European funds for the processing of agricultural products
October 27, 2015
In an article published in the October edition of the Brutarul magazine, our colleague Florentina Nae presents how you can obtain financing for a unit of processing agricultural products through NRDP (PNDR), which are the eligible companies, what are the conditions that need to be accomplished to get a higher score for such projects and more.
European funds for the processing of agricultural products are available through the National Rural Development Programme, sub-measure 4.2 “Support for investments in the processing / marketing of agricultural products”, launched by AFIR on 8th July this year.
Grant amount: up to 2,500,000 euro.
Percentage of financing: up to 50%.
The applicant must fall under the enterprises category (micro, small and medium enterprises under Law 346/2004, as well as large enterprises) and cooperatives / producer groups and has to ensure the co-financing of the investment. The proposed project must process the raw material that is part of Annex I of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and the product obtained has to be also a product included in Annex I.
The projects can be submitted until 30th October 2015 and the evaluation of the projects will be done monthly for projects that have an estimated score (self-evaluation / pre-scoring) greater than or equal to the quality monthly threshold required by AFIR.
For more information please read the article here.