The call for social enterprises “SOLIDAR” has been launched!

September 23rd, 2016

The call dedicated to social economy “SOLIDAR. Support for consolidation of social economy” (SO 4.16) within POCU 2014-2020 has been launched!

Project proposals can be submitted, through MySMIS, until November 14th, 2016, at 16:00.

Eligible activities:

  • Counseling/mentoring/training and development of abilities for persons involved in the social enterprises;
  • Development of production capacities;
  • Promotion of social enterprise visibility;
  • Jobs accessibility;
  • Know-how transfer with other communities and with relevant actors;
  • Development of social programs/partnerships and good practices dissemination;

Target group:

  • persons from social enterprises: staff, members/associates/shareholders (according to the organization and functioning papers), volunteers (with contract).

Project value: minimum 40.000 euro – maximum 100.000 euro as minimis aid.

Non-reimbursable financing: up to 100%.

Eligible applicants:

  • social economy structures organized as: I-st degree cooperative, cooperative credit institution, association/foundation, credit union, federation or union,  any other category of legal person with minimum 1 year of activity and certified or under progress accreditation process as a social enterprise.

For more information click here

Financing between 200.000 euro and 1.000.000 euro for SMEs and micro-enterprises!

September 21st, 2016

SMEs, including micro-enterprises, can apply for a grant from 200.000 euro up to 1.000.000 euro. The launch is estimated in September-October 2016, for now is available only a consultative version of the Applicant Guideline.

 Eligible beneficiaries:

  • non-agricultural SMEs (with up to 250 employees and up to 50 million euro turnover) from urban areas (also micro-enterprises) and
  • non-agricultural medium enterprises from rural areas.

It is required for a beneficiary to have at least 3 years of activity and to register operational profit for the year prior to project submission.

Eligible regions: North-East, South-East, South Muntenia, South-Vest Oltenia, North-West, Centre (Projects implemented in the Bucharest – Ilfov development region cannot be submitted);

Eligible investments:

a) Construction, modernization, extension of the production/services areas;

b) Acquisition of tangible (equipment, tools etc), intangible assets (patents, licenses etc), including e-commerce tools.

c) Implementation of quality environmental or health management systems;

d) Participation to international fairs and exhibitions, trade missions etc.

Eligible grant: minimum 200.000 euro and maximum 1.000.000 euro.

Non- reimbursable financing rate:

For investments mentioned at points a) and b):

  • Small enterprises: 60% (from North-East, South-East, South Muntenia, South-West Oltenia, North-West, Centru regions) and 45% (from West region);
  • Small and micro enterprises: 70% (from North-East, South-East, South Muntenia, South-West Oltenia, North-West, Centru regions) and 55% (from West region);

For investments mentioned at points c) and d): up to 90%;

More information here.

Up to 200.000 euro for Micro-enterprises!

September 19th, 2016

Micro-enterprises can still apply for up to 200.000 euro grants for investments in constructions / expansions / modernization / endowment within Regional Operational Programme (POR)!

Eligible beneficiaries: Micro-enterprises from urban areas (companies under 9 employees and up to 2 million euro turnover / total assets), with at least 1 year of activity.

Eligible investments:

  • Construction, extension, modernization of the production / services areas;
  • Acquisition of tangible and intangible assets, including e-commerce tools.

Minimum eligible value of the project: 25.000 euro;

Grant: maximum 200.000 euro;

Grant financing percentage: maximum 90% from the eligible costs of the project.

Investments in the Bucharest–Ilfov and Danube Delta development regions are still NOT eligible.

For more information please contact us!

40.000 euro grants for people from Diaspora!

September 12th, 2016

The draft form of the POCU 2014-2020 Applicant Guideline “Diaspora Start-up” (SO 3.7) has been published. The Beneficiary can support Romanian citizens living abroad to open a business in Romania through micro-grants of up to 40.000 euro.

Maximum project value: 5.000.000 euro.

Implementation period: maximum 36 months

Eligible applicants/partners:

  • Public and private training providers;
  • Chambers of commerce and industry;
  • NGOs;
  • Trade unions;
  • Members of Sectoral Committees and legal Sectoral Committees;
  • Authorities of local public administration;
  • Professional Associations;
  • Universities;
  • Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment and subordinated/ coordinated: institutions / agencies / organizations;

Target group:

  • Romanian citizens (minimum age: 18 years old) that can prove their residence or domicile abroad for at least 1 year in last 3 years and who intend to establish a business in Romania.
    They also must prove entrepreneurial experience or specialization courses or professional experience in the field.


  • Entrepreneurship training programs, authorized by ANC;
  • Internships;
  • A micro-grant of maximum 40.000 euro/business plan, in 2 instalments (1st  instalment – 30.000 euro, 2nd instalment – the difference) and 10.000 euro subsidy for relocating their entrepreneurial activity;
  • A monitoring program of the business functioning and development;

A new state aid scheme for SMEs!

September 9th, 2016

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will be supported to develop their investments under a new multi annual state-aid scheme!

The scheme is drawn up for the period 2017-2020.
The estimated date of its coming into force is October 2016.

Total state aid scheme budget: 900 million lei (200 million euro), with an annual budget of 225 million lei (50 million euro).

The state-aid will be given to enterprises as non-reimbursable grants, within the maximum limit.

According to press release, it is estimated that the scheme will support investment projects ranging between 1 million and 10 million euro.
Estimated number of beneficiaries: 200.

State aid scheme administrators: Territorial Offices for SMEs and Cooperatives, subordinated to the Ministry for Economy, Trade and the Business Environment.

POIM – 200.000 euro with 100% financing for reducing the energy consumption!

September 8th, 2016

Large companies and SMEs can submit projects within POIM 6.2 “Reducing the energy consumption of industrial consumers” starting with 17 October 2016.

Eligible beneficiaries are companies activating in industry (sectors related to CAEN section – “B – Extractive industry” and CAEN section – “C – Manufacturing industry”) with consumption of more than 1.000 toe/year, (defined as major energy consumers, according to ANRE), for which monitoring systems must be implemented in order to identify quick solutions for immediate consumption reduction and for which there must be a powerful tool to quantify the positive effects of the application of measures for increasing energy efficiency.

Implementation region:

  • All country regions, excepting Bucharest-Ilfov;


  • Up to 200.000 euro, minimis aid;

Grant financing percentage: 

  • 100% non-reimbursable;

Eligible expenditure:

  • Acquisition and implementation of a monitoring system of energy consumption at the level of industrial platform (installations, equipment, monitoring systems, RTU-remote terminal units, data communication system, master stations, computerized data processing devices etc.);
  • Project preparation (studies, permits, authorizations etc.);
  • Project management, audit;
  • Information and publicity.

For more information consult the Applicant Guideline here.

POCU – New Applicant Guidelines

September 6th, 2016

The Ministry of European Funds published under public consultation 3 new Applicant Guidelines for:

  • „Training of personnel involved in health priority projects” – projects up to 4.000.000 euro. Among eligible applicants: Ministry of Health, public health authorities alone or in partnership with relevant actors: Universities; NGOs etc.
  • “Quality education in nurseries” – noncompetitive call, one project of 13 mil. euro. Eligible applicant: Ministry of Education and other subordinated bodies. Among eligible partners are: educational institutions – ISCED 1; suppliers of guidance, counseling, mediation and alternative services, public and private; NGOs; local public authorities etc.
  • “Updated compulsory national curriculum for secondary education – noncompetitive call, one project of 38 mil. euro. Eligible applicant: Ministry of Education and other subordinated bodies. Among eligible partners are: educational institutions – ISCED 2; public and private suppliers of guidance, counseling, mediation and alternative services; NGOs; local public authorities; National Prisons Administration etc.

Other financing for private beneficiaries:

  • “Romania Start-up Plus” (Final Guideline)– projects of up to 5.000.000 euro, aiming at supporting the establishment of enterprises with non-agricultural profile in urban areas, where among eligible applicants are: authorized training providers; chambers of commerce; NGOs; trade unions and employers’ organizations etc.
  • “School for All” (The Ministry announced that the launch of the final guidelines for the call for projects will be this week) – projects of up to 1.500.000 euro, aiming at facilitating the access to education and preventing / reducing the rate of early school leaving. Among the eligible applicants are: NGOs; religious institutions; public or private educational institutions (compulsory participation); various organizations with attributions in education area.

Nonagricultural businesses in Danube Delta

September 2nd, 2016

Consultative guidelines have been published for sub-measures 6.2 and 6.4 within National Rural Development Programme, sub-measures that focus on investments in non-agricultural businesses in rural areas from Danube Delta.

Eligible activities:

  • Services: medical services, veterinary services, car/boat repair shops, IT business, consultancy, accountancy, legal etc.;
  • Production: pellet manufacturing, textile factory, electrical components factory, metal constructions, furniture factory, pharmaceuticals etc.;
  • Tourism: touristic and agro-touristic accommodation services, caravan parks, campings, holiday camps, leisure activities services, tourist-guide services etc.;
  • Craft: handicraft, pottery, reeds and rushes processing for traditional purpose, manual processing of iron, wool, wood etc.


  • For 6.2 financing line – Up to 70.000 euro (100 % non-refundable) and the payment is granted in two installments: 70% in advance, at the beginning of the project and 30% at project completion and achievement of indicators;


  • For 6.4 financing line – Up to 200.000 euro (up to 90% non-refundable financing) for those who want a more complex investment, with regular payments (maximum 5 payments) during the project implementation period;

Eligible expenditure:

  • Building or modernization of the working space;
  • Purchase of equipment, machinery or other equipment necessary for the business;
  • Other expenses required by the project.

Eligible applicants:

  • Microenterprises, small businesses or any individual that can found a company in the rural area from Danube Delta territory until the submission deadline of the project;

Implementation area:

  • Constanta county, villages: Corbu, Istria, Mihai Viteazu, Sacele;
  • Tulcea county, villages: Baia, Bestepe, C.A. Rosetti, Ceamurlia de Jos, Ceatalchioi, Chilia Veche, Crisan, Frecatei, Greci, Grindu, I.C. Bratianu, Jijila, Jurilovca, Luncavita, Mahmudia, Maliuc, Mihail Kogalniceanu, Mihai Bravu, Murighiol, Niculitel, Nufaru, Pardina, Sarichioi, Slava Cercheza, Sfantu Gheorghe, Smardan, Somova, Valea Nucarilor, Vacareni;

The guidelines are under public consultation until September 10th, 2016.

For more information access:

Launch of “Romania Start-up Plus”!

September 1st, 2016

The final form of the POCU 2014-2020 Applicant Guidelines – Specific Conditions: “Romania Start-up Plus” (SO 3.7) have been launched. The projects can be submitted between the publishing date of the Ministry approval order and 30th of October 2016.

Projects aim at supporting the establishment of enterprises with non-agricultural profile in urban areas.

Maximum project value: 5.000.000 euro.
Implementation period: maximum 36 months

Eligible applicants/partners:

  • Public and private training providers;
  • Chambers of commerce and industry;
  • NGOs;
  • Trade unions;
  • Members of Sectoral Committees and legal Sectoral Committees;
  • Authorities of local public administration;
  • Professional Associations;
  • Universities;
  • Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment and subordinated/ coordinated: institutions / agencies / organizations;

Target group:

  • Individuals who intend to establish a business (eg. unemployed / inactive / people who have a job and intend to set up a business in order to create new jobs).


  • Entrepreneurship training programs, authorized by ANC;
  • Internships;
  • A micro-grant of maximum 40.000 euro/business plan, in 2 instalments (1st instalment – 30.000 euro, 2nd instalment – the difference);
  • A monitoring program of the business functioning and development;

More information about the Applicant Guideline and annexes are presented here.

Conference „Creativity in Business” – 12 October 2016

August 30th, 2016

PR – Concord Communications, in partnership with the Romanian Entrepreneurship Association will organize on 12 October 2016, between 9:00 – 16:00, at Ramada Plaza Hotel Bucharest, the second edition of the Conference “Creativity in Business”.

At the event will participate, as a speaker, also our colleague Irina Zugravu – Senior Consultant & Managing Partner VAPRO Romania.

Under the Conference, entrepreneurs and top employers, founders of innovative businesses and entrepreneurship and communication consultants will present success stories and will provide answers to key questions:

  • How creative we should be to differentiate ourselves in business, on a market increasingly competitive?
  • How to have more creative employees to assist at the business development?
  • Which are the new trends and strategies for successful entrepreneurs in 2016?
  • What new ideas for financing business exists?
  • There is room to invent something?
  • How can we open new business or how we can develop the existing ones?

The event will end with a Master Class course which will familiarize the participants with the advantages of learning new creativity and innovation techniques.

The participants who sign up for the conference until September 30, 2016 will receive for free, from BMI Publishing, the book “Understanding Michael Porter: The Essential Guide to Competition and Strategy” written by Joan Magretta.

The event addresses to:

  • Managers;
  • Employees;
  • Current and future entrepreneurs;

For further details about the conference agenda, confirmed speakers and subscription, please access the link:

Conference „Creativity in Business” – 12 October 2016