NEW financing line for employees in large companies – IT and digital skills trainings

February 7th, 2020

A new financing line will be open in March, with focus on large companies that have activity in the priority sectors, such as: ITC, creative industries, automotive, health, pharma, energy etc. You can find if your company’s activity is eligible here.

In such a project all of company’s employees are eligible, regardless of their position in company and there are no restrictions on training types (they can be internally recognised as well), except that the training is aimed at IT / digital skills.

Maximum value per project is 500,000 euros, with a EU grant of 50% for the following activities:

  • Any type of course in ICT and digital fields, both with national/international certification or with recognition at company / industry level, such as: digital / ICT skills, Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, etc.), programming, operating systems, cyber security, data center, data storage, databases, web design, etc.
  • Evaluation and certification of professional competences in IT field regarding obtaining certificates recognized within the company (eg Microsoft, Linux, Cisco, Oracle, etc.).

What costs can be included in the budget:

  • any expenses generated by training – with training companies or expenses for salaries as appropriate for internal trainers;
  • training rooms, catering, consumables, travel, licenses, etc;
  • salaries of employees (with all taxes) –if the trainings take place during working time and thus a large part of company’s co-financing is ensured.

The project can have an implementation period of up to 18 months (estimated starting date is 2nd Semester of 2020) and must include trainings for minimum 75 employees with individual employment contract, that work outside Bucharest-Ilfov region (may be headquarters, work place or branch of the company, etc).
For more informations click here.

This is, most probably, the last financing line for large companies within the 2014 – 2020 programming period.

European funds for IT and digital skills trainings in companies

January 15th, 2020

We start this year with good news: a new financing line has been announced in 2020 for IT and digital skills trainings.
The Managing Authority for the Human Capital Operational Program has published two new guides for public consultation until January 30th, on priority axis 3, specific objective 3.12:

  1. For large companies:
    • total allocation 10 million euros;
    • maximum project’s value = 500,000 euros with a grant of 50% (maximum 250,000 euros);
    • Only large companies can apply;
    •  More information here.
  2. For SMEs:
    • Total allocation 20 million euros;
    • Maximum project value = 1,000,000 euros with a grant of up to 100%;
    • Eligible applicants: employers unions, associations/NGO-s, chambers of commerce;
    • More information here.

Employees of companies operating in economic sectors with competitive potential and in intelligent specialization areas will benefit from financing – see here the funded domains list.
Projects can be implemented in any region of Romania except Bucharest-Ilfov. Companies willing to apply may have their registered office in the Bucharest-Ilfov region, only if the submitted projects are implemented in at least one less developed region (at work points).
The following activities can be financed:

  • trainings of any kind exclusively in digital and ITC field (with recognized certification at employers’ level or national /international recognition);
  • Evaluation /validation and certification for competencies recognition related to the job requirements (including certificates recognized at companies’ level such as Microsoft, Linux, Cisco, Oracle, etc.);
  • (Only for SMEs projects) training needs analysis, organizing information and awareness campaigns for employers.

🔔Grants up to 1.000.000 euro for employees training – EXTENDED deadline – January 30th 2020

December 18th, 2019

Ministry of European Funds postponed the submission deadline for “Increasing employee qualification through Continuous Training Programs according to market needs”  projects. The new deadline is set for January 30th, 2020.

This call is dedicated to increasing the competences of the employees by activities such as:

  • implementation of company-level recognized and /or ANC (nationally) accredited training programs;
  • counselling and tutoring;
  • evaluation, acknowledgement and validation of non-formal and informal learned skills;
  • awareness campaigns & actions promoting the importance of training and participation in CVT programs;
  • other innovative actions to increase CVT participation and provide tailor-made educational support, including through transnational cooperation activities and transfer of best practices.

Who can apply?

  • Members of Sectoral Committees and Sector Committees with Legal Personality;
  • Trade unions;
  • Employers Union;
  • Professional Associations;
  • Public or private validation /certification centers of previous learning;
  • Authorized public and private training providers;
  • Providers of career counseling and career guidance services;
  • Chambers of commerce, industry and agriculture;
  • NGOs.

What is the call allocation?

  • 60,000,000 euro

What is the maximum value of the project?

  • 1 million euro, with grant between 95-100% depending on applicant type.

How long does it take to implement a project?

  • Maximum 24 months.

Which employees can be involved in the project (target group)?

  • Minimum 500 Employees (including PFAs and individual businesses), between the ages of 25 and 65 and residing outside Bucharest-Ilfov region.

An additional score is awarded for the projects targeting at least 30% persons who fall into at least one of the following categories: low-skilled, people over 40, people from disadvantaged rural areas.

Projects can be implemented in any region of Romania except for Bucharest-Ilfov region.

For more information click here.

January 31st, 2020 – NEW deadline for employees training form large companies

December 3rd, 2019

The deadline for POCU 3.8 call has been postponed!
Large companies 
can submit projects for management and HR employees’ trainings until January 31st, 2020.
Target group:

  • Minimum 50 employees of a company, that are in management positions/roles (general manager, executive manager, executive director, deputy director, department manager, project manager, line manager, etc.) and employees from human resources department.

What activities can be financed?

  • Any type of training, internal or recognized on enterprise’s level (such as: soft skils, comunication, management, leadership, Mini – MBA, lean, agility, etc.) or ANC authorized courses – (is mandatory only one training in each of these courses: “Entrepreneurial skills” an a human resources course according to the COR code nomenclature ISCO 08 compatible;
  • Business coaching activities and /or activities such as “workshops”, “seminars”, “conferences”, “information events”, courses accredited by Project Management Institute (eg: “PMP” – Project Management Proffesional; “CAPM” – Certified Associates in Project Management).

Who can apply?

  • Employers, large companies in all Romania’s regions except Bucharest-Ilfov, that operates in one of following sectors:
    • Automotive and components industry /Information and communication technology /Health and pharmaceutical products /Energy and environmental management /Wood and furniture /Creative industries /Tourism and ecotourism /Textiles and leather /Food and beverage processing /Bioeconomics, biopharmaceuticals and biotechnologies /Distribution /Constructions.

Maximum eligible value for one project is 500.000 euro, out of which grant is 50%. Projects’ budget can include the salary cost of employees during training hours.
One company can access up to 1 million euros for employees training on this financing line.
Projects’ implementation period is maximum 12 months
For more information click here: POCU 3.8

1 million euro grant for SMEs in the North-East and West regions

November 7th, 2019

The call for investments in SMEs located in North-East and West regions was announced to open and projects can be submitted starting with December 24th, 2019 until March 24th, 2020. The grant for a project is up to 1 mil. EUR.

Eligible applicants are companies that fulfill the following minimum criteria:

  • Are classified as SMEs, including micro companies (= less than 250 employees and 50 mil. euro turnover);
  • Have at least 1 year of activity (to be established no later than January 3rd, 2018);
  • Have an investment project located in urban areas (only medium size companies can do investments in rural areas also);
  • Have registered an operating profit (>0 lei) and an average of 3 employees in the previous fiscal year.

Eligible regions for investment are only North-East and West (any other region is not eligible under this call).

Eligible type of investments:

  • creating  a new production /service unit (location), construction and endowment space;
  • expanding the capacity of an existing unit, by increasing the production volume for at least one  product /service, without fundamentally changing production process;
  • diversification of a unit through products /services that were not previously manufactured /rendered in the unit. Diversification of production implies that new products /services are added to the range of assortments already produced /rendered.

The project proposal must include an initial investment in tangible assets such as: construction /extension of capacity and/or purchasing of equipment.

Implementation period – maximum 36 months, but not later than December 31st, 2023.
The grant value is: minimum 200.000 euro and maximum 1.000.000 euro.

Non-reimbursable financing rate:

  • Medium enterprises: 60% (for North-East region) and 45% (for West region), of eligible expenses value;
  • Small and micro enterprises: 70% (for North-Est region) and 55% (for West region), of eligible expenses value;
  • For minimis component – 90% from the eligible value (limited to 200.000 EUR).

Find more details here.

💼 Employee Continuous Training Programs financed up to 1 mil. euro

October 29th, 2019

The call for “Increasing employee qualification through Continuous Training Programs according to market needs” is open and projects submission deadline is set for December 31st, 2019.

This call is dedicated to increasing the competences of the employees by activities such as:

  • implementation of company-level recognized and /or ANC (nationally) acredited training programs;
  • counselling and tutoring;
  • evaluation, aknowledgement and validation of non-formal and informal learned skills;
  • awareness campaigns & actions promoting the importance of training and participation in CVT programs;
  • oher innovative actions to increase CVT participation and provide tailor-made educational support, including through transnational cooperation activities and transfer of best practices.

Who can apply?

  • Members of Sectoral Committees and Sector Committees with Legal Personality;
  • Trade unions;
  • Employers Union;
  • Professional Associations;
  • Public or private validation /certification centers of previous learning;
  • Authorized public and private traning providers;
  • Providers of career counseling and career guidance services;
  • Chambers of commerce, industry and agriculture;
  • NGOs.

What is the call allocation?

  • 60,000,000 euro

What is the maximum value of the project?

  • 1 million euro, with grant between 95-100% depending on applicant type.

How long does it take to implement a project?

  • Maximum 24 months.

Which employees can be involved in the project (target group)?

  • Minimum 500 Employees (including PFAs and individual businesses), between the ages of 25 and 65 and residing outside Bucharest-Ilfov region.

An additional score is awarded for the projects targeting at least 30% persons who fall into at least one of the following categories: low-skilled, people over 40, people from disadvantaged rural areas.

Projects can be implemented in any region of Romania except for Bucharest-Ilfov region.

For more informations, click here.

Grants for SMEs in the North-East and West regions

October 23rd, 2019

Grants up to 1 million EUR are available for investments in SMEs located in North-East and West regions.
Projects can be submitted starting with December 24th, 2019 until March 24th, 2020. 

Eligibleapplicants are companies that fulfil the following minimum criteria:

  • Are classified as SMEs, including microcompanies (= less than 250 employees and 50 mil. euro turnover);
  • Have at least 1 year of activity (to be established no later than January 3rd, 2018);
  • Have an investment project located in urban areas (only medium size companies can do investments in rural areas also);
  • Have registered an operating profit (>0 lei) and an average number of 3 employees in the previous fiscal year.

Eligible regions for investment are only North-East and West (any other region is not eligible under this call).

Eligible type of investments:

  • creating  a new production /service unit (location), construction and endowment space;
  • expanding the capacity of an existing unit,  by increasing the production volume for at least one  product /service, without fundamentally changing production process;
  • diversification of a unit through products /services that were not previously manufactured /rendered in the unit. Diversification of production implies that new products /services are added to the range of assortments already produced /rendered.

The project proposal must include an initial investment in tangible assets such as: construction /extension of capacity and/or purchasing of equipment.

Implementation period – maximum 36 months, but not later than December 31st, 2023.
The grant value is: minimum 200.000 euro and maximum 1.000.000 euro.

Non-reimbursable financing rate:

  • Medium enterprises: 60% (for North-East region) and 45% (for West region), of eligible expenses value;
  • Small and micro enterprises: 70% (for North-Est region) and 55% (for West region), of eligible expenses value;
  • For minimis component – 90% from the eligible value (limited to 200.000 EUR).

Find more details here.

Grants up to 1 million euro for training projects for employees

October 17th, 2019

Until December 31st, 2019 projects can be submitted within the call for “Increasing employee qualification through Continuous Training Programs according to market needs” applicant’s guide.

This call is dedicated to increasing the competences of the employees by activities such as:

  • implementation of company-level recognized and /or ANC (nationally) acredited training programs;
  • counselling and tutoring;
  • evaluation, aknowledgement and validation of non-formal and informal learned skills;
  • awareness campaigns & actions promoting the importance of training and participation in CVT programs;
  • oher innovative actions to increase CVT participation and provide tailor-made educational support, including through transnational cooperation activities and transfer of best practices.

Who can apply?

  • Members of Sectoral Committees and Sector Committees with Legal Personality;
  • Trade unions;
  • Employers Union;
  • Professional Associations;
  • Public or private validation /certification centers of previous learning;
  • Authorized public and private traning providers;
  • Providers of career counseling and career guidance services;
  • Chambers of commerce, industry and agriculture;
  • NGOs.

What is the call allocation?

  • 60,000,000 euro

What is the maximum value of the project?

  • 1 million euro, with grant between 95-100% depending on applicant type.

How long does it take to implement a project?

  • Maximum 24 months.

Which employees can be involved in the project (target group)?

  • Minimum 500 Employees (including PFAs and individual businesses), between the ages of 25 and 65 and residing outside Bucharest-Ilfov region.

An additional score is awarded for the projects targeting at least 30% persons who fall into at least one of the following categories: low-skilled, people over 40, people from disadvantaged rural areas.

Projects can be implemented in any region of Romania except for Bucharest-Ilfov region.

For more informations, click here.

Projects up to 1 million euros for SMEs in North-East and West regions

October 15th, 2019

Starting with December 24th, 2019 until March 24th, 2020 projects with a grant of up to EUR 1 million can be submitted for investments in SMEs located in North-East and West regions.

Eligibleapplicants are companies that fulfil the following minimum criteria:

  • Are classified as SMEs, including microcompanies (= less than 250 employees and 50 mil. euro turnover);
  • Have at least 1 year of activity (to be established no later than January 3rd, 2018);
  • Have an investment project located in urban areas (only medium size companies can do investments in rural areas also);
  • Have registered an operating profit ( > 0 lei) and an average number of 3 employees in the previous fiscal year.

Eligible regions for investment are only North-East and West (any other region is not eligible under this call).

Eligible type of investments:

  • creating  a new production /service unit (location), construction and endowment space;
  • expanding the capacity of an existing unit,  by increasing the production volume for at least one  product /service, without fundamentally changing production process;
  • diversification of a unit through products /services that were not previously manufactured /rendered in the unit. Diversification of production implies that new products /services are added to the range of assortments already produced /rendered.

The project proposal must include an initial investment in tangible assets such as: construction /extension of capacity and/or purchasing of equipment.

Implementation period – maximum 36 months, but not later than December 31st, 2023.
The grant value is: minimum 200.000 euro and maximum 1.000.000 euro.

Non-reimbursable financing rate:

  • Medium enterprises: 60% (for North-East region) and 45% (for West region), of eligible expenses value;
  • Small and micro enterprises: 70% (for North-Est region) and 55% (for West region), of eligible expenses value;
  • For minimis component – 90% from the eligible value (limited to 200.000 EUR).

Find more details here.

Projects with financing up to 1,000,000 euro for employee training

October 11th, 2019

Ministry of European Funds launched “Increasing Employee Qualification through Continuous Training Programs according to Market Needs” call. Projects can be submitted until December 31st, 2019.
This call is dedicated to increasing the competences of the employees by activities such as:

  • implementation of company-level recognized and /or ANC (nationally) acredited training programs;
  • counselling and tutoring;
  • evaluation, aknowledgement and validation of non-formal and informal learned skills;
  • awareness campaigns & actions promoting the importance of training and participation in CVT programs;
  • oher innovative actions to increase CVT participation and provide tailor-made educational support, including through transnational cooperation activities and transfer of best practices.

Who can apply?

  • Members of Sectoral Committees and Sector Committees with Legal Personality;
  • Trade unions;
  • Employers Union;
  • Professional Associations;
  • Public or private validation /certification centers of previous learning;
  • Authorized public and private traning providers;
  • Providers of career counseling and career guidance services;
  • Chambers of commerce, industry and agriculture;
  • NGOs.

What is the call allocation?

  • 60,000,000 euro

What is the maximum value of the project?

  • 1 million euro, with grant between 95-100% depending on applicant type.

How long does it take to implement a project?

  • Maximum 24 months.

Which employees can be involved in the project (target group)?

  • Minimum 500 Employees (including PFAs and individual businesses), between the ages of 25 and 65 and residing outside Bucharest-Ilfov region.

An additional score is awarded for the projects targeting at least 30% persons who fall into at least one of the following categories: low-skilled, people over 40, people from disadvantaged rural areas.

Projects can be implemented in any region of Romania except for Bucharest-Ilfov region.

For more informations, click here.

Projects with financing up to 1,000,000 euro for employee training