Grants for organizations that support childrens with parents working abroad
May 7, 2020
Until June 25th, 2020, projects can be submitted within the financing line for a pilot program to stimulate participation in education for children with parents working abroad.
Who can apply?
- NGOs;
- Public and private providers of guidance, counseling, school mediation and alternative services;
- Public and private educational institutions (ISCED 0 – 3) accredited, from the national school network;
- Social partners from pre-university education (eg trade unions);
- Religious institutions and associations;
- Government institutions / agencies with attributions in the social inclusion field;
- Local public administrations with attributions in the field of pre-university education.
What are the eligible activities?
1. Integrated package of services for preschoolers and students (age between 3-16 years) consisting of:
- Educational support services (School-after-school programs, additional and / or complementary educational support, communication and language skills, development activities, social skills related to learning, etc.).
- Psycho-social support services – activities for developing emotional and social interpersonal skills, independent life skills for childrens, social counseling, facilitating children’s communication with abroad parents, emotional / psychological support, vocational counseling, etc.
- Recreational and social activities – creative workshops, development of manual and musical skills, sports activities, visits, trips, hikes, camps, etc.
2. Support for children who participate in activities from point 1 and who are enrolled in a form of education (kindergarten / school) by providing food, supplies and educational materials, providing equipment and materials for recreational / sports activities, or other forms of support.
3. Providing parental education and social counseling services for children’s representatives, such as: support for understanding children’s needs, parental skills development, support in obtaining social benefits, support in carrying out the legal procedure for parental authority delegation, communication with parents left abroad.
4. Development of partnerships and consultative structures between schools, local authorities, local institutions, NGOs and community to contribute to a better identification, protection and monitoring of children in this situation.
5. Campaign to inform and raise awareness for parents, tutors, specialists, children and the general public regarding parent’s obligation to temporarily delegate the parental authority when leaving the country.
Who can be in the target group?
- Preschoolers (children 3-5 years);
- Students from primary (6 – 10 years), secondary (11-14 years) and upper secondary (14-16 years);
- Parents / guardians / person taking care of the child whose parents work abroad.
Preschoolers and students are eligible for the target group, if at the time of entry into the project, at least one of the parents can prove that he has left the country for at least 6 months.
Target group size:
- For small projects: minimum 30 students and preschoolers;
- For large projects: minimum 90 students and preschoolers.
Maximum eligible value:
- for a small project 300,000 euros;
- for a large project 1,000,000 euros.
Percentage of non-reimbursable financing:
- 100% for NGOs;
- 95% for private beneficiaries;
- 98% / 85% public institutions.
Area of implementation:
All the less developed regions of Romania are eligible, the Bucharest-Ilfov region is exempted from financing.
Project’s maximum implementation period is 36 months.