Already launched and expected project calls

April 23rd, 2018

We present you a centralization of already launched project calls and expected calls to be launched in the following period.


POR 2.2 – Danube Delta – deadline 23.08.2018

  • The call finances investments made by SME-s (constructions, extension of the production/ services areas) in the Danube Delta region (administrative-territorial units within the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Tulcea County andnorthern Constanta County).
  • Non reimbursable financing amount: minimum 000 euroand maximum 1.000.000 euro.
  • More details here

POIM 6.2 – deadline 31.12.2018

  • The call finances acquisition of the monitoring system of energy consumption at the level of industrial consumers (companies active in extractive industryand manufacturing industry sectors) with a consumption of more than 1,000 toe/year (projects implemented in the Bucharest – Ilfov development region are not eligible).
  • Non reimbursable financing amount: up to 200.000 euro.
  • More information you can consult POIM 6.2 here


POCU 3.8 – expected to be launched in the following period

  • The call finances training programs targeting the training of managers (any level – from top managers to line managers, team managers etc) and staff fromHR department – minimum 50 persons/ project.
  • Eligible applicants: Large enterprises(to train their own staff) which operates in sectors: tourism/ ecotourism, textiles / leather, wood / furniture, auto and components, IT and communications, food / beverage processing, energy / environment, health / pharmaceutics, bio economy / bio pharmaceutics / bio technology, creative industries (employees working in Buc – Ilfov are not eligible).
  • Maximum eligible value is 140.000 euro/project, of which the non-reimbursable financing percentage is 50%.
  • For more information click here: POCU 3.8

POCU 3.12 – expected to be launched in the following period

  • The call finances training programs focusing on the training of directly productive/ operational employees– minimum 50 persons/ project.
  • Eligible applicants: Large enterprises(to train their own staff) which operates in sectors: tourism/ ecotourism, textiles / leather, wood / furniture, auto and components, IT and communications, food / beverage processing, energy / environment, health / pharmaceutics, bio economy / bio pharmaceutics / bio technology, creative industries (employees working in Buc – Ilfov are not eligible).
  • Maximum eligible value is 500.000 euro /project, out of which the non-reimbursable financing percentage is between 50%and 95%, according to certain activities.
  • For more information click here: POCU 3.12

“RO Innovation” – Launches within SEE and Norway grants – expected to be launched in April/ May

  • Supports sustainable business development, innovative technologies, processes and services (addressed mainly for SME-s, for large enterprises and NGO-s).
  • The amount of non-reimbursable financing is up to 70%, but no more than 2.000.000 euro,depending on project type, the type of organization.
  • More information you can consult here



POR – Financing up to 1.000.000 EUR for investments in Danube Delta region

April 17th, 2018

Within POR there is a call for projects opened until 23.08.2018 for investments made by SMEs in the Danube Delta region.

Eligible beneficiaries:

  • SMEs (with up to 250 employees and up to 50 million euro turnover or up to 43 million euro total assets) from urban areas (including microenterprises) and
  • Medium enterprises from rural areas.

It is required for a beneficiary to have at least 1 year of activity (established before 03.01.2017) and a minimum number of 3 employees.

Eligible regions:

  • administrative-territorial units within the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Tulcea County and northern Constanta County (see more details about the implementation regions here.)

Eligible investments:

  1. Construction, extension of the production/ services areas;
  2. Acquisition of tangible (equipment, tools etc), intangible assets (patents, licenses etc), including e-commerce tools.
  3. Implementation of certification of products, services, or different specific processes, quality environmental or health management systems;
  4. Participation to international fairs and exhibitions, trade missions etc.

 Non reimbursable financing amount: minimum 200.000 euro and maximum 1.000.000 euro.

Non-reimbursable financing rate:

  • For investments mentioned at points a) and b) – up to 70% from the eligible expenses value;
  • For investments mentioned at points c) and d) – up to 90% from the eligible expenses value;

More details here.

Financing dedicated to training programs and coaching in large companies

April 10th, 2018

Under the POCU funding program, two calls for projects are expected in the near future, through which LARGE companies can reimburse their investments in training programs for their own employees:

Financing line 3.8: which aim the training of managers (any level – from top managers to line managers, team managers etc) and staff from HR department – minimum 50 persons;

  • The call is expected to be relaunched in the next month and finances activities as: training, coaching, seminars, workshops, conferences, lectures etc.
  • Duration of the project implementation period is maximum 12 months;
  • Maximum eligible value is 140.000 euro/project, of which the non-reimbursable financing percentage is 50%

Financing line 3.12:  focusing on the training of directly productive / operational employees – minimum 50 persons;

  • The call is expected to be launched in the next month and finances activities as:
    • professional training programs (qualification/ specializations / refresher courses) amd also other informal courses;
    • learning and development planning;
    • evaluation / validation and certification of the competencies previously acquired;
    • development of an own training system at employer level;
  • Duration of the project implementation period is maximum 18 months;
  • Maximum eligible value is 500.000 euro /project, of which the non-reimbursable financing percentage is between 50% and 95%, according to certain activities.

Who can apply?

  • Large enterprises which operates in one of the economically competitive sectors identified according to the SNC: tourism / ecotourism, textiles / leather, wood / furniture, auto and components, IT and communications, food / beverage processing, energy / environment, health / pharmaceutics, bio economy / bio pharmaceutics / bio technology, creative industries AND have activity – headquarter or premises/ subsidiaries – in the country (employees working in Buc. Ilfov are not eligible)

For more information click here:

POCU 3.8
POCU 3.12

New launches within SEE and Norway grants starting with April

April 3rd, 2018

The “RO Innovation” programme schedule, part of the EEA and Norway Grants (2014-2021), was updated, and starting with April will be launched new calls dedicated to SMEs and NGOs from Romania. The “RO Innovation” programme seek to stimulate and develop long-term business cooperation between the Donor States (Norvegia, Islanda si Liechtenstein) and Romania based on business development and innovation.

Total program budget: 45 mill. euro

Areas of support:

  • Innovative technologies, processes and services
  • Sustainable business development
  • Greening of existing businesses and processes
  • Development and implementation of innovative products and services

Programme components:

  • Green Industry Innovation;
  • ICT – Information and Communication Technology;
  • Blue Growth (based on resources from the Black Sea);
  • Boost to Romanian business sector;

The amount of non-reimbursable financing is up to 70%, but no more than 2.000.000 euro, depending on the size of the enterprise, project activities and region of implementation;

Eligible applicants:

  • SMEs;
  • NGOs;

Eligible partners:

  • SMEs;
  • NGOs;
  • Universities;
  • Public institutions;

Calls expected to be launched in the coming period:

  • Fund for Bilateral Relations – Call for Travel Support – May 2018
  • Individual Project Scheme – call for project proposals for: “Green Industry Innovation”, “ICT”, “Blue Growth” – May 2018
  • Small Grants Scheme – call for project proposals for: “Green Industry Innovation”, “ICT” and “Blue Growth” – May 2018
  • Small Grants Scheme  – call for project proposals: “Boost to Romanian business sector” – April 2019

More information regarding the programme you can find here.

Financing up to 1.000.000 EUR for SMEs and Micro enterprises

March 29th, 2018
Within POR there are the following calls for projects opened and expected to be re-launched. The calls support investments of SMEs and Micro-enterprises:
Within POR 2.2:
  • Open call for investments of SMEs: in the Danube Delta region – the funding is up to 1.000.000 euro and the call is open until 23.08.2018
  • Call expected to be re-launched for investments of SMEs in the West, North-East and South-East regions as a result of allocating additional funding – the funding is up to 1.000.000 euro

Within POR 2.1:

  • Call expected to be re-launched for investments of micro enterprises in the West, North-East, South-East, Center and South-West Oltenia regions as a result of allocating additional funding – the funding is up to 200.000 euro

Eligible beneficiaries:
Within POR 2.2:

  • SMEs (with up to 250 employees and up to 50 million euro turnover or up to 43 million euro total assets) from urban areas (including microenterprises) and
  • Medium enterprises from rural areas.

It is required for a beneficiary to have at least 1 year of activity (established before 03.01.2017) and a minimum number of 3 employees.

Withing POR 2.1:

  • SMEs (with up to 9 employees and up to 2 million euro turnover/total assets) from urban areas

It is required for a beneficiary to have at least 1 year of activity.

Eligible investments:
For POR 2.2:

a. Construction, extension of the production/ services areas;

6. Acquisition of tangible (equipment, tools etc), intangible assets (patents, licenses etc), including e-commerce tools.

c. Implementation of certification of products, services, or different specific processes, quality environmental or health management systems;

d. Participation to international fairs and exhibitions, trade missions etc.

For POR 2.2: are eligible only the first 2 investments: a) and b).

Financing amount:

  • For investments financed through POR 2.2 – min. 200.000 euro and max. 1.000.000 euro;
  • For investments financed through POR 2.1 – min. 25.000 euro and max. 200.000 euro;

Non-reimbursable financing rate:
For investments financed through POR 2.2:

  • For investments mentioned at points a) and b) – up to 70% from the eligible expenses value;
  • For investments mentioned at points c) and d) – up to 90% from the eligible expenses value;

For investments financed through POR 2.1: up to 90% from the eligible expenses value;

For the financing currently open (POR 2.2 – for investments located in the Danube Delta region) – more details can be obtained here.

Extended call – innovative projects for private companies (POC)!

March 20th, 2018

The Ministry of European Funds has extended the deadline for submission of project proposals for the call: “Innovative Technological Project (POC 1.2.1), addressed to private companies, until 16.05.2018, 23:59 hour.

We remind you that this action aims to fund projects that develop new or substantially improved products and/or processes or technologies, developed through research activities for the purpose of production and commercialization. The call has a total allocation of 286 million lei (about 64 million euro).

Eligible applicants:

  • large enterprises and SMEs, with R&D activity, but R&D not as main activity.
  • The R&D component can be implemented individually by the applicant only or in a partnership with one or two research organizations.

Value of grant: up to 22.500.000 lei (aprox 5 mil euro);

Financing percentage:

  • For companies, variable percentage, between 10%-80% (depends on the type of activities included in the project, the size of the applicant and location if investment).
  • The activities performed by the research institutions are financed with up to 100%of the eligible costs.

Types of eligible activities:

  • industrial research;
  • experimental development;
  • preparatory feasibility studies for R&D activities;
  • innovation activities for obtaining, validating and protecting patents, and other intangible assets;
  • other innovative activities: high skilled personnel detachment, acquisition of innovation consultancy services, acquisition of innovation support services;
  • initial investments for innovation for introducing in production of R&D results.

For more information please click here.

Non-reimbursable financing for reducing energy consumption

February 23rd, 2018

The Ministry of European Funds, will launch on 05.03.2018 a call for projects for “Reducing the energy consumption of industrial consumers” – 6.2 Specific Objective within the Operational Programme Large Infrastructure 2014-2020, which will be opened until 31.12.2018.

Total call allocation: 7.884.197 euro

Eligible value of the project:

  • Up to 200.000 euro;

Non-reimbursable financing:

  • 100% non-reimbursable;

Project implementation period:

  • 18 months

Eligible beneficiaries:

  • Industry companies with consumption of more than 1,000 toe/year, performing activities related to the: Extractive industry and Manufacturing industry sectors.

Projects implemented in the Bucharest – Ilfov development region are not eligible.

Eligible expenditure:

  • Acquisition of the monitoring system of energy consumption at the level of industrial platform (monitoring systems, RTU-remote terminal units, communication system, master stations etc.); land acquisition/development; utilities; design; constructions etc.
  • Project preparation (studies, permits, authorizations etc.);
  • Project management, Audit;
  • Information and publicity.

For more information you can consult a summary of the guideline here.

SEE and Norway grants – funding for the inclusion of Roma children in schools

February 22nd, 2018

A new call for projects has been launched within the EEA and Norway Grants Fund 2014-2021: “National partnership cooperation projects in the field of Roma children inclusion in school”, with the purpose to increase the capacity of schools to ensure the inclusion of Roma children.

Call allocation:

  • 811.764 euro.

Non-reimbursable financing:

  • Minimum – 60.000 euro.
  • Maximum – 200.000 euro.

The non-reimbursable financing covers:

  • public institutions – 100% from eligible costs
  • NGOs – 90% from eligible costs

Eligible applicants:

  • Romanian NGOs or Romanian public institutions active in the area of Roma children inclusion, on behalf of a consortium.

Eligible partners:

  • 5 – 6 Romanian schools with at least 20% of Roma children students enrolled, schools from disadvantaged communities.

Eligible activities:

  • training of teachers working with Roma children;
  • developing new curricula and/or teaching materials on inclusiveness and multicultural environment;
  • extracurricular activities for Roma and non-Roma parents/students (on discrimination and inclusion issues).

Implementation period:

  • Mininum – 12 months;
  • Maximum – 24 months.

Eligible expenditures:

  • management, implementation and project activities;
  • implementation of eligible activities (salaries);
  • transport;
  • support for the participants with special needs.

Deadline for project submission: 31.05.2018.

For more information you can consult a summary of the guideline here.

EEA and Norway Grants – first call for projects!

February 9th, 2018

The first call for projects within the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation (2014-2021) has been launched.

Within the call “Common Challenges – Shared Solutions” are eligible cross-border cooperation projects and transnational cooperation projects ideas focusing on measures like:

  • knowledge-sharing,
  • exchange of good practice
  • capacity building, within all priority areas:
    • Innovation, Research, Education and Competitiveness;
    • Social Inclusion, Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction;
    • Environment, Energy, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy;
    • Culture, Civil Society, Good Governance, and Fundamental Rights and Freedoms;
    • Justice and Home Affairs;

Total allocation:

  • 31,89 mil euro, out of which, for the current call: 15 mil euro.


  • Minimum > 1 mil. euro.

With a non-reimbursable financing of:

  • up to 90% for NGOs, Universities and Research organisations:;
  • up to 85% for other entities (e.g.: companies);
  • up to 100% for any expertise partners from the Donor States.

Who can apply?

  • Companies and cooperatives;
  • Civil society organisations, social enterprises, non-profit organisations and foundations;
  • Public and private education and research organisations;
  • Social partners;
  • Municipalities, regions and state level entities;

*Project shall be submitted by a consortium composed of entities from at least three countries, including at least two Beneficiary States.

Eligible expenditures:

  • Cost of staff;
  • Travel expenses;
  • Costs of consumables and supplies;
  • Cost of equipment;
  • Services costs;
  • Indirect costs (15% flat rate);
  • Non-recoverable value added tax etc.

Deadline for concept notes submission: 01.07.2018.

For more information click here.

“Solidar start-up” – financing for social enterprises

January 31st, 2018

According to the last published calendar, AMPOCU will launch in February a new financing line –SOLIDAR START-UP”, related to 4.16 Specific Objective of POCU 2014-2020.

The projects aim at setting up social enterprises, including social insertion companies, to integrate people from vulnerable groups into the workforce and combating poverty.

The project beneficiary shall ensure to the target group:

  • Entrepreneurship education courses;
  • Advice on implementing the business plan;
  • A mentoring and business development program;
  • A micro-grant within 40.000-100.000 euro/business plan;

Maximum project value: 3.000.000 euro.

Eligible applicants/partners:

  • Social economy entities;
  • Accredited public and private training providers;
  • Authorized public and private employment services providers;
  • Social services providers;
  • Trade unions and employers;
  • Professional Associations; NGOs;

Target group:

  • Individuals who intend to establish a social enterprise;
  • Individuals from newly established social enterprises (staff, members, volunteers, beneficiaries of services provided by social economy entities).

The applicant’s guideline is currently in the draft version, and the final version will be published in the next period. More information here.

“Solidar start-up” – financing for social enterprises