Launch of Action Call 2.2.1. postponed to 14th January 2019
December 13, 2018
The Ministry of European Funds – MACOP announces the launch of Action 2.2.1 “Supporting ICT sector’s added value growth and innovation through clusters development”.
Submission period begins on January 14th, 2019 at 09:00 and ends on March 11th, 2019 at 17:00.
A project is eligible for financial support if it leads to:
- ICT products / services development applicable in the rest of Romanian economy; vertical integration of ICT solutions;
- Achieving innovative strategic projects that impact on the entire national or international ICT industry development.
Eligible applicants:
- SMEs (micro/small/medium-sized enterprises) operating in Romania, focused on ICT or ICT-focused cluster members;
- Partnerships between SMEs operating in Romania and ICT-focused cluster members.
The support will target the development of innovative ICT products/ services/ applications through:
a. Investments in tangible and intangible assets within an initial investment;
b. Investments in industrial research and experimental development;
c. Investments in projects for innovation of SMEs;
d. Investments in projects regarding process and organizational innovation;
e. Minimis aid: market research expenditure, information and publicity, consultancy, notice, authorizations, training, audit, management, subscriptions, etc.
The grant is: between 500.000 euro and 3.500.000 euro.
Financing percentage:
- For activities from points a. to d.: between 20% and 80% of total eligible costs, differentiated according to project activities, size of the company and region where it is being implemented.
- For minimis aid – point e.: 100%, maximum 200.000 euro and no more than 20% of the project’s total eligible costs.
Project duration: maximum 36 months.
We will return with updated information as soon as the AMPOC’s proposed modifications announced on December 11th, 2018 will be included in the final form of the Applicant’s Guide to POC 2.2.1.