Grants for investments in SMEs from South-East, South-Muntenia and South-West Oltenia regions

April 6th, 2020

The call for investments in SMEs was announced to open and projects can be submitted starting with May 4th, 2020 until June 4th, 2020. The grant for a project is up to 1 mil. EUR.

Eligible regions for investment are only South-East, South-Muntenia and South-West Oltenia (any other region is not eligible under this call).
Eligibile counties are: Arges, Calarasi, Dambovita, Giurgiu, Ialomita, Prahova, Teleorman, Braila, Buzau, Constanta, Galati, Tulcea, Vrancea, Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinti, Olt, Valcea.
Eligible investments:

  • creating  a new production /service unit (location),  construction and endowment space;
  • expanding the capacity of an existing unit by increasing the production volume for at least one product /service, without fundamentally changing the production process;
  • diversification of a unit through products /services that were not previously manufactured /rendered in the unit. Diversification of production implies that new products /services are added to the range of assortments already produced /rendered.

The project proposal must include an initial investment in tangible assets such as: construction /extension of capacity and/or equipment purchasing.

Eligible applicants are companies that fulfil the following minimum criteria:

  • Are classified as SMEs, including microcompanies (= less than 250 employees and up to 50 million euro turnover and / or have total assets of up to 43 million euros);
  • Have at least 1 year of activity (to be established no later than January 2019);
  • Have an investment project located in urban areas (only medium size companies can do investments in rural areas).
  • Have registered an operating profit (> 0 lei) and an average number of 3 employees in the previous fiscal year.

Implementation period – maximum 36 months, but not later than December 31st, 2023.
The grant value is: minimum 200.000 euro and maximum 1.000.000 euro.
Non-reimbursable financing rate:

  • For state aid scheme:
    • Medium enterprises: 60%;
    • Small and micro enterprises: 70%;
  • For minimis component – 90% from the eligible value (limited to 200.000 EUR).

 Find more details here.

IT and digital skills trainings for large companies employees

April 3rd, 2020

We are awaiting the launch of a financing line for employees from large companies with activity in the priority sectors, such as: ICT, creative industries, automotive, health, pharma, energy, etc. You can consult the complete list of funded activities here.
All employees categories are eligible within this financing line, regardless of their position in company and there are no restrictions on training types (they can be internally recognized as well), except that the training is aimed at IT / digital skills.

Maximum value per project is 500,000 euros, with a EU grant of 50% for the following activities:

  • Any type of course in ICT and digital fields, both with national /international certification or with recognition at company / industry level, such as: digital / ICT skills, Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, etc.), programming, operating systems, cyber security, data center, data storage, databases, web design, etc.
  • Evaluation and certification of professional competences in IT field regarding obtaining certificates recognized within the company (eg: Microsoft, Linux, Cisco, Oracle, etc.).

What costs can be included in the budget:

  • any expenses generated by training – with training companies or expenses for internal trainers’ salaries;
  • training rooms, catering, consumables, travel, licenses, etc.;
  • salaries of employees (with all taxes) – if the trainings take place during working time thus a large part of company’s co-financing is ensured.

The project can have an implementation period of up to 18 months (estimated starting date is 2nd Semester of 2020) and must include trainings for minimum 75 employees with individual employment contract, that work outside Bucharest-Ilfov region (may be headquarters, work place or branch of the company, etc).
For more informations click here.

This is, most probably, the last financing line for large companies within the 2014 – 2020 programming period.

Grants for children with parents working abroad

March 31st, 2020

The new call for a pilot program to stimulate participation in education for children with parents working abroad and to prevent school dropout phenomenon of is open until May 25th, 2020. We listed below key informations about this financing line:
Who can apply?

  • NGOs;
  • Public and private providers of guidance, counseling, school mediation and alternative services;
  • Public and private educational institutions (ISCED 0 – 3) accredited, from the national school network;
  • Social partners from pre-university education (eg trade unions);
  • Religious institutions and associations;
  • Government institutions / agencies with attributions in the social inclusion field;
  • Local public administrations with attributions in the field of pre-university education.

What are the eligible activities?
1. Integrated package of services for preschoolers and students (3-16 years) consisting of:

  • Educational support services (School-after-school programs, additional and / or complementary educational support, communication and language skills development activities, social skills related to learning, etc.).
  • Psycho-social support services – activities for developing emotional and social interpersonal skills, independent life skills for childrens, social counseling, facilitating children’s communication with departed parents, emotional / psychological support, vocational counseling, etc.
  • Recreational and social activities – creative workshops, development of manual and musical skills, sports activities, visits, trips, hikes, camps, etc.

2. Support for children who participate in activities from point 1 and who are enrolled in a form of education (kindergarten / school) by providing food, supplies and educational materials, providing equipment and materials for recreational / sports activities, other forms of support.
3. Providing parental education and social counseling services for children’s representatives, such as: support for understanding the needs of children, development of parental skills, support in obtaining social benefits, support in carrying out the legal procedure for delegation of parental authority, communication with parents left abroad.
4. Development of partnerships and consultative structures between schools, local authorities, local institutions, NGOs and community to contribute to a better identification, protection and monitoring of children in this situation.
5. Campaign to inform and raise awareness for parents, tutors, specialists, children and the general public regarding the obligation of temporary delegation of parental authority that returns to the parents when leaving the country.

Who can be in the target group?

  • Preschoolers (children 3-5 years);
  • Students from primary (6 – 10 years), secondary (11-14 years) and upper secondary (14-16 years);
  • Parents / guardians / person taking care of the child whose parents work abroad.

For preschoolers and students to be eligible for the target group, at the time of entry into the project, at least one of the parents has to prove that has left the country for at least 6 months.

Target group size:

  • For small projects: minimum 30 students and preschoolers;
  • For large projects: minimum 90 students and preschoolers.

Maximum eligible value:

  • for a small project 300,000 euros;
  • for a large project 1,000,000 euros.

Percentage of non-reimbursable financing:

  • 100% for NGOs;
  • 95% for private beneficiaries;
  • 98% / 85% public institutions.

Area of implementation:
All the less developed regions of Romania are eligible, the Bucharest-Ilfov region is exempted from financing.
Project’s maximum implementation period is 36 months.

For more informations click here.

SMEs investments financed with up to 1 million EUR

March 26th, 2020

The short period for projects submission for investments regarding SMEs development is approaching. Between May 4th and June 4th, 2020 projects can be submitted with up to 1 million EUR grant.

Eligible investments:

  • creating  a new production /service unit (location),  construction and endowment space;
  • expanding the capacity of an existing unit by increasing the production volume for at least one product /service, without fundamentally changing the production process;
  • diversification of a unit through products /services that were not previously manufactured /rendered in the unit. Diversification of production implies that new products /services are added to the range of assortments already produced /rendered.

The project proposal must include an initial investment in tangible assets such as: construction /extension of capacity and/or equipment purchasing.
Eligible regions for investment are only South-East, South-Muntenia and South-West Oltenia (any other region is not eligible under this call).
Eligibile counties are: Arges, Calarasi, Dambovita, Giurgiu, Ialomita, Prahova, Teleorman, Braila, Buzau, Constanta, Galati, Tulcea, Vrancea, Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinti, Olt, Valcea.

Eligible applicants are companies that fulfil the following minimum criteria:

  • Are classified as SMEs, including microcompanies (= less than 250 employees and up to 50 million euro turnover and / or have total assets of up to 43 million euros);
  • Have at least 1 year of activity (to be established no later than January 2019);
  • Have an investment project located in urban areas (only medium size companies can do investments in rural areas).
  • Have registered an operating profit (> 0 lei) and an average number of 3 employees in the previous fiscal year.

Implementation period – maximum 36 months, but not later than December 31st, 2023.
The grant value is: minimum 200.000 euro and maximum 1.000.000 euro.

Non-reimbursable financing rate:

  • For state aid scheme:
    • Medium enterprises: 60%;
    • Small and micro enterprises: 70%;
  • For minimis component – 90% from the eligible value (limited to 200.000 EUR).

 Find more details here.

Grants for ICT trainings in large companies

March 18th, 2020

Soon, the new financing line for employees from large companies that have activity in the priority sectors, such as: ITC, creative industries, automotive, health, pharma, energy etc, will be opened. You can find if your company’s activity is eligible here.
This financing line addresses all of company’s employees, regardless of their position in company and there are no restrictions on training types (they can be internally recognised as well), except that the training is aimed at IT / digital skills.

Maximum value per project is 500,000 euros, with a EU grant of 50% for the following activities:

  • Any type of course in ICT and digital fields, both with national /international certification or with recognition at company / industry level, such as: digital / ICT skills, Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, etc.), programming, operating systems, cyber security, data center, data storage, databases, web design, etc.
  • Evaluation and certification of professional competences in IT field regarding obtaining certificates recognized within the company (eg Microsoft, Linux, Cisco, Oracle, etc.).

What costs can be included in the budget:

  • any expenses generated by training – with training companies or expenses for internal trainers’ salaries;
  • training rooms, catering, consumables, travel, licenses, etc.;
  • salaries of employees (with all taxes) – if the trainings take place during working time thus a large part of company’s co-financing is ensured.

The project can have an implementation period of up to 18 months (estimated starting date is 2nd Semester of 2020) and must include trainings for minimum 75 employees with individual employment contract, that work outside Bucharest-Ilfov region (may be headquarters, work place or branch of the company, etc).
For more informations click here.

This is, most probably, the last financing line for large companies within the 2014 – 2020 programming period.

Grants to stimulate participation in education

March 17th, 2020

We bring to your attention a financing opportunity to stimulate participation in education for children with parents working abroad. Projects can be submitted until May 25th, 2020.

What are the eligible activities?
1. Integrated package of services for preschoolers and students (3-16 years) consisting of:

  • Educational support services (School-after-school programs, additional and / or complementary educational support, communication and language skills development activities, social skills related to learning, etc.).
  • Psycho-social support services – activities for developing emotional and social interpersonal skills, independent life skills for childrens, social counseling, facilitating children’s communication with departed parents, emotional / psychological support, vocational counseling, etc.
  • Recreational and social activities – creative workshops, development of manual and musical skills, sports activities, visits, trips, hikes, camps, etc.

2. Support for children who participate in activities from point 1 and who are enrolled in a form of education (kindergarten / school) by providing food, supplies and educational materials, providing equipment and materials for recreational / sports activities, other forms of support.
3. Providing parental education and social counseling services for children’s representatives, such as: support for understanding the needs of children, development of parental skills, support in obtaining social benefits, support in carrying out the legal procedure for delegation of parental authority, communication with parents left abroad.
4. Development of partnerships and consultative structures between schools, local authorities, local institutions, NGOs and community to contribute to a better identification, protection and monitoring of children in this situation.
5. Campaign to inform and raise awareness for parents, tutors, specialists, children and the general public regarding the obligation of temporary delegation of parental authority that returns to the parents when leaving the country.

Who can apply?

  • NGOs;
  • Public and private providers of guidance, counseling, school mediation and alternative services;
  • Public and private educational institutions (ISCED 0 – 3) accredited, from the national school network;
  • Social partners from pre-university education (eg trade unions);
  • Religious institutions and associations;
  • Government institutions / agencies with attributions in the social inclusion field;
  • Local public administrations with attributions in the field of pre-university education.

Who can be in the target group?

  • Preschoolers (children 3-5 years);
  • Students from primary (6 – 10 years), secondary (11-14 years) and upper secondary (14-16 years);
  • Parents / guardians / person taking care of the child whose parents work abroad.

For preschoolers and students to be eligible for the target group, at the time of entry into the project, at least one of the parents has to prove that has left the country for at least 6 months.

Target group size:

  • For small projects: minimum 30 students and preschoolers;
  • For large projects: minimum 90 students and preschoolers.

Maximum eligible value:

  • for a small project 300,000 euros;
  • for a large project 1,000,000 euros.

Percentage of non-reimbursable financing:

  • 100% for NGOs;
  • 95% for private beneficiaries;
  • 98% / 85% public institutions.

Area of implementation:
All the less developed regions of Romania are eligible, the Bucharest-Ilfov region is exempted from financing.
Project’s maximum implementation period is 36 months.

For more informations click here.

📈Grants up to 1 million euros for investments in SMEs

March 12th, 2020

Between May 4th, 2020 and June 4th, 2020 projects can be submitted within the new call for investment projects regarding SMEs development. The grant per project can be up to 1 million EUR.
Eligible applicants are companies that fulfil the following minimum criteria:

  • Are classified as SMEs, including microcompanies (= less than 250 employees and up to 50 million euro turnover and / or have total assets of up to 43 million euros);
  • Have at least 1 year of activity (to be established no later than January 2019);
  • Have an investment project located in urban areas (only medium size companies can do investments in rural areas).
  • Have registered an operating profit (> 0 lei) and an average number of 3 employees in the previous fiscal year.

Eligible regions for investment are only South-East, South-Muntenia and South-West Oltenia (any other region is not eligible under this call).
Eligibile counties are: Arges, Calarasi, Dambovita, Giurgiu, Ialomita, Prahova, Teleorman, Braila, Buzau, Constanta, Galati, Tulcea, Vrancea, Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinti, Olt, Valcea.
Eligible investments:

  • creating  a new production /service unit (location),  construction and endowment space;
  • expanding the capacity of an existing unit by increasing the production volume for at least one product /service, without fundamentally changing the production process;
  • diversification of a unit through products /services that were not previously manufactured /rendered in the unit. Diversification of production implies that new products /services are added to the range of assortments already produced /rendered.

The project proposal must include an initial investment in tangible assets such as: construction /extension of capacity and/or purchasing of equipment.
Implementation period – maximum 36 months, but not later than December 31st, 2023.
The grant value is: minimum 200.000 euro and maximum 1.000.000 euro.
Non-reimbursable financing rate:

  • For state aid scheme:
    • Medium enterprises: 60%;
    • Small and micro enterprises: 70%;
  • For minimis component – 90% from the eligible value (limited to 200.000 EUR).

 Find more details here.

Digital skills training grants

March 9th, 2020

Awaiting a future launch of a new financing line for employees from large companies that have activity in the priority sectors, such as: ITC, creative industries, automotive, health, pharma, energy etc. You can find if your company’s activity is eligible here.

In such a project all of company’s employees are eligible, regardless of their position in company and there are no restrictions on training types (they can be internally recognised as well), except that the training is aimed at IT / digital skills.

Maximum value per project is 500,000 euros, with a EU grant of 50% for the following activities:

  • Any type of course in ICT and digital fields, both with national/international certification or with recognition at company / industry level, such as: digital / ICT skills, Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, etc.), programming, operating systems, cyber security, data center, data storage, databases, web design, etc.
  • Evaluation and certification of professional competences in IT field regarding obtaining certificates recognized within the company (eg Microsoft, Linux, Cisco, Oracle, etc.).

What costs can be included in the budget:

  • any expenses generated by training – with training companies or expenses for salaries as appropriate for internal trainers;
  • training rooms, catering, consumables, travel, licenses, etc;
  • salaries of employees (with all taxes) –if the trainings take place during working time and thus a large part of company’s co-financing is ensured.

The project can have an implementation period of up to 18 months (estimated starting date is 2nd Semester of 2020) and must include trainings for minimum 75 employees with individual employment contract, that work outside Bucharest-Ilfov region (may be headquarters, work place or branch of the company, etc).
For more informations click here.

This is, most probably, the last financing line for large companies within the 2014 – 2020 programming period.

🔔Funding opportunity for children with parents who went to work abroad

March 5th, 2020

Projects can be submitted until May 25, 2020 for a pilot program for stimulating participation in education of children with parents working abroad.

What activities are eligible?
1. Integrated package of services for preschoolers and students (3-16 years) consisting of:

  • Educational support services (School-after-school programs, additional and / or complementary educational support, communication and language skills development activities, social skills related to learning, etc.).
  • Psycho-social support services – activities for developing emotional and social interpersonal skills, independent life skills for childrens, social counseling, facilitating children’s communication with departed parents, emotional / psychological support, vocational counseling, etc.
  • Recreational and social activities – creative workshops, development of manual and musical skills, sports activities, visits, trips, hikes, camps, etc.

2. Support for children who participate in activities from point 1 and who are enrolled in a form of education (kindergarten / school) by providing food, supplies and educational materials, providing equipment and materials for recreational / sports activities, other forms of support.
3. Providing parental education and social counseling services for children’s representatives, such as: support for understanding the needs of children, development of parental skills, support in obtaining social benefits, support in carrying out the legal procedure for delegation of parental authority, communication with parents left abroad.
4. Development of partnerships and consultative structures between schools, local authorities, local institutions, NGOs and community to contribute to a better identification, protection and monitoring of children in this situation.
5. Campaign to inform and raise awareness for parents, tutors, specialists, children and the general public regarding the obligation of temporary delegation of parental authority that returns to the parents when leaving the country.

Who can apply?

  • NGOs;
  • Public and private providers of guidance, counseling, school mediation and alternative services;
  • Public and private educational institutions (ISCED 0 – 3) accredited, from the national school network;
  • Social partners from pre-university education (eg trade unions);
  • Religious institutions and associations;
  • Government institutions / agencies with attributions in the social inclusion field;
  • Local public administrations with attributions in the field of pre-university education.

Who can be in the target group?

  • Preschoolers (children 3-5 years);
  • Students from primary (6 – 10 years), secondary (11-14 years) and upper secondary (14-16 years);
  • Parents / guardians / person taking care of the child whose parents work abroad.

For preschoolers and students to be eligible for the target group, at the time of entry into the project, at least one of the parents has to prove that has left the country for at least 6 months.

Target group size:

  • For small projects: minimum 30 students and preschoolers;
  • For large projects: minimum 90 students and preschoolers.

Maximum eligible value:

  • for a small project 300,000 euros;
  • for a large project 1,000,000 euros.

Percentage of non-refundable financing:

  • 100% for NGOs;
  • 95% for private beneficiaries;
  • 98% / 85% public institutions.

Area of implementation:
All the less developed regions of Romania are eligible, the Bucharest-Ilfov region is exempted from financing.
Project’s maximum implementation period is 36 months.

For more informations click here.

Financing up to 1 million euros for SMEs

March 4th, 2020

A NEW call for investment projects regarding SMEs development waslaunched with maximum non-reimbursable financing up to 1 million EUR.

Projects can be submitted starting with May 4th until June 4th, 2020.

Eligible applicants are companies that fulfil the following minimum criteria:

  • Are classified as SMEs, including microcompanies (= less than 250 employees and up to 50 million euro turnover and / or have total assets of up to 43 million euros);
  • Have at least 1 year of activity (to be established no later than January 2019);
  • Have an investment project located in urban areas (only medium size companies can do investments in rural areas).
  • Have registered an operating profit (> 0 lei) and an average number of 3 employees in the previous fiscal year.

Eligible regions for investment are only South-East, South-Muntenia and South-West Oltenia (any other region is not eligible under this call).

Eligibile counties are: Arges, Calarasi, Dambovita, Giurgiu, Ialomita, Prahova, Teleorman, Braila, Buzau, Constanta, Galati, Tulcea, Vrancea, Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinti, Olt, Valcea.

Eligible type of investments:

  • creating  a new production /service unit (location),  construction and endowment space;
  • expanding the capacity of an existing unit,  by increasing the production volume for at least one  product /service, without fundamentally changing production process;
  • diversification of a unit through products /services that were not previously manufactured /rendered in the unit. Diversification of production implies that new products /services are added to the range of assortments already produced /rendered.

The project proposal must include an initial investment in tangible assets such as: construction /extension of capacity and/or purchasing of equipment.

Implementation period – maximum 36 months, but not later than December 31st, 2023.

The grant value is: minimum 200.000 euro and maximum 1.000.000 euro.

Non-reimbursable financing rate:

  • For state aid scheme:
    • Medium enterprises: 60%;
    • Small and micro enterprises: 70%;
  • For minimis component – 90% from the eligible value (limited to 200.000 EUR).

Find more details here.

Financing up to 1 million euros for SMEs