Financing for training providers – training for managers and HR staff from SMEs
August 18, 2017
The Ministry of European Funds will launch on 28th August 2017 a financing line through which can be settled investments with training for managers and HR staff from SMEs. The call will be opened for a month.
The call is dedicated to the improvement of the management activity of human resources through: training, coaching, seminars, workshops, conferences, lectures, long-term strategic planning etc.
How long does the project implementation last?
- maximum 12 months, estimative January – December 2018
Which is the maximum grant for a project?
- 1.000.000 euro, from which the non-reimbursable financing is 100% for NGOs, 95% for private beneficiaries and 98%/85% for public institutions.
Who can apply for funding?
- Accredited training providers (by ANC);
- Chamber of Commerce;
- Unions; Employers;
- Business associations;
Which are the employees that can be included into the project (target group)?
- Employees who have management/leadership role;
- Employees from human resources departments;
- Entrepreneurs who manage their own businesses.
Minimum target group: 300 persons;
The target group must come from companies (SMEs) which activates in one of the economically competitive sectors identified according to the SNC: tourism/ ecotourism, textiles/ leather, wood/ furniture, auto and components, IT and communications, beverage/ food processing, energy/ environment, health/ pharmaceutical, bioeconomics/ biopharmaceuticals/ biotechnologies. (see the CAEN codes list – Annex 5 from the link below)
For more information click here.