Grants for agriturism units – PNDR 2014-2020
July 30, 2015
Our colleague, Florentina, explains to you how you can get non-reimbursable EU funds for agri-turism units through PNDR, what an agri-turism unit means, which are the conditions that you must meet and what are the steps needed to be made while developing such a project, in an article published today on Wall Street.
European funds for agri-turism units are available through the National Rural Development Programme, submeasure 6.4 “Support for investments in creating and developing non-agricultural activities”, launched on 14th of July this year.
Grant awarded: up to 200.000 euro
Financing rate: 90% of eligible expenses
The applicant must fall into the category of micro or small enterprise, to conduct a business related to investments in rural areas, with registered office and registered places of business in rural areas and to be able to assure the co-financing of the investment.
Projects can be submitted until 30th of October 2015 and the evaluation of the projects will be done on a monthly basis, for projects that have an estimated score (self-evaluation / pre-scoring) greater than or equal to the monthly quality threshold required by AFIR.
For more information please visit the article published on the Wall Street: