Internship projects with funding up to 100%
February 26, 2019
The call for Students’ internship is expected to be launched in the next period after the Applicant’s guide has already been submitted to public consultation by AMPOCU.
The call aims to increase participation rate of high-school students from secondary and tertiary non-university education (qualification levels 3, 4 and 5) to workplace learning programs, through measures such as:
- Developing partnerships / conventions between organizers (educational units) and internship partners;
- Organizing and conducting workplace learning programs (internship / traineeship, practical training, technology lab, etc.);
- Organizing professional competitions, competitions on jobs, competitions and fairs for exercise firms;
- Providing counseling and professional guidance services for high-school students;
- Creating a coordinated information system between the private sector and the network of educational units;
- Creating innovative solutions to facilitate practice, innovative counseling tools, guidance, competence assessment;
- Conducting Internships in EU Member States.
Who can apply?
- Ministry of Education and relevant structures / agencies / subordinated / coordinated by it;
- Employers (as practice partners);
- Professional Associations;
- Chambers of commerce and industry;
- NGOs;
- Public and private providers of professional guidance and counseling;
- Trade union organizations and employers’ organizations.
For project proposals aiming activities of learning at work, eligible applicants and partners are:
- County School Inspectorates (as structures under MEN);
- Professional Associations;
- Employers as internship partners;
- NGOs as internship partners.
Other informations:
Grant application must be submitted in partnership.
Transnational partnership is eligible.
What is the call allocation?
- 30.552.000 euro
What is project’s maximum value?
- Maximum 500.000 euro, of which non-reimbursable financing percentage is between 85-100% depending on applicant type. Maximum project value cannot exceed the result of following formula: 1.500 euro x number of target group participants.
How long does it take to implement a project?
- Minimum 9 months, maximum 24 months.
Who can be a part of the target group?
- Students (ISCED 2 – 3, qualification level 3 – 4);
- Students (ISCED 4, qualification level 5, enrolled in post-secondary schools / masters organized at educational units level).
For more information click here.