POCU workshop (AHK Romania – Vapro Romania)

May 11th, 2016

VAPRO Romania, in partnership with AHK Romania, organizes a workshop to discuss the European funds available for human resources development, within Human Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020 (POCU).

The event will take place on 16th of May 2016 between 9:30 – 12:30 at AHK Romania Headquarter from Clucerului Street, No. 35, Bucharest.

The subjects that will be discussed:

  • News about future POCU calls for project proposals;
  • Financing possibilities within POCU;
  • Types of eligible expenditures within human resources projects;

If you want to develop together with our consultants a project draft that will focus on the main aspects of your company development scenario, register as soon as possible at soare.matilda@ahk.rumaenien.ro because the number of participants is limited (12 people)!

For detailed information regarding the event please contact us at the e-mail address mentioned above.

Happy Easter!

April 29th, 2016

Dear clients and partners,

We hope that the celebration of Easter will bring you peace and joy.
We look  forward to developing future projects together!

Happy Easter!
VAPRO Romania

16 May – The first launches within HCOP 2014-2020!

April 20th, 2016

The Ministry of European Funds, through its Directorate for Human Capital Programs, launched today, 20 April 2016, the first two calls for projects:

  • Axis 4, Specific objective 4.1. Reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion from marginalized communities where there is Roma minority population by implementing integrated measures – allocated budget: 219.002.325 euro;
  • Axis 4, Specific objective 4.2. Reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion of marginalized communities (non-Roma) by implementing integrated measures – allocated budget: 131.270.125 euro;

Thus, local authorities and NGOs with responsibilities in the specific field, in partnership with stakeholders with relevant expertise can submit projects within the calls during 16th of May – 1st of August 2016.

Moreover, the Ministry has published the final form of the Applicants Guidelines – General Conditions.

The Guidelines and the annexes can be consulted on the website of the Ministry of European Funds in the section: POCU / Projects implementation.

HCOP – Updated calendar of calls for projects!

March 24th, 2016

The Ministry of European Funds updated the calendar of calls for projects for Human Capital Operational Programme.

The launching of projects for young unemployed NEETs is still foreseen for March while the launching of projects for unemployed adults has been moved from October-November to June.

Along with other updates, the calendar presents also a detailed list of the medical screening services to be financed and also the age categories for the target group foreseen by each type or project.

The complete calendar can be accessed here.

First launches within ROP 2014-2020

March 8th, 2016

Financing for microenterprises available with March 28th!

The calls calendar for six investment priorities within ROP 2014-2020, for which the applicant’s guidelines have already passed through the stage of public consultation. The call for projects for the development of microenterprises is scheduled to be launched during 28th March – 1st of April.

MySMIS 2014 – module for submitting financing applications

Starting from today and up to Friday, 18th of March, MySMIS 2014 system – the module for submitting financing applications, is opened for testing.

We kindly ask the interested persons to test all the functionalities of this application and to report to Ministry any kind of potential problems in order to prepare a smooth application process.

Workshop: How we finance our HR projects in 2016?

March 8th, 2016

Are you planning to invest in internal HR projects during the following year? Do you want to recruit new employees, to develop an internship program, or to train your actual employees?

If these subjects are of interest to you, then you will definitely be interested in the event organized by VAPRO, together with the Romanian-French Chamber of Commerce (CCIFER) that will take place on April 5th 2016, (between 9:00-11:00 at the CCIFER premises – Ethos House, Calea Floreasca, 240B, 3rd floor).

Senior consultants, with extensive experience in developing funded projects for organizations in Romania and other EU countries, will present to you the investment possibilities for this type of projects, financed through POCU 2014-2020. Both companies and NGOs can finance their internal HR projects and we will tell you exactly how you can do that.

We will talk about the main eligibility criteria, what types of activities can be financed or which are the eligible expenditure that can be included in such projects. In addition, based on the experience of over 20 years in the field of European funding of VAPRO International Group existence, we will present examples of good practices and solutions that we have provided both to develop and successfully implement projects in human resources area, for over 150 beneficiaries.

The target audience of the event: human resource managers, CFOs, managers and human resources specialists, NGOs directors, CSR project coordinators, general managers, members of the board of companies.

For registration, structure and detailed agenda, please access the page of the event here.

HR get together seminar

March 3rd, 2016

VAPRO Romania, in partnership with AHK – Romanian-German Commerce Chamber, organizes on Wednesday, 23rd of March 2016, at Grand Hotel JW Marriot Bucharest, a seminar for the HR representatives of companies to discuss actual themes like the labour legislation updates, EU funds for developing human capital or training of staff.

For detailed information regarding the starting hour of the event, the participation fee and the agenda please access here the AHK webpage.


HCOP – Guidelines for Applicants – General Conditions 2016 available for public debate

March 2nd, 2016

Ministry of European Funds, through its Directorate for Human Capital Operational Program, published for consultation the Guidelines for Applicants – General Conditions for 2016, named also Guidance on funding opportunities within Human Capital Operational Programme 2014 – 2020”.
Below you can find some of the news in the guidelines:

  • The applicants and partners need to have a digital signature certificate to sign the application form and associated documents;
  • An entity can’t participate, as an applicant and/or partner, in more than 5 projects submitted under the same call for proposals;
  • Besides the reimbursement and payment requests mechanisms, the applicants can also use the new pre-financing mechanism, requesting from the IB/MA OPHC an advance payment for the financial resources necessary to cover the costs of human resources and participants, once for each 3 months;
  • The salary thresholds remain similar to the ones from the Applicant’s Guidelines – General Conditions 2015;
  • Cash payments will be considered eligible only in duly justified cases if it is not possible to pay by bank transfer / postal order and only with the prior approval of the IB /MA HCOP.

This document is in public debate until 11.03.2016 (14:00) and the improvement proposals should be sent by e–mail to: consultare.pocu@fonduri-ue.ro.

Detailed version of calls for projects calendar within HCOP – News!

March 1st, 2016

The Ministry of European Funds published a detailed version of calls for projects calendar within Human Capital Operational Programme.
The main news in the updated version of the calendar is the announcement of a call for internship projects in July 2016.

Below you can find the updated foreseen launching dates for some of the most important project calls:
Axis 1 and 2:

  • Employment and training measures for young NEETs – March;
  • Measures in the field of entrepreneurship for young people – March;

Axis 3:

  • Measures for employment and training for unemployed people, persons from rural area (November) and Roma people (October);
  • Supporting entrepreneurship, including in creative fields – March and December;
  • Human resources management and outplacement – December;
  • Training for employees – September;

Axis 4:

  • Reducing the number of people in risk of poverty and social exclusion with accent on Roma people (March) and non-Roma people (May);
  • Training of medical staff – March, June and September;
  • Screening activities for beneficiaries of medical services – June – September;
  • Increasing the number of beneficiaries of medical services and encouraging the use of ICT solutions in healthcare field – November;
  • Measures for young people from orphanages and foster parents – September;

Axis 6:

  • “Second chance” programmes for NEETs – March;
  • Reducing early school leaving phenomenon, training for teachers from non-university education, including the diversification of educational offers – March;
  • Support for participation to tertiary education (scholarships etc), teachers training and diversification of educational offers – July;
  • Support for participation to initial (July) and continuous (September) training;
  • Internship programs – July;
  • Measures for sustaining doctoral and postdoctoral programs – June;

The complete calendar can be accessed here.

Call for micro-enterprises – 200.000 euro with 100% grant

February 29th, 2016

The second consultative version of the Applicant Guideline for the development of micro-enterprises, within the Regional Operational Program (POR) has been published for public debate until 1.03.2016. The launch of this financing line is estimated for the next period.

Some of most important changes in the new version of the guide:

  • The condition for an applicant to record operating profit for thelast fiscal yearis nowmandatory;
  • The companies that had no employees in last fiscal year are now permitted to apply as long as they have at least 1 full time employee for an indefinite period at the moment of the project submission;
  • The guide has clarified the regions excluded from funding: the investments made in Bucharest – Ilfov and ITI Delta Dunarii regions are not eligible;
  • The introduction of a co-financing of at least 10% from the applicant for a higher score of the project.

The main conditions to access this financing line:

  • The applicant must be a micro-enterprise: company or cooperative (up to 9 employees, up to 2.000.000 euro turnover);
  • The investment is made in an eligible sector according to the CAEN codes published in the Guidelines for the Applicants;
  • The applicant has at least one full fiscal year (established at the latest 01.01.2015) without suspended activity in 2015-2016.

Types of eligible investments:

  • Construction, extension, modernization of the production activities/ area;
  • Acquisition of technological equipment, machines, working tools, specific furniture, IT and office equipment, including specific equipment and installations used for obtaining energy efficiency;
  • Investments in nontangible assets: licenses, patents, copyrights, software, including expenses related to e-commerce solutions;
  • Consulting and support services for the project (up to 10%, depending of the type of the project).

Eligible value of the project: between 25.000 euro – 200.000 euro.
Grant financing percentage: up to 100% from the eligible costs.

All the conditions that beneficiaries must meet to access this funding, and the new scoring grid can be found here.

Call for micro-enterprises – 200.000 euro with 100% grant