Grants for companies for hiring young graduates – POCU 2014-2020
June 26, 2015
We inform you that AMPOCU published for consultation the first guides for the 2014-2020 programming period. The first call for proposals has an allocation of 55 million euro, aims Axes 1 and 2 and is estimated to be launched starting with July 2015.
Eligible beneficiaries are large companies and SMEs, that can apply in partnership with authorized training or career guidance and counseling services providers, for accessing minimis or state aid type of non-refundable grants. The projects target unemployed young graduates (NEET) aged 16-24 years.
Minimis projects have a value between 50.000 and 200.000 euro, and the percentage of the grant is 100%. The eligible activities that address youth are :
- career counseling actions (100 euro / person)
- training (400 euro/ person)
- apprenticeship (250 euro / person / month during apprenticeship)
- internships for graduates of higher education (300 euro / person / internship period)
- employment on new created work places (euro 200 grant / person / month * 12 months).
State aid projects have a value between 50.000 and 500.000 euro and funding can reach up to 70% for SMEs or 60% for large companies. The eligible activities that address youth are :
- grants for the employment of the target group members (euro 200 grant / person / month * 12 months)
- training activities (euro 400 / person).
We invite you to transform your ideas into successful projects!