Financing for development of preschool education
July 23, 2018
AMPOCU launched under public consultation the Specific Guidelines for the financing line – “Developing preschool education services”.
The call is dedicated to increase the participation in preschool education, especially of disadvantaged children, through measures such as:
- Establishment / operation / support of preschools / groups of education and care of preschool children in existing kindergartens;
- Supporting participation in preschool education: awareness campaigns, parents’ information and counseling services, parent education, financial support;
- Ensuring qualified human resources: mobility of teaching staff, mentoring;
- Development and use of new learning services and materials;
- Promoting of good practices;
Who can apply?
- Accredited, public and private educational institutions (ISCED 0) from the national school network;
- NGOs;
- Public and private providers of guidance, counseling, school mediation and alternative service;
- PLA with attributions in the field of pre-university education;
- Social partners from pre-university education (eg trade unions);
- Institutions / government agencies with attributions in the field of social inclusion;
- Ministry of National Education and other subordinated structures with attributions in the education field;
How long does it take to implement a project?
- Max. 24 months.
Which is the call allocation?
- 164.000.000 euro, of which 18.520.892 euro for the Bucharest-Ilfov region
What is the maximum value of the project?
- 539.812,19 euro, for less developed regions,
- 700.266,94 euro for Bucharest Ilfov region.
With a non-reimbursable funding percentage of:
- 100% for NGOs;
- 95% for private beneficiaries;
- 98% / 85% of public institutions;
What is the target group?
- Ante-preschool (0-2 years old)
- Parents / guardians / person who take care of the child with parents working abroad
- Teacher staff from EICP (Education and Care of Preschool Children).
Minimum target group: 5 preschool groups (50 children)
For more information click here.