Funds for agriculture and non – agricultural activities – starting with July 2015

June 19th, 2015

Starting with 1st of July 2015, the Funding Agency for Rural Investments (AFIR) will launch four financing lines which are very interesting for the private sector:

  • Submeasure 4.1.a Support for investments in fruit-growing holdings

Type of investments to be financed: modernization of fruit-growing farms, reconversion of fruit plantations, modernization of fruit nurseries, storage systems, conditioning and packaging and on-farm processing units, including mobile processing units, etc.
Grant awarded: up to 1.050.000 euro.
Financing rate:
up to 90% of eligible expenses.

  • Submeasure 4.2 Support for investments in processing/ marketing and/ or development of agricultural products

Type of investments to be financed: Setting-up, extension and/ or modernization and endowment of processing units, including investments in products’ marketing (e.g. labelling, packaging); Setting-up, extension and/ or modernization of local networks of collection, reception, storage, conditioning, selection and packaging capacity; Improvement of internal quality control and compliance with the new standards imposed by the European legislation, etc.
Grant awarded: up to 2.500.000 euro.
Financing rate:
up to 50% of eligible expenses.

  • Submeasure 4.2.a Support for investments in processing/marketing of products in the fruit-growing sector

Type of investments to be financed: Setting-up, extension and/ or modernization of processing units for the raw material from the fruit-growing sector, mobile processing units / local networks for collection, reception, storage, conditioning, selection and packaging; Purchasing of new machinery, installations, equipment and specialized transportation for the collection of raw material/ for the sale of fruit products within short-chains/ in the process flow: tanks, isotherm, camper and food caravans;
Grant awarded: up to 1.500.000 euro.
Financing rate:
up to 50% of eligible expenses.

  • Submeasure 6.4 Support for investments in creation and development of non-agricultural activities

Type of investments to be financed: manufacturing, craft activities, various services, agro tourism, recreational activities, fuel production from biomass (ex: manufacturing of pellets and briquettes).
Grant awarded: up to 200.000 euro.
Financing rate:
up to 90% of eligible expenses.

VAPRO can assist you in developing successful projects!

NRDP – New funds for agriculture: Investment in Agricultural Holdings

June 11th, 2015

Funding Agency for Rural Investments (AFIR) lounched the call for proposals submeasure 4.1 Investment in Agricultural Holdings on 25 March 2015 with continuous submission by October 30, 2015.
The value of grant awarded can be up to 2.000.000 euro per project with a financing rate of maximum 90%.

Eligible costs

  • Construction/ modernization / expansion of vegetable farms and / or livestock farms, including ways of access to farms, on-farm irrigations and farm’s connection to utilities;
  • Modernization of agricultural machinery by acquisition of equipment performance: tractors, combine, seeders, headers, etc.
  • Upgrade and modernize sales and marketing spaces, as well as other marketing expenses, within an integrated food chain
  • Purchasing of compact frigorific transportation means, including trailers and semitrailers specialized for agricultural products marketing within an integrated food chain: tanks, isotherm, transport animals/birds/bees.
  • Plantations for table grapes and other perennial crops (provided the planting material is certified)
  • Purchasing of feed production facilities, drying equipment (cereals, herbs, etc.), equipment in animal farms (sewage discharge, feeding systems etc.), rehabilitation of networks and branching farms etc.
  • Investments in manure storage platforms and collecting purine pools

Eligible applicants:

  • Farmers, excluding unauthorized individuals
  • Cooperative (agricultural cooperatives and agricultural cooperatives), producer groups, created under the national legislation in force that deserves members interests;
  • Research institutes – development and centers, research stations and agricultural research units in the field with legal, public or private

VAPRO can assist you in developing successful projects!


Financing of internship stages for students – 2015

May 5th, 2015

The Ministry of European Funds – AM HRD launches in May 2015 the request for proposals KAI 2.1 – CPP 189 “Internships for students”.
The main objective of this KAI is developing work skills for students and facilitate transition from school to active life.

Eligible applicants:

  • Higher educational institutions of the national education system
  • Employers (public or private)
  • Professional associations
  • Chambers of Commerce and Industry
  • Trade unions and employers’ organizations
  • NGOs
  • Ministry of Education and Scientific Research and structures / agencies / relevant bodies, subordinated / coordinated by it
  • Public and private vocational guidance and counseling service providers
  • Government General Secretariat

Target group: at least 150 students enrolled in the national education system (bachelor and master)
Project value: 50,000 – 500,000 euro
Project duration: 4-6 months
Financing rate: up to 98% of the eligible value of the project

For more information, please visit :

To be updated with la the latest news regarding financing oportunities please visit our page regularly or Facebook

VAPRO can assist you in developing successful projects!

New guidelines released for consultation Rural Development Programme 2014-2020

March 16th, 2015

The Agency for Financing Rural Investments (AFIR) has published the consultative versions of the Guidelines for Sub-measure 4.1 “Investments in agricultural holdings” and Sub-measure 6.1 “Business start up aid for young farmers”.

The sub-measure 4.1 “Investment in agricultural holdings” provides financial support to projects aiming: to improve the general performances of the farms, to facilitate restructuring and modernization of small or medium size farms, to increase market and commercial orientation, to reach community standards, to increase the added value of the agricultural products by processing them at the farm level, to encourage the direct commercialization, setting up and promoting an integrated food chain.

Eligible beneficiaries are: authorised individuals, individual company and family businesses, general partnership company (SNC), limited partnership company (SCS), joint stock company (SA), limited liability company (SRL), company with private capital, research and development institute, agricultural company, agricultural cooperative society, agricultural cooperative, producer group ,etc.

Eligible costs:

  • Construction, extension, modernisation and endowment of the productive buildings inside the farm ;
  • Refurbishing and endowment of the spaces for commercialisation and delivery and marketing costs within an integrated food chain ;
  • Puchasing of new machines, equipment, tools etc ;
  • Purchasing (leasing is allowed) of compact transport means
  • The establishment of plantations for table grapes and other perennial plantations;
  • Expenditures generated by meeting standards and compliance with new standards imposed by EU legislation ;
  • Purchasing / development of software, purchasing of licences, patents, copyrights.

Maximum value of the non-reimbursable financing is different depending on farm size and project type, and it can be for certain projects up to maxim 2 mil EUR /project.

The maximum financing percentage can be between 30-50% from the eligible costs, depending on the project type and the farm size. The intensity of non reimbursable financial support can increase up to maximum 90% according to certain criteria.

More information on these guidelines can be found here:

VAPRO can assist you in developing successful projects!

SOPHRD – final evaluation results and new calls announced

March 27th, 2014

The day of March 25th came with good news for SOPHRD program beneficiaries. The long expected list of approved strategic projects for KAI 2.3 (qualification training courses) was published and we gladly inform you that all projects developed by VAPRO under this KAI were approved with a very good score. On this occasion we congratulate the applicants and their partners and wish them success in implementation!

Please find below a brief analysis of this financing call, with the rate of approved projects versus submitted projects of around 22%:

  • 342 projects were submitted for an allocated budget of 228 million Euro
  • 197 projects were rejected in phase A (administrative) according to the list published on 22.11.2013
  • 75 projects were approved out of approximately 170 projects that have entered phase B (technical verification), totaling about 93 million Euro and covering 40% of the allocated budget

Also on March 26th new lists with approved projects were published for KAI 1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 6.2 and 6.3 – strategic and grant type projects. More information can be found here:

European Funds Minister stated for / that in April all contracts for projects submitted last year and funded under SOPHRD and SOPIEC will be signed and from May new calls will be open under these programs.
VAPRO can assist in the development of successful projects!

To be updated with the newest information on grants, please visit our website regularly

Status projects SOPHRD June 2010

June 8th, 2010

Reallocation among Axes to finance all projects selected

In the press conference organized by the Monitoring Committee of MASOPHRD on June 8th 2010, the MASOPHRD has presented the status of the projects submitted, selected and contracted. Also, it has made a very important announcement for all beneficiaries: MASOPHRD has proposed to finance all projects selected on the key areas where the request has been very high (such as 3.1 or 3.2) by reallocating funds from key area where the interest was not that high (such as 4.2). According to the press release: “The management of MASOPHRD will propose to the Ministry of Labor and to the Ministry of Finance that all projects selected would be totally financed. The necessary amounts will be taken from the financial allocation of key areas where the interest was not that high among beneficiaries”.

Those who have submitted projects on the SOPHRD and are waiting for the results of the evaluation but also those of you who are planning to apply for a project financed through ESF-SOPHRD can analyze the updated situation of projects submitted on SOPHRD.

For more information please access the press release of MASOPHRD, and also an extensive document which presents the status of projects submitted, selected and contracted, and also the measure of reallocation inside SOPHRD suggested by MASOPHRD.

3 years in Romania!

June 4th, 2010

We are celebrating 3 years since we have established our Romanian office and we would like to thank all clients and partners that have been together with us during this time.

Also, as an anniversay offer, we are launching a transparent information and awareness campaign regarding the benefits of European funds, and the things that have not been said to often until now.

Do you want to understand what an EU financed project means?

Do you want to learn from our experience – over 300 projects national and international wide?

Do you have questions regarding projects and EU funding and you have never received an answer until now?

Ask us!!!

Our expertise in Romania, but also internationally, recommends us not only as a consultant with an extremely high success rate regarding projects submitted, but also as a real partner  for beneficiaries and authorities involved, a dedicated partner, serious and moreover capable to provide useful reccomendations and real solutions to specific aspects.

Our results since 2008 and until now regarding ESF (SOPHRD) are, in short terms:

  • 97 projects developed and submitted with a value over 50.300.000 euro
  • 41 projects evaluated and approved, with a value over  21.000.000 euro
  • 39 projects still under evaluation

We are proud to present to you our new website, which we would like to become an important support for those who wish to find out the latest news in the EU funds domain, but also information on how we can help you in winning such funds for your company.

Also, for our 3 years anniversary in Romania, we have inaugurated a new office for VAPRO Romania, where we invite all of our clients as well as all of you who would like to collaborate with us in the future.

We cannot end before we draw a signal regarding the actual status of the absorbtion of EU funds in Romania, that is below 10% at this time. This can lead to the un-desired situation that at December 31st 2010, according to the n+3” rule, Romania will have to return the money it has not used to the European Union.

According to the most recent analysis published on the ACIS website, at April 30th  2010, the reimbursements towards the beneficiaries are worth 22.303.647 euro (90.809.301 lei). So, the absorbtion rate reported to the public funds allocated for 2007 (250.543.753 euro) is   8.90% and compared to the public financing opened for 2007-2010 (1.534.129.960 euro) is is only 1.45%.

We consider that our main advantage in Romania is precisely „understanding the market”, reason for which our involvement in any EU project brings a real added value, which has its roots in the preciseness of the absorption mecanisms of EU funds.

Learn more on our new website :


For any details or further information we remain at your disposal:
Irina Zugravu
Mob. +40 730 103 118

3 years in Romania!