Call launch “Grandparents of the community” – integrated services for elderly people

August 2nd, 2018

The Ministry of European Funds launched the call for proposals: “Grandparents of the community” aimed at supporting the development / provision and access of elderly people to integrated services (social and socio-medical).

The projects can be submitted in the period: 26 July – 26 October 2018.

Total call allocation:

  • 15 mil. euro

Maximum eligible project value:

  • 600.000 euro, of which the percentage of non-reimbursable financing is between 85% -100%, depending on the type of applicant.

Project implementation:

  • maximum 36 months;

Eligible applicants:

  • Social services providers, accredited according to the law, alone or in partnership with relevant social actors;
  • Local public authorities with responsibilities in the field in partnership with relevant social actors.

Eligible activities:

  • Development of social services for the elderly: establishment of social services, or development of existing social services (financial support and support for human resources);
  • Providing social services for the elderly, exclusively: social service without accommodation:
    • Day centers;
    • Home care services;
    • Day care centers for assistance and support for the elderly in need;
    • Street intervention services;
    • Food preparation and distribution centers;

Target group:

  • Elderly people in situations of addiction and/or at risk of social exclusion;
  • Staff of public authorities / public/private agencies that provide social and employment services to vulnerable elderly people; staff of civil society organizations and NGOs.

Minimum target group: 100 elderly people;

For more information click here.

Training projects for employees

July 31st, 2018

AMPOCU launched under public consultation the Specific Guidelines for the financing line – “Improving the level of knowledge / competencies / skills for employees”

The call is dedicated to the development of human resources from enterprises through measures such as:

  • adult vocational training programs (initiation, qualification, re-qualification, improvement or specialization programs);
  • evaluation and certification of professional competences obtained in other than formal, non-formal and / or informal ways;
  • developing and introducing workplace learning programs;
  • employers’ awareness campaigns on the importance and necessity of employee participation in continuous training programs;

Who can apply?

  • Employer organizations;
  • Business Associations;
  • Chambers of Commerce and Industry;

In partnership with other relevant entities (eg trade unions and / or training providers).

What is the call allocation?

  • 89.361.701,88 euro

What is the maximum value of the project?

  • 1 million euro, of which the percentage of non-reimbursable financing is between 85-100% depending on applicant type.

How long does it take to implement a project?

  • maximum 18 months.

Which employees can be involved in the project (target group)?

  • Employees from enterprises that carry out their main or secondary activity in one of the priority sectors or enterprises that intend to adapt their main or secondary activity to at least one of these sectors (see the List of eligible CAEN codes).

Other target group provisions:

  • Employees must work and have their domicile / residence outside Bucharest-Ilfov region;
  • People who provide strategic management in companies and HR department staff can not be target group – for them there is another dedicated call;
  • Minimum target group: 250 people.

For more information click here.

Lanched or expected to be launched calls in the next period

July 25th, 2018

These are the following call for projects of interest for private companies, opened and / or expected to be launched in the coming period:

POCU 3.8 – “Professional Romania – Competitive Enterprises” – open call (30 July – 31 October 2018)

  • Finance: training, coaching, seminars, workshops, conferences, lectures, etc. for managers and HR staff from large companies
  • Maximum eligible amount of the project: 500.000 euro, of which: 50% non-refundable but not more than 250.000 euro
  • Eligible applicants: Large companies with activity in priority areas.
  • More details here.

POCU 3.12 – “Innovation through training” – under public consultation

  • Financing: training / recognition of previously acquired competencies for direct productive employees, development of workplace plans / programs etc.
  • Maximum eligible project value: 500.000 euro, of which: between 50% and 95% non-reimbursable, depending on certain activities
  • Eligible applicants: Large companies with activity in priority areas.
  • More details here.

POCU 3.12 – “Improving the level of knowledge / competencies / skills for employees” – under public consultation

  • Financing: training / recognition of competencies previously acquired for employees of companies with activity in priority sectors, awareness campaigns, workplace learning programs etc.
  • Maximum eligible value of the project: 1.000.000 euro, of which: between 85%-100% non-reimbursable, depending on the type of applicant.
  • Eligible applicants: employers, business associations, chambers of commerce and industry, in partnership with professional training providers / unions.
  • More details here.

POCU 6.2 – “Developing anteprescolar education services” – under public consultation

  • Financing: setting up / functioning of nurseries / nursing groups, awareness campaigns, information and counseling / education of parents, financial support, development of teaching staff, development of new learning materials, good practices etc. for pre-preschool and their parents / guardians, and the teaching staff.
  • Maximum eligible project value: approx. 700 thousand euro (B-Ilfov) and 539 thousand euro (the other regions), of which: between 85%-100% non-reimbursable, depending on the type of applicant.
  • Eligible applicants: educational institutions (ISCED 0), NGOs, guidance, counseling, school mediation providers, LPA, trade unions, etc.
  • More details here.

State aid scheme GD no. 807/2014 – under public consultation

  • Financing: costs excluding VAT related to the construction / acquisition of tangible assets (constructions, technical installations, machines / equipment etc.) and intangible assets (patents, licenses etc.) and expenses related to the renting of buildings
  • Project value: minimum 13.5 mill. lei, of which: between 10%-50% non-reimbursable, depending on the project implementation region
  • Eligible applicants: enterprises (large and SMEs) with activity or start-ups
  • More details here.

POC 221 – “Supporting the growth of added value generated by the ICT sector and innovation in the field through the development of clusters” – in public consultation

  • Financing: developing innovative products/services/applications through investment in: tangible and intangible assets, industrial research/experimental development, process and organizational innovation etc.
  • Project value: between 500.000 euro-2,5 mill. euro, of which: between 20%-100% non-reimbursable depending on activities, company size and implementation area
  • Eligible applicants: Enterprises (micro/small/medium) with activity in ICT area or ICT clusters; consortia of ICT companies.
  • More details here.

Financing for development of preschool education

July 23rd, 2018

AMPOCU launched under public consultation the Specific Guidelines for the financing line – “Developing preschool education services”.

The call is dedicated to increase the participation in preschool education, especially of disadvantaged children, through measures such as:

  • Establishment / operation / support of preschools / groups of education and care of preschool children in existing kindergartens;
  • Supporting participation in preschool education: awareness campaigns, parents’ information and counseling services, parent education, financial support;
  • Ensuring qualified human resources: mobility of teaching staff, mentoring;
  • Development and use of new learning services and materials;
  • Promoting of good practices;

Who can apply?

  • Accredited, public and private educational institutions (ISCED 0) from the national school network;
  • NGOs;
  • Public and private providers of guidance, counseling, school mediation and alternative service;
  • PLA with attributions in the field of pre-university education;
  • Social partners from pre-university education (eg trade unions);
  • Institutions / government agencies with attributions in the field of social inclusion;
  • Ministry of National Education and other subordinated structures with attributions in the education field;

How long does it take to implement a project?

  • Max. 24 months.

Which is the call allocation?

  • 164.000.000 euro, of which 18.520.892 euro for the Bucharest-Ilfov region

What is the maximum value of the project?

  • 539.812,19 euro, for less developed regions,
  • 700.266,94 euro for Bucharest Ilfov region.

With a non-reimbursable funding percentage of:

  • 100% for NGOs;
  • 95% for private beneficiaries;
  • 98% / 85% of public institutions;

What is the target group?

  • Ante-preschool (0-2 years old)
  • Parents / guardians / person who take care of the child with parents working abroad
  • Teacher staff from EICP (Education and Care of Preschool Children).

Minimum target group: 5 preschool groups (50 children)

For more information click here.

A new launch of the state aid scheme for investments made by large companies and SMEs

July 19th, 2018

The Ministry of Public Finance published the Applicant Guideline for the State aid scheme GD no. 807/2014, and in the next period is intending to open a new session of project proposals.

Medium annual budget: 145 mill. euro (638 mill. lei).

Eligible applicants: companies (large and SMEs), including start-ups (the subscribed capital is of minimum 100.000 lei), from all economic sectors, except companies activating in areas such as: aquaculture, primary production, processing and marketing of agricultural products, steel, coal sector, shipbuilding, production of synthetic fibers, transportation and energetic sectors and all sectors listed in Annex 1 to GD 807/2014.

Eligible expenditure:

  • Costs excluding VAT, related to the realization, respectively the acquisition of tangible and intangible assets, and the expenses related to the renting of the constructions related to the initial investment
    • Tangible assets: construction, technical installations, machinery and equipment;
    • Intangible assets: depreciable assets associated with the initial investment, such as patents, licenses, know-how, etc.

Project value: minimum 13,5 mill. lei (approx. 3 mill. euro)

The grant awarded is differentiated according to the implementation region:

  • up to 10% in the Bucharest Region;
  • up to 35% in the West and Ilfov Regions;
  • up to 50% in the rest of the regions (North West, North East, Center, South West, South, South East)

For more information click here.

Additional Amounts to Improve SME Competitiveness

July 3rd, 2018

The modification of the Regional Operational Program (ROP) and supplementation of the financial allocations for Axis 2 – Improving the Competitiveness of SMEs was approved. Thus, the amount allocated to Axis 2 was increased by 394.1 million Euro.

By supplementing the financial allocations, the conditions for contracting of projects that would not have been included in the initial financial allocation and for the LAUNCH of new calls for projects intended to finance the investments made by micro-enterprises and SMEs, financed from ROP 2014-2020 were created.

Eligible investments:

For POR 2.2 (projects for SMEs):
a. Construction, extension of the production/ services areas;
b. Acquisition of tangible (equipment, tools etc), intangible assets (patents, licenses etc), including e-commerce tools;
c. Implementation of certification of products, services, or different specific processes, quality environmental or health management systems;
d. Participation to international fairs and exhibitions, trade missions etc.

For POR 2.1 (projects for micro-enterprises) are eligible only the first 2 investments: a) and b).

Financing amount:

  • For investments financed through POR 2.2 (for SMEs): – min. 200.000 euro and max. 1.000.000 euro;
  • For investments financed through POR 2.1 (for microenterprises) – min. 25.000 euro and max. 200.000 euro;

Non-reimbursable financing rate:

For investments financed through POR 2.2 (for SMEs):

  • For investments mentioned at points a) and b) – up to 70% from the eligible expenses value;
  • For investments mentioned at points c) and d) – up to 90% from the eligible expenses value;

For investments financed through POR 2.1 (for micro-enterprises): up to 90% from the eligible expenses value;

LAUNCH – projects for training of managers and HR staff from LARGE companies

June 28th, 2018

The Ministry of European Funds has launched the second call for proposals “Professional Romania – Competitive Enterprises” through which LARGE companies can finance their training for managers and HR personnel.

The projects can be submitted in the period: 30 July – 31st of October 2018

The tender is dedicated to the improvement of LARGE enterprises’ management and human resources management through: training, coaching, seminars, workshops, conferences, lectures, etc.

Total call allocation:

  • 14,378 mil. euro

Maximum eligible project value:

  • 500.000 euro, of which: 50% non refundable (or maximum 60% if the training is addressed to disabled or disadvantaged employees) but not more than 250.000 euro.

Project implementation:

  • maximum 12 months;

Eligible applicants:

Employers (large enterprises):

  • from economically competitive sectors identified by Romania’s National Competitive Strategy: tourism/ ecotourism, textiles/ leather, wood/ furniture, automotive and components for automotive, IT and communications, beverage/ food processing, energy/ environment, health/ pharmaceutical, bio-economics/ bio-pharmaceuticals/ bio-technologies, creative industries

Employers may have their headquarter in any development region of Romania (including Bucharest-Ilfov), as long as the projects are implemented in the territory of a less developed region of Romania (at headquarter / place of business / agency / branch / subsidiary of the applicant).

Employees that can be targeted by the project (target group):

  • management & leadership positions;
  • human resources departments staff;

Persons from the target group must have their work place located in one of the less developed regions of Romania (outside Bucharest-Ilfov).

Minimum target group: 50 persons;

For more information click here.

LAUNCH – projects for training of managers and HR staff from LARGE companies

June 20th, 2018

The Ministry of European Funds issued an order supplementing the non-reimbursable funding from 70.000 euro to 250.000 euro for future projects for training managers and HR staff from LARGE companies.

The second call for projects is expected to be launched in the near future, the submission of projects being scheduled for July-August 2018.

We remind you the main conditions:

The tender is dedicated to the improvement of LARGE enterprises’ management and human resources management through: training, coaching, seminars, workshops, conferences, lectures, etc.

How long does the project take?

  • maximum 12 months;

Who can apply?

Employers (large enterprises) from economically competitive sectors identified by Romania’s National Competitive Strategy: tourism/ ecotourism, textiles/ leather, wood/ furniture, automotive and components for automotive, IT and communications, beverage/ food processing, energy/ environment, health/ pharmaceutical, bio-economics/ bio-pharmaceuticals/ bio-technologies, means of transport, infrastructure, chemicals, machinery / appliances / electrical equipment

What employees can be targeted by the project?

  • management&leadership positions;
  • human resources departments staff;
  • Can participate only employees who reside and work anywhere in Romania, outside the Bucharest-Ilfov region

Minimum target group: 50 persons;

For more information please contact us.

New financing for SMEs and clusters from IT

June 11th, 2018

The guide for a new type of financing through Operational Program of Competitiveness: Action 2.2.1 “Support for adding value generated by ICT and innovation field by developing clusters” has been published for debate and will be launched in the next period.

Main details about this call:

A project is eligible for financial support under this action only if at the end of the implementation will have as a result at least one innovative ICT application / product / service.

Eligible applicants:

  • Enterprises (micro/small/medium-sized enterprises) operating in Romania, focused on ICT or who operates as members of clusters focused on ICT;
  • Partnerships between micro/small/medium-sized enterprises operating in Romania, members of clusters focused on ICT.

The support will target the development of innovative ICT products / services / applications through:

a)  Investments in tangible and intangible assets within an initial investment;
b)  Investments in industrial research and experimental development;
c)   Investments in projects for innovation of SMEs;
d)   Investments in projects regarding process and organizational innovation;
e) Minimis aid: market research expenditure, information and publicity, consultancy, notice, authorizations, training, audit, management, subscriptions, etc.

The amount of non-reimbursable funding is: between 500.000 euro and 2.500.000 euro

Financing percentage:

  • For activities from a) to d): between 20% and 80% of total eligible costs, differentiated according to project activities, the size of the company and the region where it is being implemented.
  • For minimis aid – point e): 100%, maximum 200.000 euro and no more than 20% of the total eligible costs of the project.

Project duration: maximum 36 months.

Find more details here.

Norway grants for companies and NGOs

May 30th, 2018

Innovation Norway, as Fund Operator, launched on 24 May 2018 the first call under the “SMEs Growth Romania” Program. The program, funds initiatives to increase competitiveness and profitability of Romanian enterprises, with an emphasis on innovation in the field of services and technological processes.

Call budget:

  • Approx. 21 mill. Euro, of which:
    • 15 million for individual projects;
    • 6 million euro for small grants;

Maximum amount of non-refundable aid:

  • Individual projects: min. 200.000 euro and max. 2.000.000 euro;
  • Small grants: min. 50.000 euro and max. 200.000 euro;
  • The non-reimbursable aid, for both types of projects, can vary from 10% up to 80% of the total eligible project value, depending on the type of state aid granted, the size of the applicant, the development region and other elements included in the program.

Eligible applicants and partners:

  • SMEs and large companies – for individual projects
  • SMEs and NGOs engaged in economic activities – for small grants
  • Eligible partners: Partnerships are not mandatory, but projects with partners from donor states (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) are strongly encouraged.

The investment should target one of the areas:

  • Development of ICT products / processes / solutions;
  • Developing, implementing and investing in innovative green technologies/ ecological products and services/greener production processes, in industry;
  • Sustainable development of the marine and maritime sectors;

Eligible expenditure:

  • Salaries of the staff involved;
  • Transportation, accommodation, daily allowance;
  • Equipment – full cost or depreciation during project implementation;
  • Consumables and raw materials;
  • Contracts made in order to implement the project;
  • Real estate and land – max. 10% of the eligible project value and with the approval of the Authority;
  • Indirect / administrative costs;


  • For projects submission – 1 November 2018, 13.00
  • For project implementation – April 30, 2022

For a more detailed description click here.

Norway grants for companies and NGOs