Outplacement measures for workers from “firms in difficulty”
July 6, 2017
The Ministry of European Funds launched under public consultation the Applicant Guidelines – Specific Conditions financed through POCU: “Outplacement measures – adaption to change of dismissed/ fired workers” – SO 3.9.
Eligible applicants:
- Employers;
- Accredited providers of specialized services for employment stimulation;
- Authorized providers of professional training;
- Associations and foundations;
- Chambers of Commerce and Industry;
- Trade union / employers organizations;
Applicants must be established for more than 1 calendar year.
Projects can not be submitted in partnership!
Maximum project value: 500.000 euro, from which non-reimbursable financial assistance: 100% for NGOs; 95% for private beneficiaries.
Project duration: maximum 24 months.
Target group:
- Workers with individual labor contract from “enterprises in difficulty” who will be dismissed / fired collectively or individually, with their domicile / residence in the development region where the project will be implemented (Bucharest-Ilfov region is exempted from funding);
Minimum target group: 200 persons;
Eligible activities:
- Identifying / contacting companies in difficulty who intend to dismiss / fire employees, individually or collectively;
- Active employment measures including outplacement (information and counselling services / work mediation);
- Support for employment (flexible forms of employment, innovative organizational models of work etc.);
- Promotion campaigns of various flexible forms of employment;
- Information and legal advice for the establishment of a company or Authorized person;
The Guidelines are under public consultation until 17.07.2017, and can be downloaded from here.