Financing for improvements of Internet access infrastructure
January 23, 2019
The call for Action 2.1.1. – Improvement of broadband
infrastructure and Internet access is expected to relaunch in
the next period after an updated Applicant’s Guide has been submitted to public
A project is eligible for
financial support if it leads to:
- Building infrastructure for broadband Internet in white NGA areas with a wide spread of communication nodes and the data transmission component (backbone and blackhaul) as close as possible to the end user and with appropriate levels of symmetry and interactivity, to ensure better transmission of information in both directions.
Eligible applicants:
- Small businesses
- Medium Enterprises
- Large Enterprises
who, at the date of
filing the application for funding, have been notified to ANCOM as electronic
communications providers for at least 3 years and who have not interrupted
electronic communications networks or services provision in the past 3 years
nor had suspended this right.
Eligible expenditures:
- Expenses for creating local loops at a fixed location (eg: purchase of equipment, software, local loop building, etc.);
- Expenses for creating the distribution network and creating local loops (eg: infrastructure works, equipment, software);
- Other types of expenses (eg: technical assistance, special works, measuring equipment, etc.).
Total eligible value
of a project – is calculated as the product of number of households in a
county to have access to broadband as a result of project implementation and
the average eligible value for a household that can be up to 540 euro
(equivalent to ROL).
Financing percentage:
- Small businesses – 90% of eligible value, but not more than 4.6 million euro;
- Medium Enterprises – 70% of eligible value, but not more than 3.6 million euro;
- Large Enterprises – 50% of eligible value but not more than 2.5 million euro.
Project duration: maximum 36 months, not later than 31st December
For more information, click here.