Recommendation for MEF regarding HCOP Applicant Guideline – Vapro Romania and Structural Consulting Group

July 14th, 2016

Together with Structural Consulting Group we submitted yesterday for the Ministry of European Funds and MA HCOP a series of recommendations regarding the Applicant’s Guideline – General Conditions for HCOP – “Guidelines regarding the access for funding under the Operational Programme Human Capital 2014-2020”.

The document comprises the main aspects of novelty introduced in the eligibility requirements for 2014-2020, and that, in our opinion, are restricting the access to several categories of potential beneficiaries.

In our recommendations we analyzed and included a part of the suggestions received after the “Fresh Start” round table. The event was organized by Structural Consulting Group and the Romanian-Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Romania (NRCC), on 26th of May 2016, at which attended the representatives of the Ministry of European Funds and experts involved in SOPHRD/HCOP.

This document is the first from a series of analyzes that VAPRO Romania consultants, together with Structural Consulting Group and other partners, are preparing based on the guidelines published within HCOP and that they will forward to the Ministry of European Funds and MA HCOP.

The submitted document can be downloaded here: Download Recommendation Letter!

Recomandari pentru MFE privind Ghidul Solicitantului POCU – VAPRO Romania si Structural Consulting Group

July 14th, 2016

Impreuna cu Structural Consulting Group am transmis ieri catre Ministrul Fondurilor Europene si catre AM POCU o serie de recomandari privind Ghidul Solicitantului – Conditii Generale pentru POCU – „Orientari privind accesarea finantarilor in cadrul Programului Operational Capital Uman 2014-2020”.

Documentul surprinde principalele aspecte de noutate introduse in cerintele de eligibilitate pentru perioada 2014-2020, si care, in opinia noastra, restrictioneaza accesul mai multor categorii de potentiali Beneficiari. 

In recomandarile noastre am analizat si am inclus o parte din sugestiile transmise in urma mesei rotunde “Fresh Start”. Evenimentul a fost organizat de Structural Consulting Group si Camera de Comert Romano – Olandeza din Romania (NRCC), in data de 26 mai 2016, cu participarea reprezentantilor Ministerului Fondurilor Europene si a unor experti implicati in derularea POSDRU/POCU.

Acest document este primul dintr-o serie de analize pe care consultantii VAPRO Romania, impreuna cu Structural Consulting Group si alti parteneri, le pregatesc pe baza ghidurilor publicate in cadrul POCU si pe care le vor inainta Ministerului Fondurilor Europene si AM POCU.

Documentul transmis poate fi descarcat de aici: Download Scrisoare recomandari!

Financing for enterprises – assets or salary costs!

July 13th, 2016

Starting with 27th of July 2016 micro-enterprises from urban areas can submit projects under the call for investments for the development of micro-enterprises (2.1 A) through the Regional Operational Programme (ROP).

Eligible beneficiaries:  micro-enterprises (under 9 employees and up to 2 million euro turnover/total assets), with at least 1 year of activity.
Investments in the Bucharest – Ilfov and ITI Danube Delta development regions are NOT eligible.

Eligible investments:

  • Construction, extension, modernization of the production/ services areas;
  • Acquisition of tangible and intangible assets (equipment, devices, tools), including e-commerce tools.

Minimum eligible value of the project:  25.000 euro;

Grant: maximum 200.000 euro;

Grant financing percentage: maximum 90% from the eligible costs of the project.


Also, the Ministry of Public Finance announced the opening of a new submission session to support investments promoting jobs creation (based on G.D No. 332/2014), which will take place on 8-22 August 2016.

Eligible beneficiaries: Newly established enterprises (the subscribed capital should be minimum 30.000 lei), SMEs, Large companies;

Eligible expenditure: The total salary costs with new work places created as a result of an initial investment for a period of 2 consecutive years.

Budget of the current session: 113 million lei.

Grant financing percentage:

  • up to 15 % in the Bucharest region;
  • up to 35 % in the West and Ilfov regions;
  • up to 50 % in the rest of the regions (North-West, North-East Center, South-West, South, South-East);

Money for entrepreneurs – “Romania Start-up Plus”

July 11th, 2016

The Ministry of European Funds launched under public consultation the Applicant Guidelines – Specific Conditions: “Romania Start-up Plus”, related to the Specific Objective 3.7 within POCU 2014-2020.

Projects aim at encouraging entrepreneurship and self-employment through supporting the establishment of enterprises with non-agricultural profile in urban areas.

The project beneficiary shall ensure to the target group:

  • Entrepreneurship education courses;
  • Advice on implementing the business plan;
  • A mentoring and business development program;
  • A micro-grant of maximum 40.000 euro / business plan;

Maximum project value: 5.000.000 euro.

Non-reimbursable financing: up to 100%.

Eligible applicants/partners:

  • Public and private training providers;
  • Trade unions and employers;
  • Members of Sectoral Committees and legal Sectoral Committees;
  • Authorities of local government (administrative units);
  • Professional Associations;
  • Chambers of commerce and industry;
  • NGOs;
  • Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment and subordinated/ coordinated: institutions / agencies / organizations;

Target group:

  • Individuals who intend to establish a business (eg. unemployed / inactive / people who have a job and intend to set up a business in order to create new jobs)

The guideline is under public consultation until 25th July, 2016. More information here.

POCU – Consultative guidelines – “School for all”

July 8th, 2016

The Ministry of European Funds launched under public consultation the Applicant Guidelines – Specific Conditions: “School for all” (SO 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6) – financing line dedicated to:

  • Facilitating the access to education and preventing / reducing the rate of early school leaving;
  • Increasing the quality of educational services;
  • Providing qualified human resources in education field;

A project should comprise activities from at least two of above mentioned categories and will be implemented over a period of maximum 36 months.

Maximum project value:

  • Small projects 500.000 euro (at the level of a single county);
  • Large projects: 1.500.000 euro (at the level of more counties);

Eligible applicants:

  • NGOs;
  • Religious institutions;
  • Public or private educational institutions (compulsory participation);
  • Various organizations with attributions in education area, according to the Guidelines;

Target group:

  • children with ante/preschool age, students from groups with school dropout risk including their parents;
  • teaching staff;
  • people who have not completed compulsory education;

According to the Ministry, the projects can be submitted during 1st of August 2016 – 30th of September 2016, their implementation being estimated to start in December 2016.

The Guideline is under public consultation until 21st of July 2016 and can be downloaded from here.

55.000 euro grant for SMEs from the Government, including Bucharest and Ilfov!

July 6th, 2016

Starting with July, a new series of non-reimbursable financing will be available for SMEs (including Bucharest-Ilfov region), through the Micro-industrialization National Programme. 

Eligible beneficiaries:

  • SMEs from all development regions and
  • Microenterprises and SMEs from Bucharest-Ilfov, region not covered by European funds

The grant value: up to 250.000 lei/beneficiary (approx. 55.000 euro).

Financing percentages: up to 90% of eligible expenditures of the project.

Total budget allocated for 2016: 60 mil lei (for minimum 244 beneficiaries).

Eligible expenditures within the project: purchasing of technological equipment, measurement and control equipment, fiscal electronic devices, vans, patents, brands, e-commerce software, IT equipment, development of a website, work/production spaces, heating/air-conditioning installations, entrepreneurship training, consultancy etc.

More information you can find here.

JULY – LAUNCH of European funding for new businesses in rural areas!

July 4th, 2016

Starting with July, anyone with entrepreneurial initiative can access European funds in order to start a non-agricultural business in the rural area!
What activities can be performed?

  • Services: medical services, car repair shops, IT business, consultancy or accountancy offices, veterinarian clinic and others;
  • Production: pellet manufacturing, electrical components factory, metal constructions, furniture factory, pharmaceuticals, crafts etc.;
  • Tourism: agro-pensions and leisure activities;
  • Other activities – contact us to confirm that your idea can be financed;

 What is the maximum grant for a project?

  • For 6.2 financing line – Up to 70.000 euro (100 % non-refundable) and the payment is granted in two instalments: 70% in advance, at the beginning of the project and 30% at project completion and achievement of indicators;


  • For 6.4 financing line – Up to 200.000 euro (up to 90% non-refundable financing) for those who want a more complex investment, with periodic payments (maximum 5 payments) during the project implementation period;

 What can be financed?

  • Construction or modernization of the working space;
  • Purchase of equipment, machinery or other equipment necessary for the business;
  • Other expenses required by the project.

 Who can access the funding?

  • Micro-enterprises, small businesses or any individual that can found a company in the rural area until the submission deadline of the project;

The evaluation and approval: the grants are awarded to the highest scoring projects until the available funds are contracted! Therefore, funds are granted to those who submit well prepared projects, as soon as possible.

For a FREE evaluation of your eligibility or for more information contact us via E-mail: or phone: 037 117 29 54.

LUNA IULIE – LANSARE fonduri europene pentru afaceri noi in rural!

July 4th, 2016

Incepand cu luna Iulie, orice persoana cu spirit antreprenorial poate accesa fonduri europene pentru a-si deschide o afacere non-agricola in mediul rural!

Ce activitati se pot realiza?

  • Servicii: cabinete medicale, service-uri auto, afacere in IT, consultanta, contabilitate, cabinet veterinar si altele;
  • Productie: fabrica de peleti, fabrica de componente electrice, constructii metalice, fabrica de mobila, farmaceutice, mestesuguri etc.;
  • Turism: agro-pensiuni si activitati de agrement;
  • Alte activitati – contactati-ne pentru a va confirma ca ideea Dvs se poate finanta;

Care este finantarea maxima care se acorda unui proiect?

  • Pe linia de finantare 6.2 – Pana la 70.000 euro (100% nerambursabili), iar plata efectiva se acorda in doua transe: 70% avans la inceputul proiectului si 30% la final, dupa indeplinirea indicatorilor de proiect;


  • Pe linia de finantare 6.4 – Pana la 200.000 euro (pana la 90% finantare nerambursabila) pentru cei care doresc o investitie mai complexa, cu plata in transe periodice (maxim 5 transe) pe perioada realizarii investitiei;

Ce se poate face cu banii?

  • Construirea sau modernizarea spatiului pentru desfasurarea activitatii;
  • Cumpararea de echipamente, utilaje sau orice alte dotari necesare afacerii;
  • Alte cheltuieli necesare proiectului;

Cine poate accesa finantarea?

  • Microintreprinderile, intreprinderile mici sau orice persoana fizica care poate infiinta o firma in rural pana la data depunerii proiectului;

Evaluarea si aprobarea se face in ordinea punctajului, pana la epuizarea bugetului disponibil! Asadar, fondurile se acorda celor care depun cat mai repede, proiecte bine intocmite.  

Pentru a va verifica GRATUIT eligibilitatea sau pentru mai multe informatii contactati-ne pe E-mail: sau la telefon: 037 117 29 54.

PNDR – non-agricultural projects in rural area at the end of July

June 27th, 2016

According to the updated estimated calendar of launches within PNDR, the projects for non- agricultural investments in rural areas can be submitted starting with 25-29 July.

The eligible beneficiaries are existing or newly founded companies and farmers who want to diversify their activity.

Investments financed for production in non-agricultural areas, provision of services (eg medical, sanitary-veterinary), agro-tourism or crafting activities.

The grant support is:

  • For the sub-measure 6.2 – 50.000 euro with the possibility of increasing* up to 70.000 euro;
  • For the sub-measure 6.4 – 70% of the investment cost, with the possibility of increase* up to 90% but no more than 200.000 euro;

*The grant can be increased in the case of investments in production, provision of medical and sanitary-veterinary services, agro-tourism or in the case of farmers who develop non-agricultural activities (sub-measure 6.4).

The calendar has been published by

PNDR – proiecte non-agricole in mediul rural la sfarsitul lunii Iulie

June 27th, 2016

Conform variantei actualizate a calendarului estimativ al lansarilor in cadrul PNDR, proiectele pentru investitii non-agricole in mediul rural vor putea fi depuse incepand cu saptamana 25-29 Iulie, termenul limita nefiind inca precizat.

Beneficiari eligibili sunt companiile existente sau nou infiintate si fermierii care doresc sa isi diversifice activitatea.

Se pot finanta investitii in activitati de productie in domenii non-agricole, furnizarea de servicii (ex: medicale, sanitar-veterinare), activitati turistice sau mestesugaresti.

Sprijinul nerambursabil reprezinta:

  • In cazul submasurii 6.2 – 50.000 euro cu posibilitatea majorarii* pana la 70.000 euro;
  • In cazul submasurii 6.4 – 70% din costul investitiei cu posibilitatea majorarii* pana la 90% dar nu mai mult de 200.000 euro;

*Majorarea sprijinului are loc in cazul investitiilor in activitati de productie, servicii medicale, sanitar-veterinare si agro-turism sau in cazul fermierilor care dezvolta activitati non-agricole (submasura 6.4).

Calendarul a fost pus la dispozitia publicului de catre

PNDR – proiecte non-agricole in mediul rural la sfarsitul lunii Iulie