Human resources and social
Considering the disparities in work productivity and efficiency but also the discrepancies in the living standards of people from different regions of Romania and the EU average, the investments in human resources and social field remain a high priority for 2014-2020 programming period.
Funding in the field of human resources is ensured through two types of programs:
1. Human Capital Operational Programe 2014-2020 (HCOP) sets out the investment priorities, goals and actions undertaken by Romania in the human resources field, continuing the investments made through the European Social Fund in 2007-2013 period and contributing to the overall objective of the 2014-2020 Partnership Agreement, to reduce the economic and social disparities between the economic and social development of Romania and the other European Union Member States.
HCOP 2014-2020 continues the investments of SOPHRD 2007-2013 and has a total financial allocation of almost 5,059 bln. euro (4,326 bln. euro EU allocation and 0,732 bln. euro national co-financing) being split in 7 Priority Axis, out of which private entities can apply in at least 4.
2. Administrative Capacity Operational Programme 2014-2020 (ACOP) uses the results of the similar financing program implemented in 2007-2013 and will continue the interventions in public systems, structures and competencies in order to improve decision making, human resource management, public services management efficiency and transparency, integrity and ethics in public administration and in the judiciary system of Romania.
With a total allocation of over 500 mill. euro, ACOP addresses to public authorities but also to NGOs, through its 3 Priority Axis.
The main financing opportunity through which the private sector can access non-reimbursable founds for investments in developing human resources and social field is represented by the Human Capital Operational Programme (HCOP).
⇒ According to your needs, we grouped the financing opportunities within HCOP for private companies under the following areas (click on the category you are interested in): |
- Investments in youngsters
- Training/coaching for employees/companies
- Internship
- Support for unemployed people
- Investments in persons from rural area
- Investments in “Roma” minority
⇒ For NGOs, in addition to the funding from HCOP (described above), there is also the possibility of accessing grants within ACOP : |
For detailed information regarding: eligibility of your project idea, eligible target group, calendar of the calls, preparing the financing application, project management, team training and more other opportunities please contact us or send the contact form.