New financing opportunity for SMEs: 55.000 euro with 90% grant

January 8, 2016

The government launched a consultative version of the implementation procedure for the minimis aid scheme included in the Micro-industrialization multi-annual national program for SMEs.

The budget allocated for the minimis aid scheme for 2016 fiscal year is 60.890.000 lei (for a minimum estimated number of 244 beneficiaries).

The grant value can be up to 90% of the eligible costs of the project but no more than 250.000 lei / beneficiary (approximately 55.000 euro).

Eligible beneficiaries are SMEs active in the production and processing industries (full list of CAEN codes is available into the project procedure).

Eligible expenditures: purchasing of equipment, machinery, measurement equipment, fiscal electronic devices, patents, brands, e-commerce software, computers, development of a website, work / production spaces, entrepreneurship training, consultancy etc.

For further information you can access here the draft version of the implementation procedure.

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