Calls for project proposals within POCU, POC and POR starting with March!

February 5th, 2016

The Ministry of European Funds presented in the press conference held yesterday, 4th February 2016, the updated calendar of the launches of calls for projects for POCU, POC and POR for 2016.

Below you can find the foreseen launching date for some of the most important project calls:

Calls within Human Capital Operational Programme (POCU):

Axis 1 and 2:

  • Employment and training measures for young NEETs – March;
  • Measures in the field of entrepreneurship for young people – March;

Axis 3:

  • SO 3.1-3.6 – Measures for employment and training for unemployed people, persons from rural area and Roma people – October;
  • SO 3.7 – Supporting of entrepreneurship, including in creative fields – March;
  • SO 3.8 and 3.9 – Human resources management and outplacement – December;
  • SO 3.12 – Training for employees – September;

Axis 4:

  • SO 4.1 and 4.2 – Reducing the number of people in risk of poverty and social exclusion (Roma and non-Roma) – March and May;
  • SO 4.8 and 4.9 –Training for people from medical field and screening activities – starting with March;

Axis 6:

  • SO 6.1 – “Second chance” programmes – March;
  • SO 6.2 – 6.6 – Reducing early school leaving phenomenon – March;
  • SO 6.11 and 6.12 – Sustaining the participation to initial and continuous training – July;
  • SO 6.7 – 6.10 – Sustaining the participation to university and non-university tertiary education (scholarships etc.) – July;

Within Competiveness Operational Programme (POC):

  • Action 113 – Section H – Creating synergies to RDI actions of the framework program HORIZON 2020 of EU and other RDI international programs – launch in the first trimester of 2016
  • Actions: 111 Section A – Investments for RD departments of companies, Section B – Innovative clusters, Section C – Investments projects for RD/universities public institutions and SO 1.3. Technological project – will be launched during the year.

In the case of Regional Operational Programme (POR) almost the entire available allocation (about 95%) is going to be launched for contracting in 2016, through 33 calls for proposals.

The complete calendar can be accessed here.

Lansari in cadrul POCU, POC si POR incepand cu luna Martie!

February 5th, 2016

Ministerul Fondurilor Europene a prezentat in conferinta de presa sustinuta ieri, 4 Februarie 2016, calendarul actualizat al lansarilor apelurilor de proiecte pentru POCU, POC si POR pentru anul 2016.

Iata cand vor fi lansate cateva dintre cele mai importante apeluri de proiecte:

Apeluri in cadrul Programului Operational Capitalul Uman (POCU):

Axele 1 si 2:

  • Masuri de ocupare si formare pentru tinerii NEETs – Martie;
  • Masuri in domeniul antreprenoriatului adresate tinerilor – Martie;

Axa 3:

  • OS 3.1 – 3.6 Masuri de ocupare si formare pentru someri, persoanele din mediul rural si persoanele de etnie roma – Octombrie;
  • OS 3.7 – Sustinerea antreprenoriatului, inclusiv in domenii creative – Martie;
  • OS 3.8 si 3.9 – Managementul resurselor umane si outplacementul – Decembrie;
  • OS 3.12 – Formare pentru angajati – Septembrie;

Axa 4:

  • OS 4.1 si 4.2 – Reducerea numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala (roma si non-roma) – Martie si Mai;
  • OS 4.8 si 4.9 – Formare pentru personalul din domeniul medical si activitati de screening – incepand cu luna Martie;

Axa 6:

  • OS 6.1 – Programe de tip “A doua sansa” – Martie;
  • OS 6.2 – 6.6 – Reducerea fenomenului de parasire timpurie a scolii – Martie;
  • OS 6.11 si 6.12 – Sustinerea participarii la formare profesionala initiala si continua – Iulie;
  • OS 6.7 – 6.10 – Sustinerea participarii la invatamantul tertiar universitar si non-universitar (burse de studii etc.) – Iulie;

In cadrul Programului Operational Competitivitate (POC):

  • Actiunea 113 – Secțiunea H -Crearea de sinergii cu acțiunile de CDI ale programului-cadru ORIZONT 2020 al Uniunii Europene şi alte programe CDI internaționale – lansare in primul trimestru din 2016
  • Actiunile: 111 Secțiunea A – Investiții pentru departamentele de CD ale intreprinderilor, Sectiunea B – Clustere innovative, Sectiunea C – Proiecte de investiții pentru instituții publice de CD/Universitati si OS 1.3. Proiect tehnologic – vor fi lansate ulterior, in cursul anului

In cazul Programului Operational Regional (POR) se doreste ca aproape intreaga alocare disponibila (circa 95%) sa fie lansata spre contractare in anul 2016 prin intermediul a 33 de apeluri de proiecte.

Calendarul complet poate fi consultat aici.

PNDR – Grants for agriculture

January 22nd, 2016

The Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Achim Irimescu announced in the press conference held yesterday that the launch of the first calls for agricultural projects will be opened starting with March 2016:

  • Sub measure 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings

Type of investments to be financed: Construction, extension, modernization and endowment of constructions from livestock or vegetal farms etc.
Grant awarded: up to 2.000.000 euro. Financing rate: up to 90% of eligible expenses.

  • Sub measure 4.1.a Investments in fruit-growing holdings

Type of investments to be financed: modernization of fruit-growing farms, reconversion of fruit plantations, modernization of fruit nurseries, storage systems etc.
Grant awarded: up to 1.050.000 euro. Financing rate: up to 90% of eligible expenses.

  • Sub measure 4.2 Support for investments in processing / marketing and / or development of agricultural products

Type of investments to be financed: Setting-up, extension and / or modernization and endowment of processing units, including investments in products’ marketing (e.g. labeling, packaging), local networks of collection, reception, storage, conditioning, selection and packaging capacity etc.
Grant awarded: up to 2.500.000 euro. Financing rate: up to 50% of eligible expenses.

  • Sub measure 4.2.a Support for investments in processing / marketing of products in the fruit-growing sector

Type of investments to be financed: Setting-up, extension and / or modernization of processing units for raw material in the fruit-growing sector, mobile processing units / local networks for collection, reception, storage, conditioning, selection and packaging; Purchasing of new machinery, installations, equipment and specialized transportation.
Grant awarded: up to 1.500.000 euro. Financing rate: up to 50% of eligible expenses.

  • The minims scheme: Support for consulting services in the investments projects implementation for processing and marketing of agricultural products to obtain non-agricultural products.

Grant awarded: up to 200.000 euro representing consultancy expenditure of an investment project in the processing of agricultural products.

Grants for promoting the European Union values

January 22nd, 2016

The European Commision, DG Communication, through the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) has opened the project submission session for “Europe for Citizens” 2014-2020 program.
The main objectives of the program: to contribute to citizens’ understanding of the Union, its history and diversity and to foster European citizenship and to improve conditions for civic and democratic participation at Union level.
The total program allocation: 185.468.000 euro (for 2014-2020 period).

The program has 2 components for NGOs, different associations, education/research institutions:

Component 1: European remembrance:
Project type: projects reflecting on causes of totalitarian regimes in Europe, commemorate the victims of their crimes and other defining moments and reference points in recent European history (tolerance, intercultural dialogue and reconciliation).

Eligible Beneficiaries/Partners: public local/regional authorities or non-profit organizations, including civil society organizations, and cultural.
Partners: A project must involve organizations from at least 1 member state.
Maximum eligible grant for a project: 100.000 euro.
Maximum project duration: 18 months. 

Component 2: Democratic engagement and civic participation (Measure: Civil Society Projects):
Project type: Promotion of societal engagement and solidarity (debates/campaigns/actions on the themes of common interest), gathering of opinions of the citizens on topics of common interest, volunteering (promoting solidarity among Union citizens).

Eligible Beneficiaries/Partners: non-profit organizations, including civil society organizations, educational, cultural or research institutions.
Partners: A project must involve organizations from at least 3 eligible countries of which at least one is an EU Member State.
Maximum eligible grant for a project: 150.000 euro.
Maximum project duration: 18 months.

Deadline for submission of financing applications: 1st of March 2016.

Grants for new work places – launch in March 2016

January 20th, 2016

The Ministry of Public Finance estimates the launch of a new session for project proposals through state aid scheme for the creation of new work places (GD 332/2014) in March 2016.

We remind you of the most important details of this financing opportunity:

Eligible applicants are companies (large and SMEs), including start-ups, from all economic sectors, except companies activating in areas such as: aquaculture, primary production, processing and marketing of agricultural products, steel, shipbuilding, production of synthetic fibers, transportation and energetic sectors and all sectors listed in Annex 1 to GD 332/2014. 

The investment must meet the following conditions:

  • it must be considered an initial investment: setting up of a new unit, expanding an existing unit, unit production diversification or fundamental change to the production process;
  • leads to the creation of at least 10 new work places, out of which at least 3 for disadvantaged workers, for each investment location;

Eligible expenses: total salary costs related to the new work places created as a result of an initial investment, up to the average national income, calculated for 2 consecutive years.

The grant awarded is differentiated according to the implementation region:

  • up to 15 % in the Bucharest Region;
  • up to 35 % in the West and Ilfov Regions;
  • up to 50 % in North West, Center, North East, South East, South Muntenia, South West Oltenia Regions;

The annual budget for this scheme is 450 million lei.
In case the budget allocated for the estimated March session is not spent, another session is estimated to be launched in July 2016.

200.000 euro for micro-enterprises from the urban area – 100% non-reimbursable

January 18th, 2016

The call for investments for the development of micro-enterprises within the Regional Operational Program (POR) is announced to be launched in the first trimester of 2016.

Eligible beneficiaries:  micro-enterprises, with at least 1 year of activity, established no later than 01.01.2015 that registered profit at 31.12.2015. Investments in the Bucharest – Ilfov development region will not be financed through this call.

Type of investments: 

  • Construction, extension, modernization of the production/ services areas
  • Acquisition of technological equipment, industrial tools, specific furniture, IT equipment, registered as fixed assets
  • Acquisition of specific equipment and installations used for obtaining energy efficiency and/ or systems using renewable or alternative sources of energy, for increasing the efficiency for the activities that are financed through the project (up to 15% of the eligible value of the project)
  • Investments in nontangible assets: licenses, patents, copyrights, software, etc.
  • Investments for developing websites for the company’s activity and products presentation, and/ or other e-commerce tools
  • Consulting and support services for the project (up to 7% of the eligible value of the project)

Eligible value of the project: between 25.000 euro – 200.000 euro.
Grant financing percentage: 100% from the eligible costs of the project.

New financing opportunity for SMEs: 55.000 euro with 90% grant

January 8th, 2016

The government launched a consultative version of the implementation procedure for the minimis aid scheme included in the Micro-industrialization multi-annual national program for SMEs.

The budget allocated for the minimis aid scheme for 2016 fiscal year is 60.890.000 lei (for a minimum estimated number of 244 beneficiaries).

The grant value can be up to 90% of the eligible costs of the project but no more than 250.000 lei / beneficiary (approximately 55.000 euro).

Eligible beneficiaries are SMEs active in the production and processing industries (full list of CAEN codes is available into the project procedure).

Eligible expenditures: purchasing of equipment, machinery, measurement equipment, fiscal electronic devices, patents, brands, e-commerce software, computers, development of a website, work / production spaces, entrepreneurship training, consultancy etc.

For further information you can access here the draft version of the implementation procedure.

O noua finantare pentru IMM-uri: 55.000 euro cu grant de 90%

January 8th, 2016

Guvernul a lansat in dezbatere publica procedura de implementare a schemei de ajutor de minimis prevazuta in Programului national multianual de microindustrializare destinat IMM-urilor.
Bugetul total alocat schemei de minimis pentru anul bugetar 2016 este de 60.890.000 lei (estimandu-se un numar de minim 244 de beneficiari).

Valoarea finantarii nerambursabile pentru un proiect poate ajunge pana la maxim 90% din valoarea cheltuielilor eligibile aferente proiectului dar nu mai mult de 250.000 lei/beneficiar (circa 55.000 euro).

Beneficiari eligibili: IMM-urile care desfasoara activitati de productie, procesare, prelucrare (vezi cod-urile CAEN din proiectul de procedura).

Se finanteaza achizitia de echipamente, utilaje, aparate de masura, aparate electronice fiscale, autoutilitare, brevete, marci, software pentru comert on-line, calculatoare, realizarea unui site, spatii de lucru, cursuri in domeniul antreprenoriatului, consultanta etc.

Pentru mai multe informatii puteti consulta aici ghidul transmis spre consultare.

Payments reached 75% of the total EU funds allocated to Romania

January 4th, 2016

Ministry of European Funds informs that at the end of 2015 the total payments for beneficiaries reached the level of around 75% of the total EU funds allocation for Romania.

The expenditure leader is POSDRU with a payment level of 86% followed by POSCCE (85%) and PODCA (84%). For POR and POAT the payments reached 73% while the environment and transport programs are the last ones with 71% respectively 61% payments to beneficiaries.

At the below link you can download the payments level communicated by the Ministry of European Funds.

Payments – 30.12.2015

The final absorption rate of for the 2007-2013 programming period will be calculated after all settlements with the European Commission will be finalized.

Platile catre beneficiari au ajuns la 75% din totalul fondurilor europene alocate Romaniei

January 4th, 2016

Ministerul Fondurilor Europene informeaza ca platile cumulate realizate catre Beneficiari au atins la finalul anului 2015 circa 75% din alocarea totala de fonduri europene destinate Romaniei.

Astfel, la 30.12.2015 liderul cheltuielilor este POSDRU cu 86% plati din totalul alocarilor urmat de POSCCE (85%) si PODCA (84%). Pentru POR si POAT s-au realizat plati de 73% in timp ce programele de mediu si transport sunt in continuare codase cu 71% respectiv 61% plati efectuate catre Beneficiari.

La link-ul de mai jos puteti consulta situatia platilor comunicata de Ministerul Fondurilor Europene.

Situatia platilor la 30.12.2015.

Rata finala de absorbtie pentru perioada de programare 2007-2013 se va calcula dupa ce se vor finaliza toate decontarile cu Comisia Europeana.

Platile catre beneficiari au ajuns la 75% din totalul fondurilor europene alocate Romaniei