Happy Holidays!

December 22nd, 2015

Dear clients, partners and friends, 

Thank you for the entire collaboration during this year and we look forward to developing successful projects with you in 2016!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

VAPRO Romania

Sarbatori fericite!

December 22nd, 2015

Dragi clienti, parteneri si prieteni, 

Va multumim pentru intreaga colaborare avuta in decursul acestui an si va asteptam sa dezvoltam proiecte de succes impreuna si in 2016!

Craciun fericit si un an nou plin de realizari!

VAPRO Romania

Good news! The first calls for proposals within POCU 2014-2020 have been launched!

November 13th, 2015

The Ministry of European Funds announced that starting with November 20, 2015, the first applications for funding under POCU 2014-2020 can be submitted.
The project proposals under the first call, for the registration of NEETs (youngsters, 15-24 years old, not in employment, education or training) at the Public Employment Service (Priority axis 2, Specific Objective 2.3), can be submitted starting with 20.11.2015. The applicant can be the Ministry of Labor/ Public Employment Services (including the subordinated units with legal personality) in partnership with entities with relevant activity (NGOs, Universities) and the main objective of the call is ensuring an effective implementation of the support schemes at national level.
The maximum value of a project cannot exceed 49.000.000 euro.
For the second call, for the development of marginalized communities with Roma minority (Priority axis 4, Specific Objective 4.1), project proposals can be submitted during 25.11.2015 – 25.01.2016, by NGOs and local authorities with responsibilities in the specific field, in partnership with stakeholders with relevant expertise for the project.
The maximum value of a project is 6.000.000 euro.

New POCU Guideline – Medical field

November 9th, 2015

Ministry of European Funds – Directorate for Human Capital Operational Programme, published for consultation the Applicant’s Guide – Specific Conditions of the call for proposals “Training of staff involved in the implementation of priority health programs”.

  • The specific objective pursued in this investment priority aims at: “Improving skills of professionals in the health sector”;
  • Eligible beneficiaries: Ministry of Health/ public authorities (including public health authorities, institutes and medical institutions) alone or in partnership with relevant stakeholders (universities, NGOs, etc.);
  • Eligible target group: specialists in providing medical care;
  • Project value: maximum 5.000.000 euro;
  • Maximum project/projects implementation period: 36 months, but not later than 31st December 2023.

All questions related to the Applicant’s Guide – Specific Conditions and also proposals and suggestions for improvement can be submitted until November 26th, 2015 by email at: consultare.pocu@fonduri-ue.ro.

PNDR – Funding for agriculture

November 4th, 2015

The Funding Agency for Rural Investments (AFIR) extended the sessions for submitting projects under Submeasure 4.1.a „Support for investments in fruit-growing holdings” until 30th November 2015 and Submeasure 4.2 „Support for investments in processing/marketing and/or development of agricultural products” and Submeasure 4.2.a „Support for investments in processing/marketing of products in the fruit-growing sector”, until 18 December 2015

  • Submeasure 4.1.a Support for investments in fruit-growing holdings

Type of investments financed: modernization of fruit-growing farms, reconversion of fruit plantations, modernization of fruit nurseries, storage systems, conditioning and packaging and on-farm processing units, including mobile processing units, etc.,
Grant awarded: up to 1.050.000 euro.
Financing rate:
up to 90% of eligible expenses.

  • Submeasure 4.2 Support for investments in processing/marketing and/or development of agricultural products

Type of investments financed: Setting-up, extension and/or modernization and endowment of processing units, including investments in products’ marketing (e.g. labelling, packaging); Setting-up, extension and/ or modernization of local networks of collection, reception, storage, conditioning, selection and packaging capacity; Improvement of internal quality control and compliance with the new standards imposed by the European legislation, etc.
Grant awarded: up to 2.500.000 euro.
Financing rate:
up to 50% of eligible expenses.

  • Submeasure 4.2.a Support for investments in processing/marketing of products in the fruit-growing sector

Type of investments financed: Setting-up, extension and/or modernization of processing units for the raw material from the fruit-growing sector, mobile processing units/local networks for collection, reception, storage, conditioning, selection and packaging; Purchasing of new machinery, installations, equipment and specialized transportation for the collection of raw material/for the sale of fruit products within short-chains/in the process flow: tanks, isotherm, camper and food caravans;
Grant awarded: up to 1.500.000 euro.
Financing rate:
up to 50% of eligible expenses.

New POCU Applicant’s Guidelines!

October 12th, 2015

Ministry of European Funds, through its Directorate for Human Capital Programs, published for consultation two guidelines:

  1. Applicant’s Guidelines – Specific Conditions “Integrated measures for NEETs from the following regions: Centre, South-East and South-Muntenia”, Priority Axis 1: “Youth Employment” Initiative;
  2. Applicant’s Guidelines – Specific Conditions “Integrated measures for NEETs from the following regions: North-East, North-West, West, South-West Oltenia, Bucharest-Ilfov , Priority Axis 2: “Improvement of the situation of NEETs category”;
  3. Applicant’s Guidelines – Specific Conditions: Integrated Local Development, Priority Axis 4 – “Social inclusion and combating poverty”.

The first two guidelines are a continuation of the guide published for consultation in June 2015. Eligible activities under these calls focuses mainly on growing NEETs employment (young persons not in employment, education or training), aged between 16-24 years registered at the Public Employment Service, residing in the eligible regions according with the axis concerned.
The funding will be provided in the form of non-reimbursable grants under minimis scheme or under state aid scheme. Minimis projects will have a value between 50.000 euro and 200.000 euro (with a 100% grant) while projects under the state aid scheme will have a value between 50.000 and 500.000 euro (the grant may reach up to 70% for SMEs and 60% for large companies for the disadvantaged workers training and up to 50% for the employment of disadvantaged workers).

The third Guideline, published under Priority Axis 4, covers all developing regions, the main objective of this call being reduction of the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion from marginalized communities with Roma minority population (communities where the Roma minority represents at least 10% of the population), by implementing integrated measures. The value of projects will be between 200.000 and 500.000 euro for projects implemented in Bucharest-Ilfov region, while for the projects implemented in the other regions the project value will be between 1.000.000 and 2.000.000 euro, with a 95%/ 98% grant, depending on the type of applicant.

Noi Ghiduri POCU spre consultare!

October 12th, 2015

Ministerul Fondurilor Europene – Directia Generala Programe Capital Uman publica spre consultare trei ghiduri:

  1. Ghidul Solicitantului Conditii Specifice “Masuri integrate pentru tinerii NEETs someri din Regiunile Centru, Sud-Est si Sud-Muntenia”, Axa Prioritara 1: Initiativa „Locuri de munca pentru tineri”.
  2. Ghidul Solicitantului Conditii Specifice “Masuri integrate pentru tinerii NEETs someri din Regiunile: Nord-Est, Nord-Vest, Vest, Sud-Vest Oltenia, Bucuresti-Ilfov”, Axa Prioritara 2: „Imbunatatirea situatiei tinerilor din categoria NEETs”;
  3. Ghidul Solicitantului Conditii Specifice Dezvoltare Locala Integrata, Axa Prioritara 4 – “Incluziunea sociala si combaterea saraciei”

Primele doua Ghiduri sunt o continuare a Ghidului publicat spre consultare in luna Iunie 2015.
Activitatile eligibile prezente in cadrul acestor doua ghiduri vizeaza in principal cresterea ocuparii tinerilor NEETs someri (tineri someri care nu urmeaza o forma de educatie) cu varsta intre 16 – 24 ani, inregistrati la Serviciul Public de Ocupare, cu rezidenta in regiunile eligibile in functie de Axa Prioritara vizata.
Finantarea se va acorda sub forma unor granturi nerambursabile fie in cadrul schemei de ajutor de minimis, fie in cadrul schemei de ajutor de stat.  Proiectele de minimis vor avea o valoare cuprinsa intre 50.000 si 200.000 euro (cu un procent al finantarii nerambursabile de 100%) in timp ce proiectele de ajutor de stat vor avea o valoare cuprinsa intre 50.000 si 500.000 euro (cu o finantare nerambursabila ce poate ajunge pana la 70% pentru IMM-uri sau 60% pentru companii mari pentru formarea lucratorilor defavorizati si pana la 50% pentru ocuparea lucratorilor defavorizati).

Cel de-al treilea ghid, publicat in cadrul Axei Prioritare 4, vizeaza toate regiunile de dezvoltare, principalul obiectiv fiind reducerea numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala din comunitatile marginalizate in care exista populatie apartinand minoritatii roma (comunitati in care minoritatea roma reprezinta minim 10% din totalul populatiei), prin implementarea de masuri integrate. Valoarea proiectelor se va situa intre 200.000 si 500.000 euro pentru proiectele implementate in Regiunea Bucuresti-Ilfov in timp ce pentru proiectele implementate in celelalte regiuni valoarea proiectelor va fi situata intre 1.000.000 si 2.000.000 euro, cu un procent al finantarii nerambursabile de 95%/ 98% in functie de tipul solicitantului.

PNDR – New funds for rural area

October 1st, 2015

Starting with 24th of September 2015, the Funding Agency for Rural Investments (AFIR) launched the following financing lines with continuous submission until 18th of December 2015:

  • Submeasure 4.3A „Support for investments related to development, modernization or adaptation of agriculture and forestry infrastructure” – component farm access roads.

Type of investments to be financed: Construction, extension and/ or modernization of farm access roads.
Grant awarded: up to 1.000.000 euro.
Financing rate:100% of eligible expenses.
Beneficiaries: Administrative-territorial units and/ or their associations.

  • Submeasure 7.2 Investments in creation and modernization of small-scale infrastructure

Type of investments to be financed: construction, expansion and/ or modernization of the local-interest roads network, the public water supply network, the public waste-water network, educational/ social infrastructure: setting-up or modernization of kindergartens, nurseries and after-school type infrastructure.
Grant awarded: up to 4.000.000 euro.
Financing rate:100% of eligible expenses.
Beneficiaries: Communes and their associations, NGOs for investments in the educational infrastructure (kindergartens) and social infrastructure (nurseries and after-school units).

  • Submeasure 7.6 Investments associated with the protection of cultural heritage

Type of investments to be financed: restoration, preservation and endowment of buildings/ monuments of local-interest intangible cultural heritage – class B, or monastic settlements – class B, access roads of monastic settlements, modernization, restoration and/ or endowment of community centers.
Grant awarded: up to 500.000 euro.
Financing rate:100% of eligible expenses.
Beneficiaries: Communes, NGOs, Cult entities, Natural legal person/ companies that have and manage class B public utility cultural heritage objectives.

PNDR – Finantari noi pentru mediul rural!

October 1st, 2015

Agentia pentru Finantarea Investitiilor Rurale (AFIR), a lansat in data de 24 septembrie 2015 urmatoarele linii de finantare, cu depunere continua pana in data de 18 decembrie 2015:

  • Submasura 4.3.A „Investitii pentru dezvoltarea, modernizarea sau adaptarea infrastructurii agricole si silvice” – Componenta infrastructura de acces agricola.

Se vor finanta investitii in constructia, extinderea si/sau modernizarea drumurilor de acces agricole catre ferme.
Valoare finantarii nerambursabile: pana la 1.000.000 euro.
Procent de finantare: 100% din cheltuielile eligibile.
Beneficiari eligibili: Unitati administrativ teritoriale si/sau asociatii ale acestora.

  • Submasura 7.2 „Investitii in crearea si modernizarea infrastructurii de baza la scara mica”

Se vor finanta investitii pentru constructia/extinderea/modernizarea de drumuri, infrastructura de apa sau apa uzata, investitii pentru infrastructura educationale si sociala: infiintarea/modernizarea gradinitelor, creselor si infrastructura de tip after‐school.
Valoare finantarii nerambursabile: pana la 4.000.000 euro.
Procent de finantare: pana la 100% din cheltuielile eligibile.
Beneficiari eligibili: Comunele si asociatiile acestora, ONG‐uri‐pentru investitii in infrastructura educationala (gradinite) si sociala (crese si infrastructura tip after‐school).

  • Submasura 7.6 „Investitii asociate cu protejarea patrimoniului cultural”

Se vor finanta investitii in restaurarea, conservarea si dotarea cladirilor/monumentelor din patrimoniul cultural, imobil de interes local de clasa B, asezamintelor monahale, drumuri de acces pentru asezaminte monahale, modernizarea, renovarea si/sau dotarea caminelor culturale.
Valoare finantarii nerambursabile: pana la 500.000 euro.
Procent de finantare: pana la 100% din cheltuielile eligibile.
Beneficiari eligibili: Comunele; ONG‐uri, Unități de cult, Persoane fizice autorizate/ societăți comerciale, care dețin în administrare obiective de patrimoniu cultural de utilitate publică, de clasă B.

The submision for SME’s and clusters from ICT field projects is postponed

September 30th, 2015

The Ministry of Communication and Information Society – Intermediate Body for Promotion of the Information Society announced the postponement of the date on which the projects for proposals for the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014 – 2020, Priority Axis 2 , Action 2.2.1 “Support for increasing of added value generated by ICT and innovation in the field by developing clusters” can be submitted.

The submission will be made on-line, continuously, starting on 2nd of November 2015, at 10:00 and will end on 1st of February 2016, at 16:30.

Applicant Guide – reissued and also the related changes can be found at: http://fonduri.mcsi.ro , Section Guidelines for Applicants/ Opened Calls.

The submision for SME’s and clusters from ICT field projects is postponed