Norwegian funds for renewable energy
July 26, 2021
Innovation Norway, as Fund Operator, launched a new call under the “Energy Program in Romania”- Other Renewable Energy Sources (RES). The program funds initiatives to increase installed capacity for production of energy /electricity with RES and increased number of new installations for production of renewable energy /electricity from RES.
Call budget = aprox. 4,6 mil. euro
Value of grant between 200.000 euro and max. 2.000.000 euro with non-reimbursable aid can vary from 10% up to 90% of the total eligible project value.
Eligible applicants and partners:
- Eligible applicants: any entity, private or public, commercial or non-commercial, and non-governmental organizations, established as legal person in Romania for at least 3 years at the date of the deadline of the call.
- Eligible partners: Partnerships are not mandatory, but projects with partners from donor states (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and /or Romania are strongly encouraged.
Eligible activities:
- projects that utilize bio‐based substrates for production of electricity and heating /cooling in local communities;
- development and investment in private industrial facilities for waste to energy projects;
- solar or wind energy: new small‐scale projects (up to 1.000 kW installed capacity) and production of electricity for the applicant’s consumption;
- training of staff on use and maintenance of the equipment, provided by the supplier of the equipment, as an integrated part of an investment project.
Eligible expenditure:
- Salaries of the staff involved;
- Transportation, accommodation, daily allowance;
- Equipment – full cost or depreciation during project implementation;
- Consumables and raw materials;
- Contracts made in order to implement the project;
- Real estate and land – max. 10% of the eligible project value and the approval of the Authority;
- Indirect /administrative costs.
Deadlines for projects submission – 8 September, time 14.00 hour
For a more detailed description, click here.