Non-reimbursable financing for microentreprises and SMEs!

August 3rd, 2016

Projects within the call for investments for the development of micro-enterprises from urban areas (2.1 A) through the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) can be submitted!

The call have been launched on 27.07.2016 and will remain opened until 27.01.2017.

If you are the administrator of a microenterprise (with up to 9 employees and up to 2 million euro turnover/total assets), with at least 1 year of activity and you wish to invest in:

  • Construction, extension, modernization of the production/ services areas;
  • Acquisition of tangible and intangible assets, including e-commerce tools.

this call offers you the possibility to receive a non-reimbursable financing up to 90% from the eligible costs of the project.

Eligible value of the project: minimum 25.000 euro;

Grant: maximum 200.000 euro;

Investments in the Bucharest – Ilfov and ITI Danube Delta development regions are NOT eligible.

For more information click here.

Also, for more complex projects developed by SMEs (with up to 250 employees and up to 50 million euro turnover/total assets), including microenterprises, a financing between 200.000 euro si 1.000.000 euro can be obtained. The launch is estimated in September-October 2016.

For more information click here.

VAPRO – Summary table of non-reimbursable funds!

July 29th, 2016

VAPRO Romania has developed a brief summary of the most interesting non-reimbursable financing possibilities for the private field (small and medium enterprises, large enterprises) from rural and urban areas, and also for NGOs, public institutions or other organizations from the targeted field.

For each type of financing opportunity you can identify:

  • estimated / official launch date;
  • financial allocation of the call for proposals;
  • grant amount;
  • types of eligible applicants;
  • eligible expenditures;

To download the document click here!

Also, starting with 28th of July 2016, existing companies or start-ups from rural areas can submit projects for funding non-agricultural activities. The grant awarded can reach up to 70.000 euro (100 % non-refundable) for PNDR 6.2 sub-measure and up to 90% of the project cost (but not less than 200.000 euro) for PNDR 6.4 sub-measure.

POCU – new calls for social economy and education in disadvantaged schools!

July 27th, 2016

The Ministry of European Funds launched under public consultation two new Guidelines: “Solidarity” and “Motivated teachers in disadvantaged schools” financed through POCU 2014-2020.
“SOLIDARITY. Support for consolidation of social economy” – Specific Objective 4.16
Eligible activities:

  • Training and abilities development, counselling, consultancy of persons involved in the enterprise; Promotion of the social brand; Jobs accessibility;
  • Know-how transfer with other communities and with relevant actors; Partnership development;

Target group: persons from social enterprises (staff; members (according to the organization and functioning papers); volunteers (with contract));

Project value: minimum 50.000 euro – maximum 100.000 euro as minimis aid.

Non-reimbursable financing: up to 100%.

Eligible applicants are social economy structures organized as: I-st degree cooperative, cooperative credit institution, association/foundation, credit union, federation or union,  any other category of legal person certified as a social enterprise.

“Motivated teachers in disadvantaged schools” – Specific Objectives 6.2, 6.3, 6.6
Eligible activities:

  • Attracting and maintaining the quality of human resources in the target schools;
  • Creating a critical mass of motivated professionals in the target schools;
  • Ensuring the sustainability of quality in education;

Target group:

  • Teachers, support staff, school managers and social partners that work in schools with children who are in educational risk;

Project value:

  • Small projects: maximum 450.000 euro (includes minimum 3 schools);
  • Large projects: maximum 1.500.000 euro (includes minimum 10 schools);

Non-reimbursable financing:

  • 100% for NGOs; 95% for private beneficiaries; 98%/85% for public institutions;

Eligible applicants:

  • NGOs;
  • Public or private educational institutions; Local public authorities with responsibilities in the field;
  • Guidance, counselling, scholar mediation services providers;
  • Ministry of Education and subordinated institutions; Social partners from pre-university education system;
  • National Administration of Penitentiaries and subordinated institutions (SO 6.3 and 6.6);

More information about the two guidelines here.

Recommendations for MFE regarding the Applicant Guideline “Romania Start-up Plus”

July 26th, 2016

Vapro Romania together with Structural Consulting™ Group – continues the series of recommendations for the Ministry of European Funds and MA POCU.

The document submitted yesterday, 25th July 2016, comprise recommendations to improve the Applicant Guideline Specific Conditions “Romania Start up Plus” on Human Capital Operational Programme.

The main aspects on which VAPRO, Structural Consulting Group and other experts have proposed modifications are:

  • The possibility to include companies and universities in the list of eligible applicants;
  • The modification of percentages of the two tranches of the micro-grant from 60% – 40 % to 80% – 20%,  to ensure real possibilities of success for the established businesses;
  • The reduction of the “performance threshold” to be met within 12 months of existence, from 50% of the first tranche to a more realistic value of 20%;
  • To eliminate the minimum required duration of the entrepreneurial skills training authorised by ANC;
  • To eliminate the maximum duration required for the 3 phases of the project implementation framework;

For more information about the submitted recommendations download the document from here.

The Guideline for SMEs have been published – the launch is following!

July 26th, 2016

The consultative version of the Applicant Guideline for investments implemented by SMEs within the Regional Operational Program (POR) has been published for public debate until 24.08.2016.

 Eligible beneficiaries:

  • non-agricultural SMEs from urban areas (also micro-enterprises) and
  • non-agricultural medium enterprises from rural areas.

It is required for a beneficiary to have at least 3 years of activity and to register operational profit for the year prior to project submission.

Eligible regions: North-East, South-East, South Muntenia, South-Vest Oltenia, North-West, Centre;

Eligible investments:

  1. Construction, modernization, extension of the production/services areas;
  2. Acquisition of tangible (equipment, tools etc), intangible assets (patents, licenses etc), including e-commerce tools.
  3. Implementation of quality environmental or health management systems;
  4. Participation at international fairs and exhibitions, trade missions etc.

Eligible non-reimbursable value: minimum 200.000 euro and maximum 1.000.000 euro.

Non- reimbursable financing rate:

For investments mentioned at points 1 and 2:

  • Small enterprises: 60% (from North-East, South-East, South Muntenia, South-West Oltenia, North-West, Center regions) and 45% (from West region);
  • Small and micro enterprises: 70% (from North-East, South-East, South Muntenia, South-West Oltenia, North-West, Center regions) and 55% (from West region);

For investments mentioned at points 3 and 4: up to 90%;

All the conditions that beneficiaries must meet to access this funding can be found here.

Final guidelines for non-agricultural business in rural areas (PNDR)

July 21st, 2016

Final guidelines have been published for sub-measures 6.2 and 6.4 within National Rural Development Programme, sub-measures that focus on investments in non-agricultural business in rural areas.

The submission of applications for funding will begin in approximately 7 days from the date the final guidelines have been published.

What activities can be performed?

  • Services: medical services, car repair shops, IT business, consultancy, accountancy, veterinarian and others;
  • Production: pellet manufacturing, electrical components factory, metal constructions, furniture factory, pharmaceuticals, crafts etc.;
  • Tourism: agro – pensions and leisure activities;
  • Other activities – contact us to confirm that your idea can be financed;

Which is the maximum grant for a project?

  • For 6.2 financing line – Up to 70.000 euro (100% non-refundable) and the payment is granted in two installments: 70% in advance, at the beginning of the project and 30% at project completion and achievement of indicators;


  • For 6.4 financing line – Up to 200.000 euro (up to 90% non-refundable financing) for those who want a more complex investment, with regular payments (maximum 5 payments) during the project implementation period;

What can be financed?

  • Building or modernization of the working space;
  • Purchase of equipment, machinery or other equipment necessary for the business;
  • Other expenses required by the project.

Who can access the funding?

  • Micro-enterprises, small businesses or any individual that can found a company in the rural area until the submission deadline of the project;

The evaluation and approval: these grants are awarded to the highest scoring projects until the available funds are contracted! The submission session will be opened for at least 5 days, or until the public value of the applications submitted reach the ceiling of 200% of the allocation for this annual session.

For more information the guidelines can be downloaded here.

Recommendations for MEF regarding the simplified costs options

July 19th, 2016

Structural Consulting™ Group  – and VAPRO Romania have submitted today, 19th July 2016, to the Ministry of European Funds and AM POCU a case study based on Romania’s excessive interpretation regarding the use of simplified cost options within POCU 2014-2020.

The document is part of a series of recommendations that the two companies have proposed to develop in order to assist the authorities responsible for POCU management. The analysis, called “Romania, excessive interpretation in use of simplified cost options. Recommendations and proposals” shows comparatively how simplified cost options are used in other four EU countries: Poland, Malta, Czech Republic and Wales.

Thus, in Romania the indirect costs are not only calculated as a fixed percentage of 15% of the total direct staff costs (further refined by our country with the amount of subcontracted staff costs) but also include other categories of costs, which in the countries given as example, are considered direct costs.

The document offers also recommendations on how the simplified cost options should be used to support the beneficiaries and also to ensure and support the reducing of the administrative burden at Authorities level.

For more information download the document.

Recomandari pentru MFE privind optiunile de costuri simplificate

July 19th, 2016

Structural Consulting™ Group – și VAPRO Romania au transmis astazi, 19 iulie 2016, catre Ministerul Fondurilor Europene și AM POCU un studiu de caz cu privire la interpretarea excesiva a Romaniei in ceea ce priveste utilizarea optiunilor de costuri simplificate in cadrul POCU 2014-2020.

Documentul face parte din seria de recomandari cu care cele doua companii si-au propus sa vina in sprijinul Autoritatilor responsabile de gestionarea POCU.

Analiza, denumita “Romania, interpretare excesiva in utilizarea optiunilor de costuri simplificate. Recomandari si propuneri”, prezinta comparativ modul in care optiunile de costuri simplificate sunt utilizate in cadrul altor 4 state UE: Polonia, Malta, Cehia si Tara Galilor.

Astfel, in Romania costurile indirecte nu doar ca sunt calculate ca procent fix de 15% din totalul costurilor directe de personal (ajustate suplimentar de tara noastra cu valoarea costurilor de personal subcontractate) ci cuprind si multe alte categorii de costuri care, in tarile oferite ca exemplu, sunt considerate costuri directe.

Documentul ofera si recomandari privind modul in care optiunile de costuri simplificate ar trebui utilizate astfel incat sa vina atat in sprijinul Beneficiarilor dar sa asigure si o usurare a poverii administrative de la nivelul Autoritatilor.

 Pentru mai multe informatii descarcati documentul.

National funds for SMEs starting with 20 July!

July 18th, 2016

During 20 July – 29 July 2016 period can be submitted business plans for SMEs (including Bucharest-Ilfov region), through the Micro-industrialization National Programme. 

Eligible beneficiaries:

  • SMEs from all development regions
  • Micro-enterprises and SMEs from Bucharest-Ilfov region.

The grant value: up to 250.000 lei/beneficiary (approx. 55.000 euro).

Financing percentages: up to 90% of eligible expenditures of the project.

Total budget allocated for 2016: 60 mil lei (for minimum 244 beneficiaries).

Eligible expenditures within the project: purchasing of technological equipment, measurement and control equipment, fiscal electronic devices, vans, patents, brands, e-commerce software, IT equipment, development of a website, work/production spaces, heating/air-conditioning installations, entrepreneurship training, consultancy etc.

For more information click here.

100% financing for reducing energy consumption of large industrial consumers!

July 15th, 2016

The Ministry of European Funds, through GD POIM is preparing the launch of a call for projects for industrial consumer for “Reducing the energy consumption of industrial consumers” – 6.2 Specific Objective within the Operational Programme Large Infrastructure 2014-2020

Eligible beneficiaries: 

  • Manufacturing companies with consumption of more than 1,000 toe/year, performing activities related to the: Extractive industry and Manufacturing industry sectors.

Projects implemented in the Bucharest – Ilfov development region are not eligible.

Eligible expenditure:

  • Acquisition of the monitoring system of energy consumption at the level of industrial platform (installations, equipment, monitoring systems, RTU-remote terminal units, master stations etc.);
  • Project preparation (studies, permits, authorizations etc.);
  • Project management, audit;


  • Up to 200.000 euro, minimis aid;

Grant financing percentage: 

  • 100% non-reimbursable;

As well, MEF organizes on 21st July 2016 a debate session regarding the Guideline project for 6.2 Specific Objective.

A revised version of the draft Guideline for SO 6.2 has been published for public consultation on 21st June 2016.

100% financing for reducing energy consumption of large industrial consumers!