Employers as internship partners;
  • NGOs as internship partners.

Other informations:
Grant application must be submitted in partnershipTransnational partnership is eligible.
What is the call allocation?

  • 30.552.000 euro

What is project’s maximum value?

  • Maximum 500.000 euro, of which the percentage of non-reimbursable financing is between 85-100% depending on applicant type. Maximum project value cannot exceed the result of following formula: 1.500 euro x number of target group participants.

How long does it take to implement a project?

  • Minimum 9 months, maximum 24 months.

Who can be a part of the target group?

  • Students (ISCED 2 – 3, qualification level 3 – 4);
  • Students (ISCED 4, qualification level 5, enrolled in post-secondary schools / masters organized at educational units level).

For more information click here.

Last reminder: Grants for employee training in large companies, deadline 15 January

November 28th, 2018
 AMPOCU launched the financing line – “Innovation through training”, in which LARGE companies can reimburse their investment in training programs for employees. The call is dedicated to human resource development through ANC authorized training programs (initiation/ qualification/ requalification/ specialization/ refresher courses).

What is project’s maximum implementation period?

  • 18 months.
What is project’s maximum value?
  • 500.000 euro of which non-reimbursable financing percentage is 50% (with increase to 60% if training is addressed to disabled or disadvantaged employees), maximum 250.000 euro.
Who can apply?
  • Large enterprises with activity in priority sectors. The CAEN code for the eligible activity must be authorized. See the list of eligible CAEN codes here.
  • The project can be implemented in any region of the country, except for Bucharest-IlfovLarge enterprises with headquarters in Bucharest-Ilfov region are eligible only if their projects are implemented in less developed regions (within a place of business located in one of the eligible regions).
Which employees can be involved in the project (target group)?
  • Employees (all categories) seeking for development of their knowledge, competencies and aptitude levels.
  • Minimum target group: 75 employees.
The deadline for submitting projects is January 15, 2019.
For more information click here.

Last reminder: Grants for employee training in large companies, deadline 15 January