Support for unemployed people
Interested private organizations have the possibility of accessing grants to provide various forms of support and encouragement, in order to reduce the number of unemployed people.
Investment type | Financing instrument | Project submission period |
Support for employment | HCOP – SO 3.1 Increase the employment level for unemployed and inactive persons, focusing on long-term unemployed, older workers (55-64 years), people with disabilities, people with a low educational level. | Estimated launch: February 2018 |
Training | HCOP – SO 3.4 Improvement of skills (inclusively the evaluation and certification of skills acquired in non – formal and informal system) of unemployed and inactive people, with a focus on long-term unemployed people, older workers (55-64 years), people with disabilities, people with low educational level. | Estimated launch: February 2018 |
⇒ In the following sections we present information for each type of the above mentioned investments which can help you in drafting a project idea. ⇒ For detailed information regarding: eligibility of your project idea, eligible target group, calendar of the calls, preparing the financing application, project management, team training and more other opportunities please contact us or send the contact form. |
Support for employment |
Financing opportunity: 1st possibility – HCOP – SO 3.1 Increase the employment level for unemployed and inactive persons, focusing on long-term unemployed, older workers ( 55 – 64 years), people with disabilities, people with a low educational level.
Eligible applicants:
- Training providers;
- Employment /evaluation and skills certification services providers;
- Trade unions;
- Employers;
- NGOs / Youth organizations in partnership with employers;
- Employers;
- Ministry of Labor / PES – public employment service (including units with legal personality subordinated to it) in partnership with relevant entities (employers, training providers, employment /evaluation and skills certification services providers, trade unions, employers, chambers of commerce, etc).
Target group:
- Unemployed and inactive people, with focus on long-term unemployed people, older workers (55-64 years), people with disabilities, people with low educational level.
Eligible activities/expenditure:
- Active employment measures which consist of customized services of: information, counseling and guidance, assistance in finding a work place / job placement etc. according with the basic skills of the persons concerned to stimulate employment, especially to benefit of long-term employment opportunities;
- Participation to apprenticeship and internship programs by providing financial support to employers (eg. financial incentives, supporting apprenticeship coordinators / mentors involved in this process, providing learning materials used in the workplace learning, etc.) to organize such schemes;
- Employers stimulation (eg. by providing financial incentives) to create new work places;
- Support in finding a work place / job placement etc ;
- Supporting people who find a work place in another area / region to adapt to their new environment, including mobility bonuses (installation and framing).
Training |
Financing opportunity: 1st possibility – HCOP – SO 3.4 Skills improvement, including through the evaluation and certification of skills acquired in non – formal and informal system of unemployed and inactive people, with a focus on long-term unemployed people, older workers (55-64 years), people with disabilities, people with low educational level.
Eligible applicants:
- Training providers;
- Employment / evaluation and skills certification services providers;
- Trade unions;
- Employers;
- NGOs / Youth organizations in partnership with employers;
- Employers;
- Ministry of Labor / PES – public employment service (including its units with legal personality) in partnership with relevant entities (employers, training providers, employment /evaluation and skills certification services providers, trade unions, patronages, chambers of commerce, etc).
Target group:
- Unemployed and inactive persons, with a focus on long-term unemployed, older workers (55-64 years), people with disabilities, people with low education level;
Eligible activities/expenditure:
- Participation to specific training programs;
- Evaluation and certification of competencies acquired in informal and non – formal context, in order to increase employment opportunities.