Dedicated event for investment grants accessed by SMEs
November 19, 2020
The European Financing Working Group of CCIFER is pleased to invite on Friday, November 27th 2020, the general managers of SMEs, to a technical meeting on investment grants accessing, included in Government Emergency Ordinance no. 130 / 31.07.2020, and about the National Program for digitization of micro, small and medium enterprises, financed within the POCU 2014-2020.
The main topics will be:
– Financing conditions and latest amendments to Measure 3 of GEO 130 – grant of up to 200.000 euro for investments in expansion, modernization or diversification
– Financing conditions on the grant of up to 100.000 euro with 90% financing for investments in the digitization of SMEs
– Liviu ROGOJINARU – Secretary of State, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment
– ADR representative
– Irina ZUGRAVU – Managing Partner, VAPRO Romania
For more information about the event, click here.