Download here: POCU – synthesis of financing opportunities

June 24th, 2016

To support our clients to develop future projects, VAPRO Romania provides a synthesis of all available funding opportunities within Human Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020.

Thus, for each type of financing opportunity you can identify the categories of eligible applicants, the estimated period for public consultations, financial allocations, target groups, funded activities and other specific information.

The document can be downloaded from the link below:


POCU – Updated calendar

June 14th, 2016

The updated version of the estimative calendar of launches within the Human Capital Operational Programme has been published. Differently than the previous versions, the current calendar presents the period for publication for consultations, not the launching date.

The calendar was presented last week during POCU Monitoring Committee.

Thereby, the related specific guidelines for the main types of projects, are expected to be launched for public consultation on the next dates:

  • Axis 1 and 2 – Employment and training projects for young NEETs – June/July;
  • 3.1 & 3.5 – Employment and training for unemployed people, especially the ones with disabilities – July;
  • 3.8 & 3.9 – Projects for human resources management (August) and outplacement (October);
  • 3.12 – Training of own staff – July/August;
  • 4.4 – Measures for people from vulnerable groups (people in prisons and former prisoners) – August;
  • 4.8 – Training of medical staff from medical priority sectors – June;
  • 4.9 – Prenatal screening programs (August), mother and child screening programs (August) and cancer screening programs (July);
  • 6.2 – Measures for increasing preschool participation – June/July;
  • 6.3 – Activities for school students aiming at reducing early school leaving phenomenon, training for teachers from non-university education (6.6), including the diversification of educational offers (6.5) – July;
  • 6.7 – Measures for students (scholarships etc), including training for teachers (6.9) and diversification of educational offers (6.10) – July;
  • 6.12 – Providing of training programs – September;
  • 6.13 & 6.14 – Internship and apprenticeship programs – during 2016;

The calendar has been published by

We also mention that projects financed within POCA, where NGOs can propose alternatives to public policies, are expected to be launched in July.

POCA – Projects for NGOs starting with July!

June 13th, 2016

According to the launches calendar published on the website of the Managing Authority for the Administrative Capacity Operational Programme, the projects for NGOs are expected to be launched in the following months:

  • July 2016 – Increasing the capacity of NGOs and social partners to formulate policy alternatives;
  • December 2016 – Supporting actions regarding the unitary application of rules, mechanisms and procedures in matters of ethics and integrity, as well as measures to prevent corruption in the public authorities and institutions;
  • January 2017 – Increasing the capacity of NGOs and social partners to support and promote development at local level and to interact with public authorities and institutions of local administration;

The calendar presents also information like the financial allocation, the eligible beneficiaries and the type of call, (non)competitive, by case.

For further information access the calendar here:

Financing for social centers – elderly

June 7th, 2016

The consultative version of the Applicant Guideline for increasing the coverage of social services – vulnerable group: elderly over 65 years old (Specific Objective 8.3) within the Regional Operational Program (ROP) 2014-2020 was published.

Eligible beneficiaries are:

1.Administrative Territorial Units, other entities of public law;
2.Entities of private law:

  • associations and foundations, including subsidiaries of international associations and foundations recognized in accordance with Romanian law;
  • cult units / structures of denominations belonging to religious cults, including foundations and associations constituted by cults;

3.Partnerships between any of the entities mentioned above.

The Beneficiary or one of the partners must be accredited provider of social services and have at least 1 year of activity at the date of submission of the application.

Types of investments: 

  • rehabilitation / modernization / expansion / endowment of infrastructure of existing social center without residential component;
  • rehabilitation / modernization / expansion / endowment of infrastructure for the establishment of new social centers without residential component;
  • ensuring / modernization of general and specific utilities for the infrastructure of social services without residential component;
  • creation / modernization of facilities for physical access for people with disabilities;
  • arranging of workshops in social centers without residential component;
  • facilities adapted to the needs of beneficiaries of services provided by the social infrastructure without residential component, including equipment for people with disabilities;

*Projects can be implemented in all development regions except Bucharest – Ilfov region.

Eligible value of the project: vary according to the project objective between 50.000 euro and 850.000 euro.
Grant financing percentage98% from the eligible costs.

Observations or comments can be submitted until 6 July 2016 (16:00) at the email address:

Financing launched for investments – NEW!

May 26th, 2016

Two project calls have been launched for companies which want to invest in equipment / constructions / modernization, respectively:

State aid scheme – HG 807/2014 – managed by the Ministry of Public Finance:

  • Who can apply: SMEs, large or new founded companies;
  • Projects submission period: 11.07.2016 – 22.08.2016;
  • Minimum value of the investment: around 10 million euro;
  • Percent of non-reimbursable financing (different by region): up to 50% of the eligible expenditures;
  • The complete guidelines can be accessed here!

Call – POR 2.1.A – Microenterprises – managed by the Regional Operational Program Managing Authority:

  • Who can apply: Microenterprises (up to 9 employees and a turnover up to 2 million euro);
  • Projects submission period: 27.07.2016 – 27.01.2017;
  • Minimum eligible value of the project: 25.000 euro;
  • Grant: maximum 200.000 euro;
  • Percent of non-reimbursable financing: up to 90% of the eligible expenditures;
  • The complete guidelines can be accessed here!

Moreover, through Order no. 755 from 25th of May 2016, the Regional Operational Program Applicants Guideline – General Conditions has been updated as a consequence of the new European and national regulations. The document can be accessed here!

The submission of HCOP projects started today!

May 16th, 2016

The Ministry of European Funds opened today the MySMIS system for submission the first projects within the following calls:

  • Axis 4, Specific objective 4.1. Reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion from marginalized communities where there is Roma minority population by implementing integrated measures;
  • Axis 4, Specific objective 4.2. Reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion of marginalized communities (non-Roma) by implementing integrated measures.

The total budget launched is around 350 million euro and the eligible beneficiaries are local authorities and NGOs with responsibilities in the specific field, in partnership with stakeholders with relevant expertise (eg. Employers, counselling/training providers).

The maximum budget allocated to a project is up to 6 million euro and should be used during a period of maximum 3 years.

Moreover, following the public consultations with the beneficiaries, the Ministry has published a corrigendum for the Applicants Guidelines – General Conditions and also for the Specific Guidelines. The modifications can be consulted here.

The applications for funding can be submitted starting today until 1st of August 2016. The applicants’ guidelines were published on 20th of April.

A inceput depunerea primelor proiecte POCU!

May 16th, 2016

Ministerul Fondurilor Europene a deschis astazi sistemul informatic MySMIS pentru depunerea primelor proiecte, in cadrul urmatoarelor apeluri:

  • Axa 4, Obiectivul specific 4.1: Reducerea numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala din comunitatile marginalizate in care exista populatie apartinand minoritatii roma, prin implementarea de masuri integrate;
  • Axa 4, Obiectivul specific 4.2: Reducerea numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala din comunitatile marginalizate (non roma), prin implementarea de masuri integrate;

Suma totala lansata este de circa 350 milioane de euro iar beneficiarii eligibili sunt autoritatile publice locale si ONG-urile cu responsabilitati in domeniu, in parteneriat cu actori cu expertiza relevanta (ex: angajatori, furnizori de formare/consiliere).

Bugetul maxim al unui proiect ajunge pana la 6 milioane de euro si trebuie utilizat intr-o perioada de maximum 3 ani.

De asemenea, in urma consultarilor cu Beneficiarii, au fost publicate si corrigendum-uri la Ghidul Solicitantului – Conditii Generale cat si la Ghidurile Specifice. Modificarile aduse pot fi consultate aici.

Cererile de finantare se pot depune incepand de astazi, pana pe 1 August 2016. Ghidurile Solicitantului pentru cele doua apeluri au fost publicate in data de 20 Aprilie.

Grants for new work places – launch in Mai 2016

May 4th, 2016

The Ministry of Public Finance announced the launch of a new session of project proposals for creation of new work places (state aid scheme GD 332/2014) from 30.05.2016 to 10.06.2016.

We remind you of the most important details of this financing opportunity:

Eligible applicants are companies (large and SMEs), including start-ups, from all economic sectors, except companies activating in areas such as: aquaculture, primary production, processing and marketing of agricultural products, steel, shipbuilding, production of synthetic fibers, transportation and energetic sectors and all sectors listed in Annex 1 to GD 332/2014.

The investment must meet the following conditions:

  • it must be considered an initial investment: setting up of a new unit, expanding an existing unit, unit production diversification or fundamental change to the production process;
  • leads to the creation of at least 10 new work places, out of which at least 3 for disadvantaged workers, for each investment location.

Eligible expenses: total salary costs related to the new work places created as a result of an initial investment, up to the average national income, calculated for 2 consecutive years.

The grant awarded is differentiated according to the implementation region:

  • up to 15 % in the Bucharest Region;
  • up to 35 % in the West and Ilfov Regions;
  • up to 50 % in North West, Center, North East, South East, South Muntenia, South West Oltenia Regions;

 The allocated budget for this session is 250 million lei.

Happy Easter!

April 29th, 2016

Dear clients and partners,

We hope that the celebration of Easter will bring you peace and joy.
We look  forward to developing future projects together!

Happy Easter!
VAPRO Romania

Paste fericit!

April 29th, 2016

Stimati clienti si parteneri,

Speram ca sarbatoarea de Paste sa va aduca multa liniste si bucurie.
Asteptam sa ne revedem cu idei noi de proiecte pe care sa le dezvoltam impreuna!

Un Paste fericit!

Echipa VAPRO Romania

Paste fericit!