Grants up to 3,5 million euro for SMEs and clusters in IT
November 14, 2018
The Ministry of European Funds – MACOP announces the launch of Action 2.2.1 “Supporting ICT sector’s added value growth and innovation through clusters development”.
Submission period begins December 17th, 2018 and ends February 14th, 2019.
A project is eligible for financial support if it leads to:
- ICT products / services development applicable in the rest of Romanian economy; vertical integration of ICT solutions;
- Achieving innovative strategic projects that impact on the entire national or international ICT industry development.
Eligible applicants:
- SMEs (micro/small/medium-sized enterprises) operating in Romania, focused on ICT or ICT-focused cluster members;
- Partnerships between SMEs operating in Romania and ICT-focused cluster members.
The support will target the development of innovative ICT products/ services/ applications through:
a) Investments in tangible and intangible assets within an initial investment;
b) Investments in industrial research and experimental development;
c) Investments in projects for innovation of SMEs;
d) Investments in projects regarding process and organizational innovation;
e) Minimis aid: market research expenditure, information and publicity, consultancy, notice, authorizations, training, audit, management, subscriptions, etc.
The grant is: between 500.000 euro and 3.500.000 euro.
Financing percentage:
- For activities from points a) to d): between 20% and 80% of total eligible costs, differentiated according to project activities, size of the company and region where it is being implemented.
- For minimis aid – point e): 100%, maximum 200.000 euro and no more than 20% of the project’s total eligible costs.
Project duration: maximum 36 months.
Find more details here.