Financing for fruit farming and training for farmers – NRDP

February 29th, 2016

New guidelines have been published for public consultation for the National Program for Rural Development 2014-2020. These measures target 4.1.a Investments in fruit-growing holdings, 4.2.a Investments in processing / marketing of products in the fruit-growing sector (you can find the documents here) and  1.1 Support for training and and skills acquiring actions (see the documents here).

Please find below more details on these financing lines for the private sector:

  • Sub measure 4.1.a Support for investments in fruit-growing holdings

Type of investments to be financed: modernization of fruit-growing farms, re conversion of fruit plantations, modernization of fruit nurseries, storage systems, conditioning and packaging and on-farm processing units, etc.

Grant awarded: up to 1.050.000 euro.
Financing rate: up to 90% of eligible expenses.

  • Sub measure 4.2.a Support for investments in processing/marketing of products in the fruit-growing sector

Type of investments to be financed: setting-up, extension and / or modernization of processing units for the raw material from the fruit-growing sector, mobile processing units / local networks for collection, reception, storage, conditioning, selection and packaging; purchasing of new machinery, installations, equipment and specialized transportation for the collection of raw material.

Grant awarded: up to 1.500.000 euro.
Financing rate: up to 50% of eligible expenses.

  • Sub measure 1.1 Support for training and skills acquisition actions

Type of eligible costs: salary expenses for expert trainers, accommodation, meals and transportation costs for the participants, teaching materials and consumables, renting of the necessary equipment and space to carry out the training actions.

Grant awarded: up to 195.000 euro.
Financing rate: 100% of eligible expenses.

Grants for food industry – NRDP

February 19th, 2016

The Agency for Financing Rural Investments (AFIR) has published a new consultative guideline for the state aid scheme: Regional development stimulation through investments for processing and marketing of agricultural products to obtain non-agricultural products and the minims scheme: Support for consulting services needed for the implementation of the investments projects for processing and marketing of agricultural products to obtain non-agricultural products. The documents can be consulted here.

We present further details regarding these financing lines, for the private sector:

The State aid scheme GBER: Regional development stimulation through investments for processing and marketing of agricultural products to obtain non-agricultural products.

  • Type of investments to be financed: Constructions, extension and endowment of processing units from food industry; Purchase of new equipment, installations and specialized transportation vehicles.
  • Grant awarded: up to 500.000 euro.
  • Financing rate: up to 50% of eligible expenses.

The minims scheme: Support for consulting services needed for the implementation of the investments projects for processing and marketing of agricultural products to obtain non-agricultural products.

  • Grant awarded: up to 000 euro representing consultancy expenditure of an investment project for processing agricultural products.
  • Financing rate: up to 100% of the consultancy eligible expenses.

Consultative Guides for new NRDP launches

February 17th, 2016

The Funding Agency for Rural Investments (AFIR) has published new consultative guides for the first calls for project proposals that will be launched starting with March 2016. Guides for the following sub-measures were published: 4.1 “Investments in agricultural holdings”, 4.2 “Support for investments in processing / marketing and / or development of agricultural products”, 4.3 „Support for investments related to development, modernization or adaptation of agriculture and forestry infrastructure” – road access infrastructure component, 4.3 „Support for investments related to development, modernization or adaptation of agriculture and forestry infrastructure” –irrigation  component, 6.1 Support for setting-up young farmers, 6.3 “Business start-up aid for the development of small farms”, 7.2 “Investments in creation and modernization of small-scale infrastructure”, 7.6 “Investments associated with the protection of cultural heritage”. The documents can be consulted here.

We present more details for two of the most attractive financing lines for the private sector, such as:

  • Sub measure 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings

Type of investments to be financed: Construction, extension, modernization and endowment of constructions from livestock or vegetal farms etc.

Grant awarded: up to 2.000.000 euro.
Financing rate: up to 90% of eligible expenses.

  • Sub measure 4.2 Support for investments in processing / marketing and / or development of agricultural products

Type of investments to be financed: Setting-up, extension and / or modernization and endowment of processing units, including investments in products’ marketing (e.g. labelling, packaging), local networks of collection, reception, storage, conditioning, selection and packaging capacity etc.

Grant awarded: up to 2.500.000 euro.
Financing rate: up to 50% of eligible expenses.

Comparing with the previous sessions, starting with 2016, a beneficiary can submit more than one project within the same sub-measure, in the same session or in different sessions, if the total value of the requested grant meets several conditions from the Applicant’s Guide regarding the types of investments made.

Calls for project proposals within POCU, POC and POR starting with March!

February 5th, 2016

The Ministry of European Funds presented in the press conference held yesterday, 4th February 2016, the updated calendar of the launches of calls for projects for POCU, POC and POR for 2016.

Below you can find the foreseen launching date for some of the most important project calls:

Calls within Human Capital Operational Programme (POCU):

Axis 1 and 2:

  • Employment and training measures for young NEETs – March;
  • Measures in the field of entrepreneurship for young people – March;

Axis 3:

  • SO 3.1-3.6 – Measures for employment and training for unemployed people, persons from rural area and Roma people – October;
  • SO 3.7 – Supporting of entrepreneurship, including in creative fields – March;
  • SO 3.8 and 3.9 – Human resources management and outplacement – December;
  • SO 3.12 – Training for employees – September;

Axis 4:

  • SO 4.1 and 4.2 – Reducing the number of people in risk of poverty and social exclusion (Roma and non-Roma) – March and May;
  • SO 4.8 and 4.9 –Training for people from medical field and screening activities – starting with March;

Axis 6:

  • SO 6.1 – “Second chance” programmes – March;
  • SO 6.2 – 6.6 – Reducing early school leaving phenomenon – March;
  • SO 6.11 and 6.12 – Sustaining the participation to initial and continuous training – July;
  • SO 6.7 – 6.10 – Sustaining the participation to university and non-university tertiary education (scholarships etc.) – July;

Within Competiveness Operational Programme (POC):

  • Action 113 – Section H – Creating synergies to RDI actions of the framework program HORIZON 2020 of EU and other RDI international programs – launch in the first trimester of 2016
  • Actions: 111 Section A – Investments for RD departments of companies, Section B – Innovative clusters, Section C – Investments projects for RD/universities public institutions and SO 1.3. Technological project – will be launched during the year.

In the case of Regional Operational Programme (POR) almost the entire available allocation (about 95%) is going to be launched for contracting in 2016, through 33 calls for proposals.

The complete calendar can be accessed here.

PNDR – Grants for agriculture

January 22nd, 2016

The Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Achim Irimescu announced in the press conference held yesterday that the launch of the first calls for agricultural projects will be opened starting with March 2016:

  • Sub measure 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings

Type of investments to be financed: Construction, extension, modernization and endowment of constructions from livestock or vegetal farms etc.
Grant awarded: up to 2.000.000 euro. Financing rate: up to 90% of eligible expenses.

  • Sub measure 4.1.a Investments in fruit-growing holdings

Type of investments to be financed: modernization of fruit-growing farms, reconversion of fruit plantations, modernization of fruit nurseries, storage systems etc.
Grant awarded: up to 1.050.000 euro. Financing rate: up to 90% of eligible expenses.

  • Sub measure 4.2 Support for investments in processing / marketing and / or development of agricultural products

Type of investments to be financed: Setting-up, extension and / or modernization and endowment of processing units, including investments in products’ marketing (e.g. labeling, packaging), local networks of collection, reception, storage, conditioning, selection and packaging capacity etc.
Grant awarded: up to 2.500.000 euro. Financing rate: up to 50% of eligible expenses.

  • Sub measure 4.2.a Support for investments in processing / marketing of products in the fruit-growing sector

Type of investments to be financed: Setting-up, extension and / or modernization of processing units for raw material in the fruit-growing sector, mobile processing units / local networks for collection, reception, storage, conditioning, selection and packaging; Purchasing of new machinery, installations, equipment and specialized transportation.
Grant awarded: up to 1.500.000 euro. Financing rate: up to 50% of eligible expenses.

  • The minims scheme: Support for consulting services in the investments projects implementation for processing and marketing of agricultural products to obtain non-agricultural products.

Grant awarded: up to 200.000 euro representing consultancy expenditure of an investment project in the processing of agricultural products.

Grants for promoting the European Union values

January 22nd, 2016

The European Commision, DG Communication, through the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) has opened the project submission session for “Europe for Citizens” 2014-2020 program.
The main objectives of the program: to contribute to citizens’ understanding of the Union, its history and diversity and to foster European citizenship and to improve conditions for civic and democratic participation at Union level.
The total program allocation: 185.468.000 euro (for 2014-2020 period).

The program has 2 components for NGOs, different associations, education/research institutions:

Component 1: European remembrance:
Project type: projects reflecting on causes of totalitarian regimes in Europe, commemorate the victims of their crimes and other defining moments and reference points in recent European history (tolerance, intercultural dialogue and reconciliation).

Eligible Beneficiaries/Partners: public local/regional authorities or non-profit organizations, including civil society organizations, and cultural.
Partners: A project must involve organizations from at least 1 member state.
Maximum eligible grant for a project: 100.000 euro.
Maximum project duration: 18 months. 

Component 2: Democratic engagement and civic participation (Measure: Civil Society Projects):
Project type: Promotion of societal engagement and solidarity (debates/campaigns/actions on the themes of common interest), gathering of opinions of the citizens on topics of common interest, volunteering (promoting solidarity among Union citizens).

Eligible Beneficiaries/Partners: non-profit organizations, including civil society organizations, educational, cultural or research institutions.
Partners: A project must involve organizations from at least 3 eligible countries of which at least one is an EU Member State.
Maximum eligible grant for a project: 150.000 euro.
Maximum project duration: 18 months.

Deadline for submission of financing applications: 1st of March 2016.

New financing opportunity for SMEs: 55.000 euro with 90% grant

January 8th, 2016

The government launched a consultative version of the implementation procedure for the minimis aid scheme included in the Micro-industrialization multi-annual national program for SMEs.

The budget allocated for the minimis aid scheme for 2016 fiscal year is 60.890.000 lei (for a minimum estimated number of 244 beneficiaries).

The grant value can be up to 90% of the eligible costs of the project but no more than 250.000 lei / beneficiary (approximately 55.000 euro).

Eligible beneficiaries are SMEs active in the production and processing industries (full list of CAEN codes is available into the project procedure).

Eligible expenditures: purchasing of equipment, machinery, measurement equipment, fiscal electronic devices, patents, brands, e-commerce software, computers, development of a website, work / production spaces, entrepreneurship training, consultancy etc.

For further information you can access here the draft version of the implementation procedure.

Payments reached 75% of the total EU funds allocated to Romania

January 4th, 2016

Ministry of European Funds informs that at the end of 2015 the total payments for beneficiaries reached the level of around 75% of the total EU funds allocation for Romania.

The expenditure leader is POSDRU with a payment level of 86% followed by POSCCE (85%) and PODCA (84%). For POR and POAT the payments reached 73% while the environment and transport programs are the last ones with 71% respectively 61% payments to beneficiaries.

At the below link you can download the payments level communicated by the Ministry of European Funds.

Payments – 30.12.2015

The final absorption rate of for the 2007-2013 programming period will be calculated after all settlements with the European Commission will be finalized.

Good news! The first calls for proposals within POCU 2014-2020 have been launched!

November 13th, 2015

The Ministry of European Funds announced that starting with November 20, 2015, the first applications for funding under POCU 2014-2020 can be submitted.
The project proposals under the first call, for the registration of NEETs (youngsters, 15-24 years old, not in employment, education or training) at the Public Employment Service (Priority axis 2, Specific Objective 2.3), can be submitted starting with 20.11.2015. The applicant can be the Ministry of Labor/ Public Employment Services (including the subordinated units with legal personality) in partnership with entities with relevant activity (NGOs, Universities) and the main objective of the call is ensuring an effective implementation of the support schemes at national level.
The maximum value of a project cannot exceed 49.000.000 euro.
For the second call, for the development of marginalized communities with Roma minority (Priority axis 4, Specific Objective 4.1), project proposals can be submitted during 25.11.2015 – 25.01.2016, by NGOs and local authorities with responsibilities in the specific field, in partnership with stakeholders with relevant expertise for the project.
The maximum value of a project is 6.000.000 euro.

New POCU Guideline – Medical field

November 9th, 2015

Ministry of European Funds – Directorate for Human Capital Operational Programme, published for consultation the Applicant’s Guide – Specific Conditions of the call for proposals “Training of staff involved in the implementation of priority health programs”.

  • The specific objective pursued in this investment priority aims at: “Improving skills of professionals in the health sector”;
  • Eligible beneficiaries: Ministry of Health/ public authorities (including public health authorities, institutes and medical institutions) alone or in partnership with relevant stakeholders (universities, NGOs, etc.);
  • Eligible target group: specialists in providing medical care;
  • Project value: maximum 5.000.000 euro;
  • Maximum project/projects implementation period: 36 months, but not later than 31st December 2023.

All questions related to the Applicant’s Guide – Specific Conditions and also proposals and suggestions for improvement can be submitted until November 26th, 2015 by email at:

New POCU Guideline – Medical field